We need her now more than ever. There are seriously politicians in Germany (from a major party) who openly question women’s voting rights.
Have the CDU always been like this and time has added more contrast, or is this a new development related to them flirting with the AfD?
What year is this stuff? The one on the left looks like it’s trying to anschluss Poland
The black area is the former part of Germany that the USSR assigned to Poland. The poster campaigns against accepting the new borders and claims the CDU would unify Germany back to it’s pre-ww2 borders.
(Which didn’t happen obviously, Germany was forced to accept the new border to be allowed to unify BRD and GDR in 1990, the orange and white areas)The second poster is cold war red scare, the CDU is depicted as “bastion” against communism.
The third one is similar, except the left-wing SPD is depicted as turning communist and the CDU is proclaimed as saviour
Half and half. They definitely were more moderate under Merkel. But the general human hating tendencies have always been there. The CSU (the supposedly “social” bunch) is even worse.
You go girl!