• TGhost [She/Her]@lemm.ee
        1 month ago

        What do you mean then, in regards with the original meme ? That OP should ask to see everyone’s sex ?

        Thats transphobic

      • riwo
        1 month ago

        biology is full of social constructs. reality is complex and messy, but to wrap their heads around it, humans put it into simple categories.

        the destinction into male and female (and sometimes intersex) was creared backwards. first came the social destinctions and social importans on sex, then people searched for the reasons, to explain the destinctions.

        through this they currently arrived at the definition of sex as biological organisms producing smaller or larger gametes. as if this were actually a super sensual to classify all organisms that produce larger gametes and all organisms that produce smaller gametes in the same categories respecrively. but fair enough.

        but then anything that causes an organism to produce smaller or larger gamets is considered sex determening. and all caused or just correlated to this is also considered part of the sex, including social factors. so production of larger gametes in humans is cause by xx chromosomes, so all humans with those chromosomes are female, even if they dont produce gametes, and everything caused by the xx chromosomes like homrones and phenotypes produced by those is considered female and even certain attributes pushed majority on people categorized as such are considered part of it. but none of that is a must. people with xx chromosomes dont necessairily produce larger gametes, they dont necessairily have the hormones, they dont necessairily develop the phenotypes, they arent necessairily shaped by the same way by the same social system. and yet we categorise them as the same sex and categorize their attributes as wrong. this shit is social