Since when does being right-wing make you a Nazi?
Nazi’s are far-right to the extreme, Musk and Trump are Right-Wing. Nothing more. Disagreeing with them doesn’t make them Nazi’s and calling them Nazi’s actually says more about that persons intolerance than they think it does.
Since when does being right-wing make you a Nazi?
We all saw the nazi salute, then we saw him do it a second time just to drive the point home.
I’ve seen the video of him WAVING but I haven’t seen him do it a second time.
Well, time to get your eyes checked and shop for new glasses.
Video I’ve seen has been paused just at the right (or wrong) time to suit the narrative. He was waving at the inauguration. I don’t know about another time.
But to my knowledge he hasn’t invaded Poland or started gassing Jews so I think the Nazi label is a tad unfair.
Hey nice try gaslighting but anyone with eyeballs can see the fucking nazi salute, fuck all the way off
I’m genuinely so excited to have actually encountered one in the wild. That is, someone that is trying to claim that Elon didn’t sieg heil multiple times. Fascinating, they said people would but I just didn’t believe them
His standard for being labeled a Nazi is one Hitler fails prior to 1939. They might as well have a sign with bold print proclaiming, “I’m not to be taken seriously.”
Since when doing a Nazi-salute makes you not-a-nazi?
When you’re a billionaire. Then it turns out, you’re just giving your heart to the crowd. And then, when you fund and speak at Nazi party rallies overseas, you’re just fighting “woke” or something. And when you agree that “Jews are doing ethnic replacement” on Twitter, you just have to take pictures at a concentration camp and you’re a “friend of Israel”
But I do enjoy when people get fired because they think they can do it too
People really hate nazis my guy so even doing shit as a joke pisses people off. Its not cute its fuckin fighting words
I’d say I hate nazis about 3000% more than republicans hate immigrants
You won’t but you should watch this
I’d take one, lol.
Revenue [increased] 2% to $25.71 billion
Yes. Only 25.7 billion dollars. It’s practically dead.
Q4 2024 was before all the overt nazi shit.
But I agree that calling it dead is premature.
It’s called inflation.
nobody wants a defective car.
They’ve probably had more recalls on the cyber truck than they’ve had sales of the cyber truck
A more concise headline is “Nobody wants a Swastikar”
Will he really need customers much longer? I mean it seems like he can just have any government agency replace their fleet with his trash in the name of “efficiency”.
He tied the financing of his loan to buy Twitter with Tesla shares, if they tank it pressures the Saudis to call in the billions they loaned him for the purchase. He’d survive, but it would embarrass him which would be funny.
Apparently a big part of Tesla’s business is selling carbon credits to other automakers… Which relies on them having a certain number of EV sales. If they drop below a threshold, then they can’t sell those credits anymore.
so we can kill government workers and important people easier? i think elon Musk funded the failed trump assassinations /j
Pretty soon the only government workers left will be Trumpler’s goons. I’m ok with them dying in swastikars.
Even worse is, he can use the government to sabotage the competition, as Russia and Hungary did.
It is mental that a man worth billions in mostly electric car companyv shares is courting people who would run their cars on coal if they could.
A man who has made his billions on being essentially a corporate welfare queen.
Are you criticizing Musk or our government?
Why not both?
Musk, obviously. The man courting people who rage about “welfare queens” is himself the true welfare queen.
He sells a subscription-on-wheels. Any environment benefits are just gravy on top.
Nobody at Tesla headquarters voted to alienate their customer base. No board meeting decided to turn their electric car company into a political lightning rod.
This is technically not true. The board keeps Elon Musk on as CEO of Tesla, and they granted him the biggest bonus package ever, while he was already very controversial and clearly was losing his mind, because they thought he would be able to make them money.
You are 100% correct. They knowingly doubled down on him. They can all ride his coattails straight to hell.
You’re right, that’s not just technically untrue. The board voted with their wallet, by giving him even more money than ever, so he could continue doing what he is doing. The people on the board wouldn’t give a shit if only Nazis buy their cars, as long as there’s enough of them to keep buying.
Well joke’s on them though, because it seems Musk has found a way to tap US citizens directly, so he probably doesn’t even care much about Tesla anymore now that it is failing.
