oki but cud u mayb plees mark as adult content? Thadt be supr nice <3
Ngl dieses RP ist schon heftig cringe, schreib doch einfach normal inshallah
Poor fella was so close to getting some, but he used papyrus 😔
Exact reason why white knights and nice guys exist. They’re there for that.
The sad part is some of the nice guys actually read it because it is interesting. I was a former nice guy decades ago. I loved my women’s studies in school because most of my classmates were 50+ year old women so just listening to their perspective as a 18 year old guy on things was so different from what I normally experienced. I learned a lot.
I had a similar experience working alongside women that age (or older) in a grocery store deli counter. Perspective is a good thing, it can improve empathy.
Love me some bell hooks
Any feminist literature to suggest? Audiobooks preferred
I recently read (listened to) The Will to Change by bell hooks and Whipping Girl by Julia Serano, and I found them both pretty good
Hope it’s not a “know your enemy” situation