• LovingHippieCat@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    “Geez, they’re not snipers! They’re just using the sniper scope as a telescope! They’re not for use as actual snipers! We just gotta use them to look at the evil protestors!”"

          • ShunkW@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Police have been taught that the only way to deal with anyone who doesn’t immediately comply is through violence. And increased militarization doesn’t help. We live in a police state but the narratives created by the ruling class have made people forget it

            • Catoblepas
              11 months ago

              But what if a nuclear bomb drives a truck through the crowd and stabs everyone?? Please disregard the police beating and gassing people over there, think about how horrible it would be if a bad actor made it in there!

    • malloc@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      It was really close at UT. State police, city police, and national guard called in by spineless university president (Jay Hartzell).

      Fuck Jay Hartzell. Hope he gets recalled. No golden parachute.

      • HuntressHimbo@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        The fact that no charges are being filed should result in a strong condemnation and accountability for the administration and the cops. You put everyone in danger when no crime was being committed. There won’t be, but there should be.

  • solomon42069@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It feels like these protests are going to shape how the governments of the world will respond to mass unrest in the future.

    Or in other words - those in charge want the common person to be disempowered, to frame a peaceful protest as an act of terrorism so they can be more aggressive in future.

    Hopefully no one on either side does anything stupid.

    • Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
      11 months ago

      These reactions by the US to a student protest are nothing new and the fact they haven’t sent in the army and killed anyone yet shows it’s not even as bad as it historically has been.

      Not everything a shithole like America does dictates what the rest of the world does.

      • uis@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        they haven’t sent in the army and killed anyone yet shows it’s not even as bad as it historically has been.

        To be worse than Lukashenko is real achivement.

    • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      In the future?

      Ask any student population in the past who were shot, beaten, tasered, hosed down with water cannons, and jailed what they thought would happen to future protesters.

      The shape of silencing unrest, especially anti-war or liberal unrest, hasn’t changed at all. And it will look just the same a decade from now.

    • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
      11 months ago

      If those snipers were to shoot someone, the protests would be twice the size the next day.

      Look what happened when Nixon, Reagan and Trump escalated violence in response to protests.

      Nixon’s in songs for killiing Ohioans.

      • BreadstickNinja@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        From Wiki, sadly: “President Richard Nixon, who is criticized in the song, won a landslide reelection in 1972, which included winning the 1972 United States presidential election in Ohio by a margin of over 21%.”

          • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            You can’t gerrymander the presidential election. There are no districts in that election.

            You can however influence it with bribes, coercion, and intimidation.

            • uis@lemm.ee
              11 months ago

              You can’t gerrymander the presidential election.

              *in countries where voting for president means voting for president, not voting for someone who maybe will vote for president

              There are no districts in that election.


              You can however influence it with bribes, coercion, and intimidation.


        • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
          11 months ago

          Yes. That was the election Nixon was actively cheating in, given that the Watergate commission was able to trace it right up to the president.

      • Kalysta@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Yes but it would be nice if the government would listen to us before someone dies.

        • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
          11 months ago

          It would totally be nice. That’s why it’s enshrined in the first amendment that you have the right to petition your representatives for the redress of grievances. Sadly, they do not act on those petitions (Professor Lessig has studies, and crabby calls and letters to your Senator have a net zero effect) which how protests escalate to civil disobedience (to sabotage and eventually civil war).

          But it’s interesting how quickly police are turning to anti-riot responses, and our government officials are supporting them. It’s noted in COIN (counter insurgency) that brutality against protests only increases public sympathy and support for the movement (which has been consistent with incidents in the past decade, the US unrest and protests after the killing of George Floyd in 2020 being a run of examples.) I suspect it’s less 4D chess and more like Trump being angry and wishing to assert his authority.

          But our officials, the plutocrats they serve and law enforcement all regard the US Public as the enemy, and have been consistent about it since the 9/11 attacks. It’s one of the factors that’s been driving us towards civil war, or the end of our democratic features and one-party autocracy.

    • Fredselfish@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      No one should allow their children to attend that school. Everyone protesting should unenroll and switch to better school.

      Also the administration should be fired and arrested for allowing school shooters on their fucking roof. What the fuck.

