Just know that whatever you come up with will not be crazier that reality, so go nuts.
Julie d’Aubigny was a crossdressing, bisexual singer who regularly fought illegal duals. She also burned down a convent, to get her girlfriend out.Just bought the book based on her life, Mademoiselle de Maupin by Theopile Gautier thanks to your comment. Apparently it was banned in New York on account of being too gay.
holy moly, she could fix me
A closeted cop is forced to apprehend a queer person who did nothing wrong but the other cops want to put them in jail for just being queer, and after seeing themselves in the innocent, they try to stand up for the person, only to have the other cops turn on them and accuse them of being queer as well, resulting in the closeted cop finally seeing that the other cops will throw them in jail in a heartbeat if they find out who they really are, even after all this time saving each other’s lives, so they decide to help other queers and abandons the police
I like this because it gives me the chance to have seemingly benign things introduced in the beginning that can later be reexamined, thanks!
Public fucking as a protest. Massive stadium orgies. Brazilian carnaval “nobody belongs to nobody” but wherever else.
I know it sounds more like shitty erotica, but those would all be considered crimes in most countries. An almost literal “fighting oppression with love*” -
*love in the loosest sense possible
It would be a good visual for sure, and maybe a good climax (no pun intended)
Main character meets their love interest who is wanted as a fugitive, framed as a dangerous radical, and their crime is something like giving unhoused people food.
That’s good, especially with another commenter’s idea about being a cop
Kinda off-topic, but while Molly defied stereotypical gender roles back then, I dunno whether she was necessarily queer. Like, she might have been, but I don’t remember any pointers in the book.
I just picked the image because vibes and color lol. It’s been awhile since I’ve read Neuromancer, but I didn’t think of anything particularly queer about her
i think radical queerness is about liberation and radical love an acceptance. accepting that every person in their uniqueness and loving them the way they are. breaking free from the opressive social norms and expectations, that force people to hide who they are, experience bigotry and live in shame. and ultimately radical self love, to allow oneselve to love oneself the way one is and in that overcome the internalized bigotry.
a conclusion of this kind of queer love, is the building and protection of queer community, free of hierarchies and opression and full of love and empathy. building the society we want to live in and that we are willing to fight for.
or you write about something completely different. either way, id love to read the storry, once u finish it :3
will u be posting about it when you release it?
That’s all good stuff to keep in mind, thank you.
If I ever get it to a state I’d like others to see, I’ll definitely post it here!