I think his worth is mostly attached to Tesla stocks still.
I believe this is the part where we get sued for not buying his cars.
Don’t give him any ideas!
I think he would be relieved to get rid of Tesla if someone would buy it. The full self-driving promise was always a matter of interpretation, and the cars they build are more expensive symbols of status than practical products. Tesla can’t compete with global EV manufacturers, that’s a Damocles sword waiting to fall.
SpaceX is where the money is now, and all the electric innovation Tesla did can be used for something else.
The full self-driving promise was always a matter of interpretation
There’s nothing to interpret. It does not fully drive itself.
Not safely anyway.
Fortunately for him, and unfortunately for us, he undoubtedly has full control over whichever department defines the word “safely”.
Musk is neither a Tesla nor an Edison; he is a Barnum.
@OutlierBlue @TeamAssimilation but it will next year, right? Let’s just ignore all those times it’s veered into the wrong lane or onto train tracks or whatever, it’s fine. Next year, next year, next year.
And Mars in a decade.
Starship was supposed to be doing trips to mars each year by last year. Instead it has sometimes managed to not explode on a suborbital trajectory. But of course regulations are what hold it back…
SpaceX turns the impossible into late
Musk is getting $8 million each day from the US government to destroy the US government. He was given $44 billion to destroy Twitter. He’s not worried about money.
About a week ago I saw a brand new model Y (still had the 90 day temporary plate) sporting one of those “bought before elon…” stickers.
Knowing how badly Tesla has managed their supply chain, it’s possible they paid for it in 2016.
They’re not paid until delivery
Elon has always been a terrible person, but he was once focused on things that society actually needed, like electrifying transportation to avoid climate collapse.
He seems to have gone sharply downhill into total insanity by taking ketamine while locking himself in a rightwing echo chamber. It’s the perfect storm of dissociating from reality.
probably his upbringing.
some may turn out ok, but many people with shitty parents turn out shitty as adults.
Plenty of people have shitty parents and turn out fine. That’s no excuse at all.
Elon has always been a terrible person
The problem with Elon is he’s been provably an idiot for the past 25 years.
The first thing I ever heard about Musky is that back in 2000-ish he wanted PayPal to take their infra, throw out all the Linux/BSD in use, and move everything to Windows NT.
Anyone who was even remotely IT adjacent in that era can come along and tell you how utterly moronic that idea is.
Anytime I’ve ever heard him blather on about some stupid shit that doesn’t exist except in his delusions or talk about, well, ANYTHING technical or specialized all I was ever able to think of is that he got lucky that Thiel didn’t drain all of his blood and leave his corpse in a ditch.
From a musk pov it’s 100% logical. Money.
Why? Win2k was quite stable. Stable enough to use it in warships.
Linux/Bsd is not free. When you use it in your company you want pro support. That support comes free with windows enterprise licenses. So the cost difference there is almost non existent. And, MS being M$, they would’ve sweetened the deal. A lot. Just think of the marketing worth of this deal for MS.
And lastly: Who is cheaper? A good linux admin or a windows guy?
So 90% of the stability at 50% of the cost. That’s not a bad deal.
Potential ketamine addiction aside, he’s just gravitated toward where he sees more money and unfluence for himself. He wanted the prestige of being a leader in tech, so he used his influence and money to build SpaceX. Then he bullied his way into the ownership of Tesla, desperately wanting to appear as a genius to libertarian and liberal minds alike, but he’s never been any less of an authoritarian. When Trump rose to power the first time, he sat and watched and along with the rest of the Silicon Valley Moguls, he began to move himself into positions of influence with populist politicians, borrowing the evangelical right’s playbooks and throwing himself into the spotlight no matter the reason. He pivoted off his falsified image as some kind of American self-starter into MAGA rhetoric.
Musk doesn’t have lofty ideals or any real focus on the betterment of society. I don’t think he ever did. He just wanted to be a real life Tony Stark and command the influence that came with it. Now he doesn’t need to, because he’s got Trump in his back pocket and is mostly untouchable by any normal means.
Dr Dorothy Bishop resigned from the Royal Society back in November 2024 because of Musk. Everybody knew. And being an FRS is a huge, huge deal to a British scientist.