    • ElmerFudd@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You can always count on a demented righty, often an off-duty cop, to show up dressed as a lefty to light a fire, break a window, or shoot someone. That’s why they’re always using that exact accusation against leftists, because they’re actually doing it.

  • TheCelticPirate@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Tin soldiers and Nixon coming

    We’re finally on our own

    This summer I hear the drumming

    Four dead in Ohio

    Gotta get down to it, soldiers are cutting us down

    Should have been gone long ago

    What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground

    How can you run when you know?

    • Echo Dot@feddit.uk
      11 months ago

      Never has been. National anthem notwithstanding the United States has always been land of the richest getting what they want.

      Hell the entire history of the United States is basically, we want something so we’re going to have it, and if there’s inconvenient people in the way then those inconvenient people will go away or die. The US had race separation until as recently as the 1960s. Wherever was the freedom?

      • uis@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Isn’t USSA the land of religions? They even have it in their motto.

        • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          That’s a remnant of the previous Cold War that we engaged in, it wasn’t supposed to be that way. The founding fathers specifically separated church and state.

          • uis@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            That’s a remnant of the previous Cold War that we engaged in

            Really? All of this religiousness of brain is because other side of the Pacific Bathtub wasn’t religious?

            • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              Really not sure what you’re asking, but yes, the current wave of fundamentalists and evangelicals is a backlash because the USSR was a non-religious state.

              • uis@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                Huh. Takes phrase “to spite mom I’ll freeze my ears” to new level.

        • molten_iron@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          humans are naturally power hungry in everywhere and all the time. nothing will change for the benefit of the people and even if it does, it’s probably propoganda.

      • whou@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Now something must be done
        About vengeance, a badge, and a gun

  • profdc9@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    This seems so incredibly ill-advised. If students become martyred by trigger-happy snipers, these protests will boil over into open violence. Imagine thousands of videos flooding social media in an instant showing student corpses. I fear that gasoline has been poured and matches are being lit everywhere.

    • Armok: God of Blood@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      11 months ago

      There won’t be any meaningful amount of violence. People in the US are total bitches when it comes to actually fighting the system. At worst, there will be a riot, where the most predominant activity is looting, and then the National Guard will be called in and everyone will roll over like they always do.

      • Ashelyn
        11 months ago

        To be fair it’s kind of hard to not roll over to the National Guard

        • Armok: God of Blood@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          11 months ago

          I think we could deal with the National Guard if people were motivated enough. Even I’m surprised with the shit some people get their hands on here. There’s plenty of people that treat the Second Amendment like a religion, and plenty of others that love blowing shit up for fun.

      • deft@lemmy.wtf
        11 months ago

        Totally not true lol. Jan 6th, LA riots of the 90s, the various riots during the height of BLM movements, Seattle, Unite the Right rally both sides.

        People are upset, they cause damage and even sometimes try to assassinate people. The US probably faces more domestic terrorism than most places.

        We have a very strong police state

        • littleblue✨@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          The People didn’t cause damage in Portland as much as the fucking pigs lit fires and defaced buildings to then blame the protestors for it, FYI. Caught on video from multiple angles and everything, yet still nothing in the way of consequences. “Police state”, you say? It’s fascism in a candy wrapper.

          • deft@lemmy.wtf
            11 months ago

            Lol okay my point stands people are constantly in the streets fighting.

            Fascism is a police state, a police state is fascism.

            Why are you fuckin mad? lmfao

            • littleblue✨@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              People are not “constantly in the streets fighting”, you nonce.

              There is also more to “fascism” than simply “police state”.

              Are you purposefully stupid, or just lazy? Smart money’s on you thinking your username was spelled with an “e” when it’s correctly spelled with an “a”.

              • deft@lemmy.wtf
                11 months ago

                you’re being dumb yes they are we can literally sit here all day and go through different ways people have attempted to resist the government from Waco and MOVE to the many many many many many domestic terrorist attacks. We can talk about civil rights movements from MLK to Black Panthers to BLM. Occupy Wall Street, Unite the Right Rally(counter protestors), numerous school demonstrations from Kent State to walk outs to what’s happening today for Palestine.

                They’re always fighting.

  • zik@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    We should treat them like snipers? ie. We should rush them and neutralise the threat they pose?

  • Windex007@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I mean, obviously question: how does one treat them as if they are?

