Rip and tear. Rip and tear until it is done.
(I wouldn’t recommend this but I can’t stop doing it)
am I the only one whos facial hair started growing extremely slow after starting hrt?
Mine slowed, then laser did wonders. Then I hit my late 20s and it started coming in again because biology is a dick sometimes
yes :'(
mine’s going just as strong as before
I’m not trans but I can relate with this. I would live very happy without facial hair.
How do you wear your 80s style moustache without facial hair?
I don’t. That simple.
Same here. And it’s not just for to shaving. Why do I have hair on my shoulders, back, etc. I’d be happy if every single person was bald. Nobody can complain then, no judgement on hair choice, colour, etc. knowing us humans though, we would fine ways to make our skulls look different.
Tattoos or scarification comes to mind. Weird piercings. Or funny hats.
I made up my mind very early that if/when I get bald, I’ll just shave my head. Makes no sense to me to hold on to half dozen hairs on my head. But I wouldn’t like to see everyone bald. I like seeing how people use their hair to express themselves. When I see someone with their hair dyed a wild color my only concern is how bad it may be for the hair and if I’m crossing that narrow line between looking and staring. But the look? Really not my concern. Makes the world a more interesting place to exist.
i made up my mind as a teen that if i started going bald im rocking the costanza look like my grandpa did
Ah, a classic!
Are you sure? I mean typically dysphoria caused by facial hair is a sign. It absolutely was for me.
I just hate shaving.
I hate shaving too, as well as having a scratchy face with beard shadow 😔
I can relate with that.
In my country, there’s a good humoured way to describe the “beard” I have: half a dozen hairs, playing cards, and they still haven’t found the table. Spotty, thin, uneven, that just passes a sense of being unclean when it starts to grow. And the itching sensation… At least I don’t get that greenish tint on my skin when the hairs are close shaven. Those guys are really unlucky.
Believe them.
I’m not trans but I hate this as well 😭 my beard grows uneven so I can’t even leave it on if I wanted to
Meanwhile my hairline loses land faster than the netherlands would if they didn’t build dams
I’m lucky I don’t have the hair thinning problem. The beard sucks though, I always hated having a beard. It’s one of the first signs looking back that I wasn’t anywhere near as cis as I thought I was.
For me, if my beard just grew alright I’d keep it but it grows so uneven that its basically just impossible ;-;
It’s partially the itchiness, but also allergy season that keeps me from having a beard. Too hard to blow your nose with one unless you want to look like Abe Lincoln.
Edit: trout? Wtf autocorrect
Totally understandable! The faster growing / thicker part of my beard also tends to be a bit itchy if I let it grow for too long (sometimes I have hope it’ll finally look good ok) but not that bad that I would shave it because of that so for me its luckily not that huge of an issue.
Oh damn hitting close to home today
Dikes, not dams :) Though I guess we also have dams?
Anyway, fuck facial hair.
I’ve only lived here for a few months still learning, thanks for the correction I’m learning!
Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Welcome!
How are you finding it so far?
I hope you’ll have a good time living here :)Moved from just over the border (Belgium) so not a huuuuge change in life but liking it here! Actually signing tomorrow to buy an appartement so here to stay :p
The only thing I got a heart attack about was my health insurance costs being about 14x higher than Belgium but more net salary made up for it xD
Now this is relatable
My older brother told the excited me that was beginning to grow facial hair that it’s a curse cause you keep shaving and the next day it’s back. I basically agree now.
Some races are really cursed like persians, middleeasterns, indians, and some serbians. It’s crazy monkey shit. extensive hair growing in the middle of your neck every fucking day. Your knuckles and arms look like that of a wolf. I swear one day you’d slit your throat with the razor you’re shaving with because this shit wont stop. Or how about in the middle of your upper back, physically unreachable area of your body. And wtf is the pointing of that hair while I’m balding I need it on top of my head.
That’s a pretty terrible thing to say.
Its simple. Have an expert stick a probe into each follicle and zap it painfully with electricity. All it takes is a shit load of money, time, and pain!
Or you can spend $1200 on a home unit and spend a shit load of time and pain both learning a new skill and destroying your facial hair in the comfort of your own home! You won’t get discouraged by the magnitude of the project at all…
Hahahah oh no! :') good luck
My wife has been having this done and it has been successful so far. About 2 months in. Once a week. Noticeable difference especially with darker hairs around mouth.
It certainly works but it suuuucks. I wish my hair/skin contrast was such that laser would work.
Guessing that laser works better when the contrast is not so different?
You need light skin (optional but helpful) and dark hair (necessary) for laser to work properly since the laser heats up the pigment
I will say if they’re skilled you shouldn’t feel the insertions, they will tune the settings to your pain threshold, I often doze off while getting mine 😅
I am jealous of your pain tolerance. It is absolute agony on certain parts of my body, but at least just stings for others.
