I drank half the bottle of this delicious elixer and I’m queer, if I finish it will it turn me straight?
Is it only for straights?
panic intesifies
What will I tell my boyfriend?
For those that struggle to see the gold text on the red background (like my colorblind ass) the words “Straight Tea” are printed on the label of the half drank bottle. Roughly kn the middle.
it’s fine, just eat a golden gaytime
a) why is the ice cream a trans flag
b) i love that the ice cream is a trans flag
I cannot believe these are real, and now so desperately want one.
good luck getting to austrailia
it’s ok i have a shovel imma start digging tonight
It blows my mind that humanity has apparently forgotten how to ship ice cream. I can get Cheezels and Shapes and Vegemite, but Australia doesn’t give out its Golden Gaytimes.
somewhere jk rowling is trying to figure out how to retcon butterbeer to straight tea
I’m sorry to say it’s significantly worse than that: You are already becoming English 😔
Might as well finish the bottle so you won’t be conscious enough to recognize what has happened to you.
You are lucky you only did half of it in one sitting.
Never the less. . .
Roll a fortitude save DC 16.
I get advantage right?
can i use my help action to kiss them homosexual style DM?
In Japan it’s way harder to find tea with sugar in it than unsweetened. For some reason, this company (Kirin) decided to market their sweetened tea by putting “straight tea” on the label.
Just use a bent straw.
I’m so happy that you have been cured of your gayness! Ima need the name of the manufacturer so I can order in bulk for my conversion therapy camp.
Good news!
The gay thoughts are back!
Make America Gay Again
We should put that on some dolphin shorts
You’re bi now I guess.
If you drink the other half standing on your head it’ll counter the first half of the bottle.
Can you still bend your knees?
where does this come from? i’ve seen this multiple times now
There is a meme along the lines of “I drank █████ and now I can’t bend my knees” but I can’t find one
Maths can clearly help you here. Set theory in particular. You see, the queerness set Q is very wide, while the straightness set S is quite narrow. If the straight potion has any effect, you may experience a union of both sets. Fortunately the result is still strictly queer.
TLDR: S ∪ Q = Q
How would you determine that drinking tea doesn’t cause the intersection between the queer and the straight set?
After all, S ∪ Q = Q => S ∩ Q = S
Also, I would argue that your preposition S ∪ Q = Q is false because Q ∖ S = Q. And since we know that S ≠ ∅, Q and S must be disjoint sets or else Q ∖ S ≠ Q.
Unless Q and S are sets which cannot be formulated in ZFC, the union of Q and S cannot be Q.
ok but have you considered the bi
The English custom, afternoon tea, by the Duchess of enjoying, was introduced of bedford.
Where can I find this? I had a slice of rainbow cake the other day and I’m a little scared. Might be a good idea to keep the antidote ready.
Good news! There will be a chubby emu video dedicated to your life choices!
It depends on whether you were wearing the hat correctly as shown on the label.