    (Make them say the quiet part out loud)

        • Revan343@lemmy.ca
          11 months ago

          That’s literally how it works, and the Black Panthers proved it a long time ago. The cops stay peaceful when the protesters are heavily armed and heavily organized, because cops are fucking cowards who don’t want an actual fight

          • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Reposting this because it’s relevant here too: A scenario like this is what led to the formation of the Black Panthers during the civil rights era, and subsequently led to gun control laws being started by republicans. During the civil rights protests, people quickly realized that peaceful protests were violently broken. But heavily armed peaceful protests had police nervously watching from across the street.

            Because police had no qualms about firing into an unarmed crowd to get people to disperse. But when the entire crowd is armed to the teeth and can immediately return fire, the police are suddenly okay with watching from afar. This was the start of the Black Panthers; a group who organized heavily armed protests.

            When conservative lawmakers saw a bunch of heavily armed black people (and allies) on their front steps, and saw the police unwilling to break the protests, those conservative lawmakers got really fucking sweaty. So instead, they gave the police tools to arrest individual protestors. The Mulford Act was drafted and quickly passed. At the time, it was the most restrictive gun control law the country had ever seen. It was written by Ronald Reagan (yes, the same Ronald Reagan that the right uplifts as a paragon of conservative values,) and was supported by the NRA, (yes, the same NRA that lobbies for looser gun control laws in the wakes of school shootings.)

            This gave the police the power to arrest individual protestors after the fact. Instead of firing into the crowd to disperse the protest, they would wait for the protest to end, follow the protestors home, then kick in their front doors while they were having dinner with their families. (Remember all of the “don’t bring your cell phone to protests because police will arrest you a week or two later if your phone was pinged nearby” messaging during the pandemic protests? Yeah…)

            This led to the Black Panthers diving underground. They realized what was happening after protests, so they took efforts to guard their members’ identities. They pulled tactics straight out of anti-espionage textbooks. Randomized meeting places, so police couldn’t set up stings ahead of time. Code names, so arrested members couldn’t rat even if they wanted to. Fragmented info, so no one person (even the leaders) could take down the entire operation if busted. Coded messages. Dead drops. Et cetera, et cetera…

            We’re on a rocket trajectory straight down that same pipeline now.

            • Revan343@lemmy.ca
              11 months ago

              Yup. I knew all that, but I’m glad to see it posted concisely for people who don’t

          • rigatti@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            The joke was more an extension of the argument ammosexuals like to make about everyone being safer when everyone is armed. A bit of a non-sequitur, but those are nice from time to time.

          • AA5B@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            I don’t know if it would go like that these days. Cops now have equipment to beat a small army. It’s insane that we let it get like this.

            We were so innocent back in the day - my bit of activism was protesting campus security getting certified as a police force. Did no good, so now every incident has someone bringing guns and looking to escalate

            • Revan343@lemmy.ca
              11 months ago

              The US military with the fanciest equipment in existence at the time couldn’t even conquer Vietnamese or Afghan farmers. If protestors took the Black Panther approach and the cops did start shit, the cops would lose.

          • Bob@feddit.nl
            11 months ago

            I strongly disagree that not wanting an actual fight is cowardice. Turning up armed to intimidate unarmed people is cowardice.

            • Revan343@lemmy.ca
              11 months ago

              Being willing to attack people who can’t or won’t fight back, but being afraid to attack people who will fight back (especially if they will do so effectively), is basically the definition of cowardice

              • Bob@feddit.nl
                11 months ago

                Ah well you should’ve said that to begin with, because I agree with that!

  • ReallyKinda@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    Love how the narrative went from “nah those can’t be snipers definitely spotters” to “snipers are commonplace at big events!” once it was confirmed. Also the fact that only msn and snopes have published anything about this (or is that just a search indexing problem?).

  • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    I think those are to protect from psychos that want to kill the protesters.

    Think about it, it would be idiotic for any crowd control “measures” and doesn’t make any sense otherwise.

      • uis@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Or lived in saner country.

        EDIT: for some reason I typed “like was” instead of “lived”

    • Kalysta@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Oh you sweet summer child.

      No. The cops ARE the psychos that want to kill the protesters.

      Just look at the past century of protests in America and how much “good” cops did vs how many innocents they hurt.

      • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Maybe touch the grass. No, seriously. Break from tankie doomerposting in some insane web bubble.

        I am scared to think how you must feel on a day to day basis if you believe they will do what exactly?

        It must suck to be you honestly.

        Doomerposting is all the rage nowadays but while I acknowledge things aren’t going that great some people take it a lil bit too far. Bordering on mental illness. I blame twitter

    • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
      11 months ago

      OK, so lets think this out. These are pointed at the crowd correct so lets assume the threat is from the crowd.

      You have some Ne’er-do-well in the crowd who is planing some type of trouble, you notice this person looking “dastardly” from your sniper nest. You radio in and get the go ahead to take the shot with your trusty Remington M700. You shoot centre mass as you have been trained to do and the villain drops like a puppet with its strings cut.

      You saved the day right? Oh no that is just the start, since the round fired was a 7.62x51mm NATO (there is no “rubber” round for this firearm) it went straight through the torso of that protester with a box knife and into and then back out of at least a few other people in the dense crowd (must be their fault for not wearing better body armour). The gunshot is still noticed even with the police issued silencer and at seeing the carnage the crowd does what crowds do, they stampede.

      After the chaos settles down the body count will be a lot higher then that one person with a box cutter could ever manage (not that you can even say they where going to do anything).

      These are not there to protect people, that is not their role, this is not an action movie.

      • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        I imagine there are situations where benefits outweigh the risks. Probably not your interestingly creative scenario. But congratulations for your vivid depiction.

        • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
          11 months ago

          The issue is I can not even with my vivid imagination can think of a scenario where shooting into a crowd (where these teams have their rifles pointed) would have benefits that outweigh the risks.

          The use for sniper teams on roof tops is in VIP protection (as in fuck all the little guys as long as the important one is safe) and offensive actions.

          • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            I don’t need to go back in time by far. Moscow shootings. One or four well positioned snipers could save some lives there.

            Probably someone in a car driving over protesters, someone shooting an automatic weapon. Any person or humanoid unleashing high explosive fragmentation devices.

            • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
              11 months ago

              In all these cases the teams would have to reaim outside of the crowd, and also unless they have been given permission to shoot at their discretion (oh please no) they need to call it in. Not really a great solution where the benefits outweigh the risks.

              And since no snipers saved the day in Moscow it does not really work as an example of snipers being used to defend a crowd. I also doubt with what we now know about the internal workings of the Russian federation I kinda doubt their snipers would have been fully capable.

              • 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓮@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                And yet they are always present during such events so some people that aren’t random internet experts, like us, must see the benefit.

                Your yearning for fitting this into narrative got the better out of you this time around. I blame twitter.

                • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
                  11 months ago

                  Never had a twat account, sorry. I am more coming at this from a gun nuts thinking, Oh and the complete absence of any evidence of sniper teams being used to save a crowd. But maybe I just am not looking hard enough.

        • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
          11 months ago

          As someone who has shot this round, no I don’t think I am overestimating the penetration. Also as it turns out police (I think state troopers in this case) snipers operate at ranges of 100 yards or less according to the police https://www.police1.com/swat/articles/a-first-of-its-kind-effort-describes-police-sniper-use-of-force-engagements-in-us-j7JjrYjYZmPtsoMt/. I know of no way to magic a bullet fired into a crowd to not over penetrate and yes I checked if there was some sort of less lethal or low pen police round (I found none).

          Know your target and what is beyond it. This is basic firearm safety, but that seems to not be common in the US of A.

            • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
              11 months ago

              Funny you should compare the round I am assuming they are using (just went with the current most common police rifle) to a 308 but not a 300 win mag. They use both the 308 and the 7.62x51 NATO from what I can look up.

              The 7.62x51 nato has more punch then a 308 and a bit less vilocity then a 300 win mag. Now if you where to compare it to a 30-06 or a 7.62x54R then yeah sure. The point is the police are not using anything more fancy then hollowpoint according to what little I can find https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/doc/documents/policy/section-04/040106aa.pdf and I don’t know any even slightly competent shooter (hunters more so) that would take the risk of that hollowpoint stopping at the first target with a 308 or hell even a .223.

              I think we are getting lost in the weeds but my point is you don’t set up sniper teams to protect people, you set them up to take people out or intimidate.