The insertions don’t hurt, yeah :) I certainly can’t doze off, its quite painful even with tattoo numbing cream. It has to be some minimum threshold to actually be effective so I just have to bear it.
I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle
I hate it too, facial hair sucks. I wish I could just get rid of it. Sadly it might be a while before I can get electrolysis.
Now my beard is going bald too, and I’m like “finally, useful baldness”. Good riddance.
That’s about the time when the ear and nose hair suddely start to grow like crazy.
Perhaps some people never actually lose their hair - rather, their hair just keeps migrating across their bodies. Roaming from land to foreign land, traveling into new territory with every season of life.
And why does scalp hair not? 😭
Removed by mod
Fuck off transphobic cunt. No one likes you.
Started using a facial hair removal cream, and holy shit what a difference it has made. My face is so much smoother now, and it stays smoother for way longer! Highly recommend for any femboys or transfems looking for a good facial hair solution.
For everyone asking, I use this! Not sponsored, I do not claim this is safe, but it’s worked well for me the last few times I’ve used it and I haven’t noticed any longterm issues. I apply it on heavy and let it sit for a little over 4 min, then I can just wipe away all the beard hair.
This is awesome, I will try this out. I always hated how shaving made my face scratchy and very close shaves often gave me cuts. This seems almost too good to be true, I guess I’ll know if it is or not when I get it.
ngl, it feels like a potion I’ve obtained from a witch or something. It’s so weird to just kinda…rub the hair off your face. I’m certainly under their spell, idk what could make me go back to razors for my face ever again.
Hilariously ineffective for my very coarse hair. 🤣 Don’t get me wrong, I really do appreciate the tip, and I’m happy it works for you. 💕 I do plan on giving it another go, but there was no noticeable impact on my facial hair after using it the first time.
I tried on about 1mm stubble. It felt like a cooling agent on my skin. I waited near 7 minutes (the max according to instructions), and while I could see bits of hair on the towel after wiping, there was no noticeable result on my face.
Edited my initial comment to include a picture
Would you mind sharing the name of the product you’re using? Thanks!!
Edited my initial comment to include a picture.
Thank you! That happens to be what I decided on trying! (I’m impatient so had already started researching :P)
Any recommendations for something full-body?
Nair works fine but it smells funky af and you definitely don’t want it on sensitive areas…
Have not found anything I like yet. I’ve just been sticking with waxing.
I got a nood flasher laser (light?) hair removal device for my wife a few months ago. It is safe to use on faces, but it does not work for all skin and hair colors.
Check it out, this gal’s posting noods!
I’m not sure if you’re actually asking, or expressing the emotions involved in meme form, and I don’t want to possibly make those emotions worse by bringing up the physiology of it without asking first. But, I do know a little about that specific subject, so I’m willing to type that out, if you’re interested.
Not what I’m asking, but share your knowledge friend! perhaps behind a spoiler as another catgirl suggested
Another catgirl did have a great idea :)
I’ll add that if someone wants to avoid mentions of the various chemicals of the body, probably best to not uncover the text
so, part of how hair gets turned from the delicate “peach fuzz” called vellus into a beard is testosterone. That’s pretty obvious, I guess, but it bears saying.
T, and DHT spike during puberty. This leads to us growing thicker hair across our bodies, even for those folks with ovaries and no testicles. The combination of DHT and T moves into the follicles, into the actual cells involved in growing hair.
Now, I’d have to go back and re-read a bunch of stuff to be accurate and detailed about the changes inside those cells, and it sound be jargon anyway. But the gist is that the way the keratin is produced, and the cells layer is increased, leading to a thicker and tougher hair. This change is to the cells themselves, the cells of the follicle that produce hair. This means that once those follicles are exposed to androgens, it becomes permanent, within a given range of permanence.
Even when you take anti-androgens, they can’t undo the changes already made. And, unfortunately, estrogen and other feminizing hormones don’t cause the kind of changes that could completely undo the effects of testosterone.
What the feminizing hormones can do is decrease the effects of those changes. The good thing is that those changes tend to be equally permanent, within a given range of permanence. The hair will be thinner, softer (as in less coarse) and may be able to get longer (largely genetics). Until and unless testosterone is returned to the system whatever changes do occur from HRT will remain, even if the HRT is discontinued.
Which means that it takes a combination of efforts to eliminate the thicker, coarser hairs produced under testosterone. You have to eliminate or suppress the T itself, while applying a feminizing agent, then use methodology to either further reduce the thickness from there (like repeated plucking/waxing as one example), or use a mostly permanent removal method line electrolysis.
!There’s always edge cases, though. Not everyone that goes through male puberty ends up with the same degree of hair changes. So there’s people that just anti-androgens will cause enough reduction in the effects that it would be comparable to someone that went through female puberty. For some people, they can have massive testosterone doses and never grow a beard at all, they get a slightly thicker version of the vellus hairs; genetics can be weird like that.!<
I think spoilertext could also be appropriate.