I hate the tradwife ideology but the outfits are pretty damn cute
I’m pro trans but a massive misogynist.
I want my wife at home doing the cooking, cleaning and stroking her huge dong waiting for me to get home WHERE SHE BELONGS!
Me too. My duty as a wife is to be a housewife. Stay home and cook and clean and raise the children. However the other wife of the house must go work a job and be the sole breadwinner for the family.
That’s just what she gets for being born as the other wife.
Are you one of the wives or are we dealing with a multiple wife situation here?
I’ve always thought do polygamists have more or less problems than traditional relationships? Because on the one hand you have to keep multiple people happy, but on the other if all 3 of my wives can discuss the problem before they come to me and agree on what should be done, all you have to do is get it done.
TIRM, Trans Inclusive Radical Misogynist
Yep, the sandwich they better go make me doesnt have a gender.
😎👉 Transbian Tradwife
Trans-Siberian Orchestrad
Trans trad wife vs trad trans wife?
Rad wives.
No you’re thinking of wives in a Scottish patterned outfit
Wives that go ludicrous speed.
i am now imagining demoman dressed in a kilt-apron, cooking haggis
“ohhh theyrr goin to hafta gluu yuu back togethrr, after yuu’ve had yer fill o my cookin!”