      • aidan@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        You saved the day right? Oh no that is just the start, since the round fired was a 7.62x51mm NATO (there is no “rubber” round for this firearm) it went straight through the torso of that protester with a box knife and into and then back out of at least a few other people

        High angle means it would likely go into the ground. Also could use hollow point though, I don’t know if police use hollow point on rifles.

        • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
          11 months ago

          They use various soft point rounds (you can’t really use hollow points on high velocity rifles). The rounds are basically hollow points with a plastic ballistic tip.

          I would not want to be behind someone shot with a .308 fragmenting round or not.

          Here is a video showing the sort of penetration at 100 yards (what distance police snipers shoot from)


      • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        11 months ago

        You saved the day right? Oh no that is just the start, since the round fired was a 7.62x51mm NATO (there is no “rubber” round for this firearm) it went straight through the torso of that protester with a box knife and into and then back out of at least a few other people in the dense crowd (must be their fault for not wearing better body armour). The gunshot is still noticed even with the police issued silencer and at seeing the carnage the crowd does what crowds do, they stampede.

        it depends on how densely packed the people are and how high the approach angle of the bullet is, at 45 degrees, in center mass, it’s only grazing a foot or two before being at knee level lol.

    • boredtortoise@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      In other parts of the world, snipers would draw in the authorities but I guess in the US they are LEO themselves

    • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
      11 months ago

      Well yes, I knew that snipers are routinely deployed at large crowds. That is why this is posted here.

      • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        11 months ago

        i think you should post again but this time include all events this year that have had snipers at them, would be a fun little game of statistics i think.

        • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
          11 months ago

          I wanted to find a list where deployed snipers where used to a positive effect in a crowded area. So far no luck…

          I could not find many good current reports on deployment in general. Here is some older info (2004) so the number is likely a wee bit higher now.


          some bits of note are:

          “The ASA study, which is titled “Police Sniper Utilization Report 2005,” revealed that contrary to the old 70-yard myth, the average range at which police snipers engage suspects is actually 51 yards.”

          and is funny when combined with:

          "The overwhelming majority of SWAT callouts do not result in shots fired by the SWAT team. ASA estimates that there are 10,000 callouts per year. Nationwide for the 20 years included in the study that adds up to about 200,000 deployments. ASA calculates that out of those 200,000 callouts only 172 incidents have ended with a SWAT sniper killing a suspect.

          The survey also shows that police snipers don’t always kill suspects that they fire upon, nor do they always intend to. ASA documents 219 SWAT sniper shootings. Of these, it’s known that 104 struck the suspect in the head or neck, 104 in the body, seven in the arm or hand, and two in a leg. The suspect died of his or her wounds in only 172 of these incidents.

          ASA notes that even some of the suspects who were shot in the head and neck survived their wounds. However, none of these suspects were shot in the brain or spinal cord. Instead, they were hit in the jaw or mouth."

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            11 months ago

            that’s certainly interesting, i just meant a generic list of all the times it’s happened, though more stats is always welcome, i’m sure they don’t exist yet though.

        • oo1@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          Are you saying that it is not dystopic? or it’s not comonplace enough to be boring?
          I’m glad we dont have/need (probably can’t afford) that shit where i live.
          Do they have them at sports events and carnivals, music festivals and stuff like that too?

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            11 months ago

            i’m just saying that this is really common, and i’ve seen it like 4 times the last few years.

            It’s pretty dystopian, but so is everything. There is nothing that isn’t dystopian in life lmao.

            Homie they build sniper nests in stadiums. This is a pretty commonly done thing. I’d be surprised if they weren’t at the majority of large events that ever happened.

            • oo1@kbin.social
              11 months ago

              That does sound crazy.
              I’ll not complain so much about the odd bag checking queue and occasional half hearted patdown/grope we get over here any more.

              • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                11 months ago

                lol, yeah it’s definitely something. It’s nothing compared to the TSA though, which is a such a blight on humanity it’s done less than letting a horny 12 year old work the job solo instead lmao.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Can’t wait for a headline about them accidentally shooting an innocent person and then admin goes on the defensive, claiming that the snipers were only doing their job. That, or hush the grieving family by either paying them to shut up or flat out erase them by buying off the police.

    • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
      11 months ago

      Maybe pantyhose? Are we sure these are the police? It is getting very hard to tell.

  • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
    11 months ago

    So I have a question I sort of posted in there too but figure I’ll bring the conversation over here (in a more respectful way)

    These are called spotters/marksman and they have them at football games, the Olympics, presumably political events, etc. to handle the threat of suicide bombers and other mass-population terrorist threats

    How should we handle these threats without police intervention/snipers to quickly take out a bomber?

    Looking for civil discourse if at all possible, but I also understand this is a high stakes discussion and directly affects some more than others

    Edit: Asks a legitimate question, without ulterior motives, literally just trying to steer the conversation to a productive, constructive discussion: is bombarded with bad faith arguments, downvotes, accused of being down right disingenuous, and minimal attempts (1 as of this edit) to actually address the conversation. Psychotic experience this was.

    • Catoblepas
      11 months ago

      “These threats” what threat?? People protesting? These snipers have never once protected protestors from the violent freaks that show up to run people over or shoot people.

      • Delphia@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        The most likely reasoning is also the saddest.

        The tensions about israel/palestine are real. Theres a non zero chance that someone who is very pro-israel and very unhinged might decide the pro-palestinians need shooting. You know how I know this? Because this is an American school, people get shot because someone feels that they need to shoot some people, they dont need a wildly divisive issue to spur them on. One anonymous email talking about how the “terrorist supporters are going to get whats coming to them” and the school/police have to do something. If they do nothing and it does happen everyone will be screaming that “They were warned and did nothing! They wanted this to happen!”

        • Catoblepas
          11 months ago

          But you see that’s not what they’re doing, right? Tearing down protest encampments and arresting everyone isn’t protecting them.

          • Delphia@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            They can want the protests to go away (or make them) AND not want to deal with the bad press of failing to at least pretend to protect them on campus. Even if the protest is unauthorised by administration they still dont want " Nothing was done to prevent OSU mass shooting by police or administration" to be a headline.

            Both things can be true.

            • Catoblepas
              11 months ago

              Both things can be true, but that doesn’t really make it better? Both are completely self serving reasons that trample on the constitutional rights of the students.

      • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
        11 months ago

        From my point of view/questioning, it’s the threat of suicide bombers and other terrorist efforts (acid, dirty bombs, driving through a crowd of people) when it comes to protesting middle eastern matters in the states. Hell we have American terrorists doing terrorism here too, how do we better prevent that or are we stuck only responding?

        • Catoblepas
          11 months ago

          This is a complete distraction. The only people spilling protestors’ blood on American soil right now are cops. And your response to it is to try to justify why they need intimidation snipers on top of that?? Absolutely not.

          • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            You did not address what they said and instead made a slew of assumptions about their intent. They actually had a question

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            This isn’t even true (we literally just had several parades/protests where a driver DROVE through the fucking crowd), you completely dodge my question, and then in bad faith tried to paint me like I’m some sort of crazy person who thinks intimidation is somehow a good idea.

            I’m done with this conversation. I don’t have to tolerate bad faith arguments when I’ve repeatedly shown I want to have civil discourse. Next time, don’t respond if you can’t act like an adult and treat someone who’s trying to improve themselves and act like an adult.

            • Catoblepas
              11 months ago

              OK, dude wringing his hands about what if someone brings in a dirty bomb while cops bash in heads. 🙄 The grandstanding like I didn’t bring up violent freaks running over and shooting protestors first is a cute touch, too.

              If you want to be treated as a serious person to have a serious conversation with then be fucking serious.

              • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
                11 months ago

                I’ve repeatedly said that cops using snipers/spotters is not a good solution, and that cops are part of the problem, but okay believe whatever lies you wanna tell yourself I suppose. Thats your prerogative

        • skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de
          11 months ago

          dirty bombs are movie plot threat, bombers, suicide or not are not an issue in usa because alternatives are more easily available. your take sounds weird and disingenuous

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            We’ve had several bombings, including suicide bombers in the us. Not everything is pushed into the news cycle by the media state because “it encourages copy cats” or whatever other bullshit they’ll come up with to only report what they want to push.

