Not everyone wants the same flavor of the fediverse.
Not everyone wants the same flavor of the fediverse.
Money can be exchanged for housing, food, healthcare, and more necessities.
That must mean Infrastructure week is next week!
Biden had as much choice as Trump does now - that is to say, if he or any other Democrat actually didn’t want the genocide to continue they could have taken a page from the Republican handbook and bent the government to their purpose
They didn’t have to bend anything. We have laws on the books about sending arms and bombs to states intending to use them for targeting civilians. Just enforce the law
They don’t care. The blue conservatives wanted the electoral hostage situation inherrent with First-past-the-post voting.
Now they want to pin the fallout of this policy of keeping 3rd parties out of the electoral process on people not represented in government.
People should be free to vote outside the two party system while still counting their votes against the Republicans.
Democrats made such a situation inevitable by keeping 3rd parties from participating in the electoral process on a even playing field in states they control. Who could say no to having more then one chance to beat the Republicans? The Democratic Party alongside the republicans.
Both parties are not the same, but why did they both want the same mathematically flawed voting system?
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
Democrats dont get to raise the gates of the electoral castle, declare themselves the sole and only defender of this countries liberty, and also get to escape 100% of the blame for when that plan goes to shit eventually.
The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party. Why weren’t they acting like it? Why was the DNC putting their party’s needs of easy elections and safe seats over the needs of the country?
Appreciate your reply.
I find conversation more natural when there is a “thing” we are all doing. Playing cards, bowling, pool, darts, singing kareoke whatever. That way if I start to feel awkward in the conversation I can steer it towards what we’re doing and give myself a small talk break.
I start to take 5 psychic damage a second when I’m talking to other people so I need time to regen my HP.
Should I have reduced the “out of ten” emotional pain rating? It’s not a fraction…
Games you can just let run? Dwarf fortress
Flash mob protests for 5-10 minutes then meet at a new location for the next one.
Cops can’t be everywhere and agent provocateurs would have to be on the inside.
Damn, ya beat me. I’m not good people to so I know from first hand experience.
All drugs should be legal
To be exploited in the same way in a different location.
I can only handle several crisises at one time. Please take a number and have a seat, I will get to this when I can.
Appreciate the 5 star rating m’dude, but consider waiting until this Lyft ride is over considering I could be going somewhere you didn’t want to go.
Please don’t fuck a computer
Is X available?