I dunno, man.
Playing as a guy forces you to constantly stare at a dude the entire time. That’s seems pretty gay. 💅
You joke but when I was playing AC odyssey, I did switch to a girl after an hour because I was tired of looking up a dudes skirt whenever I went swimming.
Speak for yourself, Alexios was hot!
The duality of men.
Men 👉👈 🥺
CDPR: we added a beard option for the insecure whiners, but it unlocks dwarves hitting on you.
That’s exactly what I’m into tho.
I really wish the people who say shit like this would realize how pathetic it makes them sound. I have never once felt my masculinity was being threatened because the player character in video game was female.
Agreed. In games with a gender option, I just pick the one with the better VA.
Jennifer Hale did such a great job in Mass Effect.
I totally consider femshep the canonical Shepard, Mark is a solid voice actor too but Jennifer just does it so well, especially renegade imo.
You fucking jellyfish
No one has said anything about their masculinity being threatened.
I’ve never felt my masculinity challenged by anything. Because I am a man and whatever I or anyone else does will not make that different. What a bunch of weak, soft, clowns people complaining that women exist in video games or the “transvestigators” are.
Not interested in…
Perfect Dark.
Mirror’s Edge.
Parasite Eve.
Half of Resident Evil.
All of these pivotal, classic games have great female protagonists, and came out before Obama got elected… probably before this person was even born?
Maybe somebody could try the ‘return to tradition’ approach with this fool.
cough cough Tomb Raider cough cough
Even The Witcher itself. You might not play as a woman, but seriously, the women are definitely the shining stars of the series.
If you wanted to include earlier games with great, compelling woman characters who you don’t singly/primarily play as, the list would be even longer.
Tons of em from party based RPGs alone.
You play as Ciri in Witcher 3
As a kid, who doesn’t get a little warped by Samus Aran being female? Maybe it was just my experience growing up in the christocultist world, but I was in denial about Samus at ~7-8 years old with my only familiarity being passive and Smash Bros.
Now I see anyone that has a similar outlook as being ~7-8 years old in their cognitive development and KAFS
“their face when they realize that samus is a girl”
I bet these dudes have no problem playing Tomb Raider.
And they were real pissed at the end of Metroid.
Guess he didn’t play Horizon either? Fucking dumb ass. I don’t ever remember thinking or feeling that I was the main character in the last Witcher. I for one look forward to playing this character.
I do remember them noticing Aloy had peach fuzz and immediately jumped to the conclusion that any woman not waxing her face in the roboapocalypse must be trans…
in the roboapocalypse
Even better, post ecological collapse, with the only culture carried over to the auto incubated new humans being the teachings passed on by robot kindergarden teachers, because the robot schools didn’t end up working correctly.
Presumably facial waxing is not part of the kindergarden curriculum :-D
I’m assuming they retroactively lost their immersion in Metroid.
I’m not interested in playing as a vampire. I am a human. Breaks my immersion. I think there should be two options. One for vampyr and one for human.
Seriously though, this pathetic misogynist is a joyless snowflake.
He was clearly not interested in playing at all, since he doesn’t even know you play as Ciri in Witcher 3 as well.
As a cis-femme gamer I am SO SICK of playing as grizzled, middle-aged cis-men in every goddamn game with a set story.
Games where you can pick the gender of the protagonist don’t count. Whether you play as Man-Shep or Fem-Shep, Mass Effect is exactly the same and the gender choice is exclusively cosmetic. There are very few games with female protagonists that actually commit to the protagonist being a woman and delving into what that entails.
Just in this first trailer, Ciri is trying to save a young woman from being used as a maiden sacrifice and that is a much more emotionally complex situation for her as a young woman herself. I will be pre-ordering Witcher 4 the second it is available because I want more studios to make games with women as the main playable characters so that I can have immersion in my games too.
Getting called a bitch as masc V in cyberpunk :(
Getting called a bitch as femme V in cyberpunk >:|
Not to mention that in Witcher 3 there were already plenty of Ciri “flashback” missions.
I kinda wonder if they’ll be doing the same in reverse and she’ll be saving Geralt’s ass this time around as the main plot
While I agree with the rest. I think we have learned enough about the current state of game release and if we should preorder.
I haven’t pre-ordered a game since Halo: ODST when I was getting a physical copy from GameStop. I am very aware of the problems with pre-ordering, and I still want to pre-order Witcher 4 because I want to send the message that they did not make a mistake by making Ciri the main/playable character.
Mmm but any game that provides a different storyline based on gender is opening themselves up to no end of criticism. There’s just no way they’ll ever win that one.
Honestly it’s free publicity. Like I know they don’t like courting controversy traditionally but hbomberguy’s video on Woke Brands explains how they’ve figured out that triggering these people can be really good for sales.
I usually feel so immersed when playing white haired super-ripped giants with magic powers. It’s as if they were a second me, except for the hair, size, muscles, facial traits, strength and magic powers.
Don’t forget his magic dong
But he says Fuck a lot, so my immersion remains intact
But he fucks a lot, immersion ruined
But he ruins the Immersion a lot, fuck
I remember when this totally broke my immersion back in the 1990s…
Didn’t they understand that I wanted to raid tombs as a MALE?!
those boobs are killing me 💀 like helium balloons yearning to fly away
Oh, they weren’t like that in the game. They were more like majestic pyramids.
