second this, is the best, only way I use discord.
trans girl who loves girls, banjo, linux, nerd shit, and my dog <3 but i despise capitalism, bigots, and bad vibes.
please dm me on matrix (im desperate for attention) or dont, im not your mom.
second this, is the best, only way I use discord.
it’s always such a tease when somebody won’t let me finish…
gnome user getting confused by customization, seems about right lol.
every time your name pops up in my inbox i know its going to be such a treat, and you never fail to deliver! i love your style, i love your long winded posts, i love how you drop into whatever you want, because you feel like it, and i love how much effort you put into what you do, it shows how much you care <3
yeah these arent my first choice of cat ears either, i have some nice simple ones a friend gave me, so that makes them very special to me, and maybe thats why i like them so much, they are just red ones with little sequins on them, but they look cute and remind me of her, so thats all i could ask for, well that and they are pretty light, and i have always had a hard time getting used to things on my head.
but anyways, i just want you to know that your very cute, and you add so much to my life by just being yourself, so please never change, except for in good ways that you want to, please change like that, but also like, dont change in the ways that would make you feel less happy, at least i assume you are happy when you do these things, because it makes me happy <3
and if you want to play games then i would love to, just dm me on matrix or something :3
i dont know where your at but if your in a densely populate area you can try what i did for a while when i was homeless. i would go to different restaurants and ask for a owner/manager, then ask them if they had any food they were throwing out, or if they had any work i could do like dishes or sweeping up, often times they would just give me something to eat. (they may even offer you a job) the worst they can say is no. the densely populate part is only so you can go to different places and not run out any time soon. there is no shame in simply asking somebody for help, your only asking for food, something that everybody deserves, some may not see it that way, but you need to prioritize your health over their feelings.
I don’t get how everybody is coming in here saying it breaks the rules and belongs in support, this is not a support question, it’s simply asking if others users have the same experience, or to share their own, that by definition is not support, it’s feedback.
I have noticed a distinct lack of she ra memes, and given I named myself Adora, I always found this disappointing, maybe I should be the change I want to see in this world.
more computers, more cute girls, what’s not to love?
you can start by asking me out sometime <3
when doesn’t she smell good?
sorry the only terrorist organizations i work for are the cool ones
also ewwww discord