I didn’t know till …tomorrow.
Temporary plates could be someone moving out of state. Are you sure it was the latest model?
They all look the same I would never be able to tell myself
Man, talk about copium.
Damn, your temp plates are 90 days? Where do you live?
Ours (Vegas) are only 30 days
Wow. Our DMV didn’t get us our plates for for almost 2 months, and from what I’ve heard, that’s faster than usual.
I just want to stop seeing a storm of them when I am on a road. I can’t seem to drive anywhere without seeing approximately 10 within a single hour.
Remember 2015? A Tesla parked in your driveway told your neighbours that you valued innovation, that you possessed an environmental conscience, that you had a stake in the future of the planet. The cars weren’t perfect, but they meant something. They represented hope - for clean energy, EVs, and a world beyond fossil fuels.
This was me years go. I knew climate change was real and an imminent threat. I wanted to vote with my wallet for a cleaner future. I also wanted to strike a blow against the National Automotive Dealers Association for their regressive practices that hurt consumers and drive prices for cars higher for everyone. Buying a Tesla did those things. I charge the car on sunlight from my house. I don’t have to support the petroleum industry’s damage to environment and people around the world. I was proud to be doing something rather than just talking about needs for changes against climate change.
Musk doesn’t get any of my money from this car. I don’t pay for any of the Tesla monthly services. I’m don’t want to be seen driving with a Tesla logo on the car. I’m ashamed that my good intentions funded a fascist.
It’s crystal clear to me that Tesla played an important role at a key time, and pivoted the industry. The technology to do so had been there for a while but they lacked the will and they needed an innovator to scare them into action. Tesla did that. However, that role is now complete. I am flabbergasted that anyone still values this stock. Even setting aside this recent downturn in sales due to their brand going necrotic, they were already overmatched by the flood of competition coming their way. If major manufacturers don’t eat Tesla’s lunch, Chinese upstarts will. They can’t survive. They won’t survive. Even their supposed software advantage on self-driving has turned out to be a fraud, and the Simpertruck is a high profile failure. I’m glad that the stock hasn’t died yet though, because the rest of the world is still completing the transition to EVs, and the death of Tesla might put a chill on that. But in a few years, yeah, Tesla will blow away on the wind like so much dust.
I came really close back then, had a deposit but canceled due to realizing I had a perfectly good old car and didn’t “need” one at the time. Hindsight says I lucked out.
If I did get it, and still had it (I would, I keep cars for 10+ years), I would probably rebadge it as an indicator of my dislike for what the brand has become.
I’d actually love to see a rebadging campaign by dissatisfied owners.
There is no shame in your ownership of the vehicle based on your intentions; I would humbly assert that anger is a more appropriate reaction to the current leadership of the company that made it. If strangers judge you, that’s on them.
If I had had the means to purchase one 10+ years ago, I would have. Most people who claim they wouldn’t are not being honest with themselves or disapproved of the virtue signaling associated with them at the time.
Oh yea, when Teslas first started appearing, I loved their whole philosophy and really wanted one.
Don’t feel ashamed. You did nothing wrong. Life failed you, not the other way around.
Many bought Tesla’s years before elon went full crazy-person, yet people are still vandalising their cars, calling them Nazi-slurs and saying they should be ashamed.
Everyone forgets where the German cars, Henry Ford, etc came from politically.
I was looking into my first EV, and politics just didn’t weigh that much into the decision. Now, the “infotainment as a perpetual service”, that turned me off and away from Tesla. With CarPlay my car dash will never lose service, and will always be free to use with updates from Apple/Google. I can’t imagine why people would ever pay for their infotainment when CarPlay is better or equal in all cases to the alternative.
That said, if Tesla and other brands were equally weighted in my purchase decision, I’d then happily rule Tesla out based on merit.
That is an insane take to me. Elon Musk is Nazi scum and the Tesla has issues, but the infotainment system is the best you can get in any car and the main reason I haven’t been able to get rid of it, ignoring the fact that literally every other non Chinese EV in the same price range in my country is objectively worse specced.
