Make love not war?
Halitosis is bad breath. How is that related?
Halitosis is bad breath AND a totally made up disorder.
Unless I am missing something, halitosis is not a disorder, it’s just a symptom, which can have various causes.
The… idea of a chemical warfare agent that causes halitosis is… hopefully dubious.
Seems they also had the idea of some ‘flatulence bomb’, with the idea that the enemy couldn’t hide anymore, because they would be smelled from afar
I guess the halitosis thing was kinda the same idea
(Source: all from the Wikipedia article about the gay bomb)
If they use this bomb on you, and you’re already gay, does it make you gayer or does it make you straight?
Gayer, much gayer. lol, not really, but now that we’re all by definition female or non-binary, can we get any gayer? We should try.
Let’s start a war
Start a nuclear war
Gaybraham Lincoln
A raging nuclear war.
Problem was it dispersed too quickly in open spaces, it was only effective in confined spaces.
Turn fox holes into foxy holes.