            1. San Bernardino Attack (2015): 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured (mass shooting and attempted bombing)

            2. Boston Marathon Bombing (2013): 3 people killed and injuring several hundred, including 16 who lost limbs. (bombing)

            3. Times Square Car Bomb Attempt (2010): Attempted car bombing, non injured

            4. Nashville Bombing (2020) - Suicide RV Bombing

            Your take is ignorant.

            • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
              11 months ago

              Your take is just fear mongering and pushing the narrative that the police in the US are being militarized to protect people. You are talking about a 14 year period where 18 people died from 2 successful attacks, and hundreds injured. A stat line that is eclipsed by the number of people killed and injured by police every year. In case you are wondering that would be >600 killed and 250,000 injured per year.


              The idea that this cure is better then the illness is just not born out in data.

              • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
                11 months ago

                It’s very obvious you aren’t even reading my comments anymore, I think we can be done now. I’m not going to participate in bad faith discussions. Obvious troll at this point. See ya.

                • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
                  11 months ago

                  Or I am taking my time responding as I just woke up.

                  But don’t let me stop your victory lap. Clearly you are not at all projecting.

    • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
      11 months ago

      The fact you Americans think this is normal for a protest says more then anything I can comment.

      A good test is to think of a private entitiy doing this and if that passes the smell test. I don’t think deploying snipers at events has ever saved anyone (correct me if I am missing an incident) and in this case if they are there to protect the students why does the school not hire their own sharpshooters?

      • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
        11 months ago

        You bring up a good point. The prevention part - snipers are seemingly ineffective. The reaction/response portion however, does point to guns being used to prevent further damage. 2016 dallas shooting - police used a bomb to take out the shooter after the fact. LA airport shooting in 2013 - taken down with regular guns.

        Overall, I think you make a good point, they’re ineffective at prevention, and even response can be handled w/o the need of long range or automatic weapons. There’s always the argument that “well there aren’t any attacks because we have these” that I can see people making but that feels fallacious somehow, just not sure how exactly.

        I am still left to wonder, how do you actually prevent the bombing and other attacks from happening. What is effective?

        • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
          11 months ago

          I think you might be mistaken as to the point of the police being on site. Its not really the job of police to protect (and extra so for protesters). The risk of a terror attack on any large group of people is a weak excuse for this sort of response from police.

          Something about those who give up liberty for safety deserve nether…

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            I sorta agree, but wanted to ask for some clarification - what liberties do you see being given up here? They didn’t really take anything away, they were just there. It’s definitely intimidating, and nobody trusts the police (for good reason, namely lack of appropriate oversight, action, and training) but I can’t see how anything was taken away or given up here for the illusion of saftey that the snipers would hypothetically be providing, know what I mean?

            • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
              11 months ago

              You have normalized a police state where as a people you now think it is normal to have things like sniper teams set up at all major events with a lot of people. This has been done as you have stated; “to handle the threat of suicide bombers and other mass-population terrorist threats” even though sniper teams have almost no ability to stop or even just not make the situation considerably worse.

              The thing about trading liberties for extra safety is not only about the liberties lost but that it is a fools journey since the things done for safety are more likely to be ether useless, or just bad (think TSA vs militarizing the police).

              You are not stopping a mass casualty event at the time and place of the event itself but well before it. This show of force is just control, theatre, a waste of taxpayer money and in the worst case the cause (ironically enough) of a mass casualty event.

              • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
                11 months ago

                Dude I’m not gonna repeat myself. Go through my comments. I’ve said time in and time out that I don’t agree with this practice. Why is this so hard for people to grasp lol

                Edit: And you didn’t even answer my question: what liberties are lost by having these snipers there

                • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
                  11 months ago

                  I did answer you question and have been the only person willing to engage with you politely. So I will break it down at a lower level, all caps:




                  The very idea you could not pick up on the liberties at direct risk here has me thinking you are ether so oppressed that you don’t even know what basic human freedom is, or more likely you are not arguing in good faith and know full well what is going on.

                  No one (other then I guess your police and governor) wants this stupid, useless, dangerous, Patriot act level show of force.

                  Edit: And I for one will repeat myself, over and over in different ways since you have stated no one has addressed your question when after reading the replies, they have, and done so in many nuanced and different ways. It just happens no one has given you the answer you are fishing for.

        • Xaphanos@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          When the bomber intends to die in glory, there is no deterrent possible. Death isn’t any deterrent. It can only be stopped before they get to the scene.

