If they need the money it’s coercive and therefore not ethical. It’s basically the coconut island analogy.
If they need the money it’s coercive and therefore not ethical. It’s basically the coconut island analogy.
A myth persists that the initial batch of Iron Rings was made from the beams of the first Quebec Bridge, a bridge that collapsed during construction in 1907 due to poor planning and design by the overseeing engineers.
How can you do that to my, Wikipedia? I never believed in Santa, but I believed in the tragic origin of the ring.
They should really respect European time zones! Most of the time I only see the first half, even if I stay up late.
Just put it in lichess and see how hopeless it’s for white.
K7/2b5/1nk5/8/8/8/8/7b w - - 50 26
That just sounds like antibiotic research.
The gimp maskot should be able to paint things that last a short time or until he paints the next thing.
Examples: wall against projectiles, spikes on the ground, platform to jump on.
Also I want to see ferris from rust.
its a short but worthwhile read https://www.btboces.org/Downloads/7_There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury.pdf
The water pelted window panes, running down the charred west side where the house had been burned, evenly free of its white paint. The entire west face of the house was black, save for five places.
Here the silhouette in paint of a man mowing a lawn.
Here, as in a
photograph, a woman bent to pick flowers.
Still farther over, their images burned on wood in one
titanic instant, a small boy, hands flung into the air; higher up, the image of a thrown ball, and
opposite him a girl, hands raised to catch a ball which never came down.
The five spots of paint - the man, the woman, the children, the ball - remained. The rest was a thin charcoaled layer.
from Ray Bradbury: There Will Come Soft Rains
It can be crystals and photons.
How do you build actuators that react to light without electricity?
Wenn es nur eine Gruppe geben würde die aktiv daran arbeiten würden Russland militärisch zu schwächen. 🤔 Dann sollte man ihnen am besten alle Ausrüstung geben die sie brauchen und ihnen nicht bestimmte Systeme vorenthalten.
Add a giant eye and you have the zerg overmind.
They burn down the datacenter if they are not deleted in time.
Achtung! Auf die kann man sich keine sieben Jahren verlassen.
The new version of orbos is green, if you want to be the way it was, you need to get your atuning cristal and change it back after every update.
He actually had a brain worm, it’s dead now.
It’s unknown how it died, but I think it starved.
Ich wollte grade schreiben, dass ich weis wo das ist. Dann ist mir aufgefallen, dass im Kleingedruckten der Standort stehr, hier wird wirklich auf alles geachtet.
Schuldenbremse abschaffen und in großem Stil investieren.
Der Typ steht vor dem Bindestrich es gab nur keine Möglichkeit es auf Deutsch zu schreiben.
Before nix was used as the name of a dependency manager and linux distribution it was used to describe unix style operating systems.