John mama
This is actually an interesting question.
The 4 canon gospels do not actually have any hard evidence indicating who actually wrote them.
They initially circulated for decades, without titles, without recorded authors, anonymous attribution… untill eventually names were just assigned to them around 200 AD/CE, roughly 130 to 90 years after they were first written.
Bart Ehrman isn’t just some random guy with a blog, he’s one of the most academically influential and well known Biblical scholars, got a PhD around 1985, been publishing papers and books on this sort of stuff longer than I’ve been alive.
Imagine spending your whole life just trying to piece together every piece of bullshit lies the Catholic church ever spewed. It feels sad to me.
The stories don’t have to be true for the actual history of who did what and why to be interesting.
Academia doesn’t and shouldn’t care to cover anything up or leave any stone unturned. All knowledge is important.
It’s me, John Bible.
Also, should we be worried that he had to specify that he was the 25th iteration of the 11th version?
I thought he said it just before lunch
Ah, that makes more sense.
-Tooth 0942 UTC
Maybe it was the current score when he said it, john had 11 points and his opponent had 25
Saw a weird up-tick of these comment-box missionaries lately.
Select the 3 dots, click report, reason: misinformation.
He’s the guy the toilets are named after.
John deez nuts!
That’s the fun part: We don’t know!
Just scroll to minute 11 and 25th second, and it’s the guy
standing behind youon the screenJohn Squire isn’t it?
Why, John the Revelator, of course!
Ah, yep. Ol’ “John 11:25”, they call ‘im.
Erm, I think you’ll find it was Our Lord Ian Brown who said that: