It’s mostly a she’s-corrupt-and-shouldn’t-hold-any-public-office thing.
It’s mostly a she’s-corrupt-and-shouldn’t-hold-any-public-office thing.
Also, the new owners run payday loan schemes.
That’s bullshit, I’m good friends with several ex-partners. Might not work for some people, but definitely not a general rule.
Depends on your process. Are you using the Google (Search) App? I don’t think you can turn that off in there. I’d take a look at using a different Browser. If you’re on iOS, Safari is probably fine, if you’re on Android, I’d think about using Firefox (Google Play), or if you’re feeling daring, Fennec, a more privacy focused version of Firefox (F-droid).
The UX will be different, and you gotta decide whether you’re fine with that, but at least those won’t change the links you’re trying to share.
Why use a Google link shortener with tracking, instead of linking to the Hollywood reporters site directly.
Or, more to the point, why use a Google app that replaces links you want to share with redirects?
The last time I ate McDonald’s, I arrived in Pasewalk, a tiny town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, on a much delayed train at 2 in the morning. They where the only place that was open, and I hadn’t eaten since noon.
That burger was kinda OK, but it might have been the circumstance. They stopped selling vegan burgers anyway, so whatever.
Any video surveillance not controlled by you and you only seems like a bad idea. iRobots products have had privacy problems for years, regardless of whether they’re owned by Amazon or not (which they aren’t, merger got cancelled). Alexa does cost them money, but I wouldn’t use any non-FOSS non-self-hosted smart home system for privacy and security reasons.
Yeah, always preferred those to stadium shows. I live quite a distance away now, but still make a point of going to as many tiny shows as I can.
Also, after looking it up, they’re from a neighbouring town and came over for the show.
Because it’s not using https. While https is certainly preferable, as long as you’re just reading info of a website (not making an account, entering data) http is pretty much fine.
Modern Browsers just don’t like it (which is also understandable, because most users probably don’t care about the nuances of when it is or isn’t a problem).
They’re originally from my home town. Saw them play free concerts for tens of people before they blew up. Good old days.
Always felt the corkscrew was one of the more useful ones. Did you never forget bringing a proper corkscrew to a picnic?
Someone who pretends to be cute and wants to talk about finance? Pretty sure they’re gonna try to get you to ‘invest’ in their totally legit trading platform.
I dunno how I feel about the whole membership thing, but some of the stuff does look neat.
My first thought as well.
There’s also qobuz. They have a streaming service, but you can also straight up buy a lot of albums and download them drm free.
I mean, there’s a lot of very impressive manual labour in that watch. Not 900k of it, but still, if you wanna charge prices like that, you probably need some kinda storied history, or innovation, or whatever else you can gesture at justifying your outrageous pricing.
Also needs some stir, maybe find someone more or less famous willing to wear your product, would be best if they also made a scene while wearing it.
I don’t think anyone who can install a Rom, or is willing to read a bit of documentation, should buy this.
If your choice is this, or buying some stock Android Phone and using it as is, this might be OK, but you’re not getting anything special.
My last phone had 12, my current one has 8. Fine for multitasking. I really dunno what I’d want an LLM on my phone for.
In German, they’re Glühwürmchen (“glow worms”).