Just know that whatever you come up with will not be crazier that reality, so go nuts. Julie d’Aubigny
was a crossdressing, bisexual singer who regularly fought illegal duals. She also burned down a convent, to get her girlfriend out.
Just bought the book based on her life, Mademoiselle de Maupin by Theopile Gautier thanks to your comment. Apparently it was banned in New York on account of being too gay.
Just know that whatever you come up with will not be crazier that reality, so go nuts.
Julie d’Aubigny was a crossdressing, bisexual singer who regularly fought illegal duals. She also burned down a convent, to get her girlfriend out.
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Just bought the book based on her life, Mademoiselle de Maupin by Theopile Gautier thanks to your comment. Apparently it was banned in New York on account of being too gay.
holy moly, she could fix me