I drank half the bottle of this delicious elixer and I’m queer, if I finish it will it turn me straight?
Is it only for straights?
panic intesifies
What will I tell my boyfriend?
For those that struggle to see the gold text on the red background (like my colorblind ass) the words “Straight Tea” are printed on the label of the half drank bottle. Roughly kn the middle.
How would you determine that drinking tea doesn’t cause the intersection between the queer and the straight set?
After all, S ∪ Q = Q => S ∩ Q = S
Also, I would argue that your preposition S ∪ Q = Q is false because Q ∖ S = Q. And since we know that S ≠ ∅, Q and S must be disjoint sets or else Q ∖ S ≠ Q.
Unless Q and S are sets which cannot be formulated in ZFC, the union of Q and S cannot be Q.
ok but have you considered the bi