rat emoje (my keyboard doesn’t support emojes)
I don’t really understand what specific aspect of libertarianism this meme refers to, please explain
how long are you on hrt? it only started to grow slower like 3 months in
am I the only one whos facial hair started growing extremely slow after starting hrt?
protectionism doesn’t work tho
vote libertarian!
norway funds everything by a state controlled oil industry
I think the fact that ancaps and commies have the same same opinion on his policies is kinda amusing
I love it, I’d 3d print one if there wasn’t a return system where I live
why would anarchism require a revolution? we could weaken the state gradually, which is a way better idea, since there will likely be a power vacuum after a revolution
hmm, it’s kinda 50/50 in my experience, I’ve met a lot who think that the union, community, or whatever organised groups of people you have should enforce some kind of gun controll, especially true for people in countries without at least some gun culture
I’m anarchist left, but I do think every human should have the right to defend themself and thereforce should be able to bear arms
I’m not american if anyone’s gonna ask
it doesn’t matter if they’re nazis, commies, or whatever, the governments job is to exploit the people in order to stay alive
tankies actually don’t like cybersecurity for the people, they belive that the vanguard party should controll all data and technology
at what speed are you printing the first layer and do you use glue?
you can actually never trust the government
why not, I plan on unironically going to a libertarian convention with this flag
but I’m rly more anti auth than libertarian, I just belive in free trade as a right, but my other believes are pretty leftwing
I’m probably gonna make my nag22 trans themed, tho I have to buy a new printer and wait for the parts to arrive
they’re too expensive for most of us