• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Big deal, a chunk of radioactive stuff and a geiger counter also generates true randomness based on quantum mechanics. https://youtu.be/QzI6GFzH7ZA

    In cryptography the provability is the whole thing. It’s provably secure or it’s provably not secure. There is no gray area.

    Nobody holds themselves to that standard.
    As long as P=NP remains unsolved, they can’t.
    Even if we knew P!=NP, we don’t know if integer factorization is in P, but many suspect it’s not.

    For those more interested in real world concerns, look into the NSAs elliptic curves published by nist. Many people used that without knowing how it came to be.

  • I’m wondering if there’s a way [to] combine their computational power.

    Only if your problem can be be split up reasonably, otherwise you will spend more time waiting for data to move.
    Where it can work: video encoding, CI pipelines, data analysis
    Where it won’t work: interactive stuff, most single file operations

    I want to get into server hosting […]

    Then you don’t need another reason to do it.

    [If] I can connect them all to one display [or] make them all accessible in one place.

    You can either get a hardware switch or chose a primary computer and connect to the others. For that you can use remote desktop software or be a try hard and use ssh.

  • Because the rocket equation is brutal.
    A rocket is almost entirely fuel some structure and a minuscule amount of payload. If you want to save fuel for for relanding you need to take less payload or accept a lower orbit.

    If we look at Falcon 9, the payload to geostationary transfer orbit^* goes from 8,300 kg when expended, to 5,500 kg when landing on a barge or 3,500 kg when landing on the launch site.

    * meaning the payload needs an additional stage to enter geostationary orbit