Having an extremely responsive map with satellite imagery that boots up instantly is already better than every other car out there, but it also has built-in dashcam and livestream functionality for all 4 cameras, which is a bitch to install in other cars, and it’s already saved me a bunch of times.
Android Auto just plain sucks ass, disconnects constantly and a lot of newer models still require a wired connection.
Also worth noting you’re not paying for the infotainment, you’re paying for the cellular connection, with whatever local cellular company they are working with. In my case it’s cheaper than getting a data plan directly from the cellular company and my old Hyundai didn’t even have that option in my country.
Are either Ford or Mercedes currently run by Nazis? Can the average person on the street name the CEO of either of them?
The problem with Tesla is that everyone hates the guy who has made himself the face of the company at a time when there are plenty of alternatives.
The issue is that the alternatives generally aren’t that much better in a vacuum. Infotainment vs Tesla infotainment (removing the CarPlay merits): It’s not even close. Tesla is like 10-15 years ahead of everything else on the US market in their price range. Car manufacturers famously lock in their tech and designs something like 3 years before public release.
Will there be meaningful software updates for your Kia EV6 in 2028? Absolutely not, no way.
Do you want to tow anything more than 1000Kg? Good luck outside of Tesla.
NACS? Not one single other car available yet.
Do you want a dashcam? Rivian is the only other brand, IIRC.
I’m not apologizing for Tesla, but it’s really painful how awful all other cars are compared to the competition.
What an annoying position to be in, needing software updates for your fucking car. Then what, you’ll have to replace it after three years because it won’t get any new security patches anymore?
15 years ahead on record recalls and NTSA crash test no- call-no-shows.
Will there be meaningful software updates for your Kia EV6 in 2028? Absolutely not, no way.
I just got a new electric Kia and I don’t give the slightest shit about updates. In fact I would prefer no updates for fear it would make the great car I have worse. And no way in hell will I ever give Dotard Musk any of my money,
Tesla was ahead 10-15 years, sure. But they mostly lost that lead. Yes, their software is great, but at the same time Tesla doesn’t seem to be able to do basic car features right. For instance, it doesn’t have a rain sensor and relies on the front facing camera to detect rain. I can tell you from experience that it doesn’t work as well as a sensor. It’s even worse when it detects rain, while it is completely dry. But you cannot turn the wipers off, because then you won’t be able to use cruise control anymore. Cruise control, which by the way (non FSD) is shit in comparison to the competition.
The tablet might be a couple years ahead of the competition. The value they bring in bang for buck with a great feature package is also greatly competitive. But the car is behind when it comes to just normal car things. I have buttons on my steering wheel as indicators for fuck sake, a problem we already fixed when we were still prosecuting Nazis.
If Rivian had a more affordable option they’d be eating Teslas lunch right now. R2 coming next year.
Rivian don’t sell vehicles outside the US though so they’re always going to be on the back burner internationally. Plus of course, most of the world don’t want a pick up truck style vehicle in any case.
Do you really not know about R2 and R3??
Issue with waiting for the R2/3 is that the tax credits will probably be gone by then.
German cars come from Carl Benz, who built the first automobile in 1885, four years before Hitlers birth.
Not necessarily Carl Benz himself, but it has been litigated that the company had ties to the nazi regime. I’m not arguing that Mercedes was founded on Nazi values, I’m just saying there was a connection and a less than stellar history of bedfellows.
Every German corporation that was around back then had ties to the Nazis, especially anything industrial. As one can see in the US at the moment, corporations swim with the tide. Most of these companies succeeded despite the Nazis, not because of them, with obvious exception being VW.
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Tesla might have to go on welfare… by having the US government buy thousands upon thousands of Teslas. 🤮
Swasticars for a fascist government. Makes sense.
The popo using cybertrucks would really be the cherry on the techno-feudalist hellscape cake.
Just commit all your crimes in 3cm of snow and you can outrun the cybertruck police with a light jog.
Problem is that Trump is on the oil companies’ pay rolls. Unfortunately he’s subsidizing them instead of Tesla.
Musk chased right-wing approval, but the only thing he got was declining sales and a dying brand.
I mean he got tens of billions of dollars in increased wealth so I dunno if I’d say that.