Then do us all a favour and remove yourself, if you’re going to go full nihilist and hopelessness. If all you are willing to do is be inactive and continue to consume then we’d rather not have you around doing nothing but contributing to the problem.
Join the rest of us and DO SOMETHING! Fight for something you want, do you remember that feeling? Have you ever known it or have you always been this pathetic? And if you truly believe that there is no hope then why not end it all by taking out some of these polluting fuckers with you?! Don’t get depressed, get radicalised!!!
You know what’s even more convenient?
Scammers from poorer countries just targeting the elderly and retired in richer countries. You know, like they currently do.
What’s with the fear mongering about a system that’s been shown to reduce corruption? Do you like corruption? Do you like people cheating the benefits system?