Leave the pickaxe at home
It got better in the 2nd one IIRC
More polygons
And they took 9 days to render. Times were tough back then.
I’d love to see where these people draw the line between “big booba character hot” and “ew girls” when it comes to video game characters.
I’m guessing the line is drawn at about a B-cup.
When given the choice, I always play as a female character. I’m already a man 24/7, why continue that in games I play to escape reality?
A polarizing question. Me, I always play a version of myself. More muscular, perhaps, or more adventurous. But still a middle-aged dude who is trying to do good. I never feel the urge to play a woman or a villain or anything else totally different from my IRL character.
And I guess that’s just how it is, right? We each make our own fun in the games we play.
So the dude in the xitter post is just going to have to sit this one out. I’m sure there will be lots of male centric stories to play in the future, as there always have been.
Meanwhile, I hope everyone who likes playing from a female POV has an absolute blast with The Witcher 4.
Plus, you get to stare at a hot female ass for most of whatever you’re playing. Playing females is the straightest choice imho.
My favorite games of all time tend to be party-based, like Syndicate, the Wasteland games, the original two Fallout games, Baldur’s Gate games, etc.
So I guess when given the choice, I always play… um…
Same. I play a mix of both male and female characters and name them Jux most of the time as an unpronounceable non-binary name.
For some reason this comment got me excited for the last of us 2
Senua’s Sacrifice it’s not even a choice.
I am man. I once played Tomb Raider and now my tits are huge!
and now my tits are triangular
“You can’t shoot straight, you big-titted bitch.”
Gun boob mod says otherwise
It’s gay to play male characters bc you’re staring at a dude all day. True hetero males play female characters because it is most hetero to look at attractive women.
Indeed, the classic Egorapor defence. They’ll be an attractive woman in every cutscene too
That…is actually why I often choose women, tho. I mean not to be “hetero”, I’ll just take a woman’s ass over a dude’s.
So you’re still being hetero, just in practice, not virtue signaling
Technically, you’re always seeing you own nose, so you’re always staring a man. The least gay thing for a man is to become a woman. But then looking at other women would be gay so you have to look at other men. As a man I safe myself some trouble and skip the first step and just look at beautiful sexy men all day, because I’m not gay.
You have gone too far into hetero and swung back around to gay. Your only hope now is to become so gay you swing the polarity back.
Brb, gonna watch a Henry Cavill movie.
Have these people even played Witcher 3? Because there you play as Ciri too sometimes. Her moveset was really fucking cool actually
Also this is one of the games where you play a character that has personality already, self insertion isn’t intended.
Geralt of Rivia, Lara Croft, B.J. Blazkowicz, Faith Connors, Alan Wake, Max Caulfield, Joel Miller, Ellie Williams, and probably Doomguy those are all roles that you play.
In contrast you have games like Skyrim, Elden Ring, Terraria, Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry, Valheim and most classic MMORPGs, where you have a playable character that you can form to your own design.
That’s just fundamentally a difference in design. Complaning that you can’t self insert in a game of the first category doesn’t make sense.
yeah the person in the OP should practice self inserting by fucking themselves
Not to mention every TV show, movie, play, opera, musical, novel and comic book
Eh, I would say Doomguy is pretty self-insert… Maybe somewhere in the middle.
Yeah he’s borderline, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to include him.
He’s silent, but he has always had a face and was emoting with it a bit even in 1993.
Now in the latest two titles he’s still silent, and you don’t see his face as often, but on the other hand he has started emoting with actions. For example breaking the screen Samual Hayden is using to try and convince him that it was worth the risk to experiment with the hell powers that flooded in.
There is also tons of lore describing his motivations and previous actions. In the end for me that tips the scale towards him being a preexisting character that you play as. But I can also see that one can ignore that and self insert pretty easily.
Ah jes blowjob blazkowicz. The nostalgia i feel.
Of course not. I am rather confident that at least some of these people are doing it as a false flag. Trying to discredit critics of genuine bad character and game design.
Actually thats the only thing i am bummed about. The ‘blink’ moves she had were so fun. Other than that, seems like the hard choices are back!
“I’m not a marble so I can’t enjoy Marble Madness.”
“I’m not a terrorist so I can’t play Counter Strike.”
“I don’t have classified documents, I can’t play Warthunder.”
I saw a news update for that game on Steam called “sekrit dokuments)))”. Apparently there’s some unlockable item with a code “NOSEKRITPLS”. Like the first couple of times they were like “pls no 😱” but now they’re just embracing it. It’s wonderful.
Now I really want to play Marble Madness. But it’s not the same without the giant trackball. ☹️
The fact that Geralt has a penis is not enough to make me forget that he is not me. Throughout the series, you’re constantly learning stuff about a character that isn’t you, that you aren’t writing. I doubt they have examined their feelings.
The thing that always got rid of immersion for me as I ride my noble steed across the countryside to defeat mythical monsters from a mythology not my own was (1) geralt sounds too much like Gerald (2) his magic is trash/boring and (3) his crossbow is weak af. Never had a lot of difficulties with whether he had a dick or not.
They probably project themselves over the character and feel like they’re really the one getting the rewards.
I knew someone who was utterly baffled that when I watched batman zip around in his batmobile, I never once thought “what if I was batman, tho…? 😲” as if I had some kind of film-watching disability.
So yeah, I believe it.
Imagine trying to claim that you should be able to freely self-insert onto a character that had an entire game about losing their memory and rediscovering who they are lmao.