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You can hit me with your balls anytime :3
Dear journal, today someone on the Net made me realize bowling is a projection of teabagging. What a time to be alive.
It escapes me why someone would screencap and post this, let alone why a hundred people would upvote it.
Because not everyone is a joyless curmudgeon such as yourself?
I prefer to be a joyful cumdungeon instead.
Broken ankles inbound.
wait i dun get diis-.,-.
They’re making the 10 white skinny guys the pins for bowling
bbtbtbbttt .,wm.,m.mew,.m.m.,m…,.–,.-,- the lil ribbon,-. -,-uh,-.,.- .-,m.,-- isss so sad;(
Sorry, I don’t speak bottom
I would fall for this
“They have an indoor bowling alley.”