You unlocked an old memory of mine.
This does not apply to me.
The house where I was growing up had wooden beamed ceilings so these wouldn’t really work. They’re ideal for houses with white drywall ceilings where they’ll blend in perfectly during the day, and also because houses with drywall ceilings have smooth continuous surfaces to apply them to.
We put these on those awful popcorn ceilings.
The bigger issue isn’t just if they’ll stick to the beams but if they’ll look at all good when they do. I’m betting they’d look really ugly stuck to those old darkened wood beams.
We applied these to painted wooden planks. You just need enough surface area for them to stick to and you’re golden
The beams in that house weren’t painted, they were just bare wood (maybe stained). They might have stuck to them still but it probably would’ve looked ugly and been very noticeable since it was also darkened with age.
ah, yeah maybe not
Still do 😎
is it GlUwU or GlueWu (because sticking them stars to the ceiling) or GlowU or
I saw since in a store and thought about buying them.
And we put them in real constellations too!
And the 9 planets, you know, when Pluto was still cool.
yk i guess pluto was considered cool because it’s the only planet discovered by an american, that makes the americans extra proud of it or sth
It’s an age thing. Being taught one thing and having it changed seemingly arbitrarily bothers some people. Most Americans don’t know Pluto was discovered by an American. Afaik if we kept Pluto as a planet then we would have to make room for Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Ceres etc.
I had the stars but I also had a bunch of other space themed stuff too. I think it was something like this. I don’t think we used the super big stars though.
Wasn’t allowed, lest they damage the paint coming off later. My dad was (and is) a stick in the mud.
oh no the paint! won’t somebody do something! 😮
I know right? Of all of the home improvement problems, paint is one of the easiest to fix.
Does having them on my walls count? I only had them there, not on the ceiling (thanks sand paint)
Just unlocked a memory