Gross alert
I do a lot of poo | /|\ \|/ | I eat a lot of poo
Literally had poo leaving my body as I read this
So you drink pee, but you pee piss. How does your body convert pee into piss?
Now that we’re here, we should also ask by what process piss turns into pee as well.
So when you pee, technically, it’s just pee, but when it hits the bottom of the cup it naturally carbonates itself and becomes piss. Regardless of what you do, unless you pee into a vacuum cleaner, you’ll always end up with piss when you pee.
But everyone knows you can’t drink carbonated piss because it makes your skin look like you’re wearing tons of fake tanner and gives you circles around your eyes. Could also cause you to look like a caveman who was born from the act of a chimp mouthfucking a hamburger puppet. So you gotta let it go back into pee before you can drink it.
Did Bear Grills make this meme?
How dare you compare a normal piss drinker to that phony
Hey, you’re doing great on the “reuse” and “recycle” part, but did you know you can still manage to reduce it?
Replace the water with pee when making sauces.
at some point, water needs to enter the mix, or you’ll die of dehydration
Don’t threaten me with a good time