Pears are just the better version of apples
Eh, I’d say they both have their place. But it’s nice to have a bit of each.
Pears need to be ripened and softened just right to be truly delicious, whereas apples you kind of only really want crisp. A pear is still good crisp, but it’s meh compared to a crisp apple. A mushy apple is kind of blecch while a mushy pear can be a delicious dream.
I’ve been saying this for years.
Love pears. They’re a bit more temperamental though. Apples can stay good for weeks or months due, I think, to an especially robust skin. Pears might taste better but I wouldn’t risk throwing a ripened one in a backpack, for example.
vs limejak
Pears do be some delicious motherfuckers, especially Asian brown pears. Those things taste like pure, crisp, happiness.
Why can’t I hold all these pears?
They diss a
i like pineapples
Fuck yeah, fuckin love pears! Red pears FTW!
When I was young we had a pear tree in the garden with great fresh, crisp, juicy pears. The tree didn’t survice though :(
The tree that came after just didn’t fill it’s shoes :(
I grew up with a pear tree in my yard as well. The only downside was the wasps that it attracted. I used to fucking hate mowing around it.
I want pears now
pears are great!
they taste super good, they are kinda like apples (which i don like as much) and they - like - they appear rarely for some reason. why have i never heard of pearcake?
barlett pears man, they put crack in them I swear
Bro never seeds. A leech.