according to the wiki, nd stevenson and vella lovell (mermistas voice actor) have expressed support of mermista being bi
trans girl who loves girls, banjo, linux, nerd shit, and my dog <3 but i despise capitalism, bigots, and bad vibes.
please dm me on matrix (im desperate for attention) or dont, im not your mom.
according to the wiki, nd stevenson and vella lovell (mermistas voice actor) have expressed support of mermista being bi
you found the fatal flaw in my logic…
watching it so fast i had no time to see any spoilers
well we have the bondage part already, i could have sworn there were some more parts to that acronym tho…
only one way to find out i suppose :3
first of all i would just like to say that everybody is welcome here, as long as they act respectfully.
second, anybody who tried to define another persons queer experience and tell them they have to be a part of some orientation is not welcome here. only you get to define what you are,
as for me, i consider myself a lesbian, although i suppose there is the possibility i could find myself attracted to a man, and enbys are normally an option for me. i say this because when i think about all the men i have ever met,and i dont want to be in a relationship with a single one of them, the only men i can think of that i would want to be with romantically are fictional, in theory im attracted to men, but i have never had it proven to me in the wild.
where as on the other hand, i cant get enough of women. i think about them constantly, they give me all the wonderful weird feelings, and even if i dont personally think i would be a good fit with some, i can totally see why some people would fall for them. however thats rare because i crush on so many girls. basically the total opposite of how i view men romantically.
idk why everybody is getting salty that the meme is censored, like it’s not like op personally made it, a censored meme is better than no meme, and if you think you can do better do it instead of complaining, be the change you wanna see.
that in no way disqualifies you from being cute :3
I’m going to have to take you to court unfortunately, if you keep up this slander and defamation, I simply won’t stand for such lies!
she def blushes when looking at she ra a few times