            • Xaphanos@lemmy.world
              11 months ago


              Reeducation or incarceratin of zealots. Large investment in mental health. Prosecution of group’s and individuals that call for violence or have violent philosophies. Reduce access to weapons and materials. High bounties for reporting suspicious activity or behavior. Promotion / enforcement of a homogeneous society.

              None WILL be done. Many are undesirable. But they can be used to prevent. Does that help you?

              • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
                11 months ago

                Yes absolutely. These are most definitely actionable and are also excellent conversational pieces that can be discussed further, which was all I wanted instead of outrage commenting basically.

                I think healthcare in general (including mental health) services would be hugely impactful to the general population.

                I also think our educational system is being eroded and a lot of kids are pushed away from continuing education (in any form, not just traditional university which fails a lot of people) in favor of blue collar work

                Now I’m not saying blue collar work is bad, but I do think continuing education is important, especially as our life expectancies are increasing. It’s important people stay educated and continue to practice things like the scientific process so that we don’t lose that information and become disinformation spreaders.

                Without solid education, we can’t possible expect a “bright” future imo.

                What did you mean about the homogenous society? In what ways? Looking forward to any examples/explanation you could give!

                • Xaphanos@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  In a homogeneous society, everyone has the same background. No differences of traditions, religions, art, music, etc. They all look roughly similar. They have no fuel to make another member into the “other”. As I understand, Iceland has something approaching this. I expect the Sentinalese do, to. The ways to get to this from a large and diverse society are, of course, appalling.

        • Crackhappy@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I’m sorry people are being so reactionary and taking your questions as being pro sniper or whatever way they’re taking it. Rational discourse is generally better on Lemmy than other places but is still on the Internet, so people don’t actually give anyone credit for trying to be calm and rational about events like these.

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            And like, to an extent, I understand the outrage. I do.

            But if people can’t act like adults, know they need to simmer down a bit before having these conversations, lemmy is in no way better than Reddit. It’s just a Reddit that’s wider and under the control of more people.

            This interaction (while in the original thread my words were flung without frontal lobe usage, and that’s entirely my fault) I had hoped to reset after I had apologized but I guess a lot of people were still upset.

            Maybe it was my fault. Idk. All I can do is continue to move forward and do better. Simple as that. Thank you for the empathy, I appreciate it.

        • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
          11 months ago

          Oh come now, the point being made is the police ARE THE THREAT. There is no other threat at the level of the armed government goons on site pointing loaded firearms at students. You replied to the answer of your question with “But what about the OTHER threat?” And if you could read just a tiny bit between the lines by the fact that nether you or the person you have replied to have listed another threat (other then general terrorism), maybe you could figure out that there is no threat these police are there to thwart.

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            How are you gonna put parenthesis around the point that was literally counterpoint to the comment.

            They were saying the police were the biggest threat, yet we have repeated terrorist events from regular Americans (not cops as well?)

            People died from those incidents. I didn’t even include just injuries or anything like that. Dead. Not pepper spray, not rubber bullets.

            Run over.

            And eight year old was fucking shot and killed.

            To say that police or the only threat to LIFE at these events is just outright disingenuous. period.

            There exists real threats that we need to address if we’re ever to pull back our gross reliance on police being some kind of savior figure or whatever bullshit other people believe they are.

            All the US needs to do is embrace Peelian principles, but instead it’s a corrupt, power groping free for all.

            • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
              11 months ago

              All the US needs to do is embrace Peelian principles, but instead it’s a corrupt, power groping free for all.

              We both know even if taking a more community driven approach like what Peel did in London would take a herculean effort and the public at this point would not likely buy in. Maybe in 50 years.

              They were saying the police were the biggest threat, yet we have repeated terrorist events from regular Americans (not cops as well?)

              The argument is not that there are not non police risks, its that they pale in comparison (at a degree that the non police risk is so low to almost be a rounding error) to police risks. Also the police have shown over and over in the US they are not willing to protect the public.

              There exists real threats that we need to address if we’re ever to pull back our gross reliance on police being some kind of savior figure or whatever bullshit other people believe they are.

              See that is something we can agree on.

      • HuddaBudda@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        I think people do not realize that for large gatherings where violence could break out this is pretty standard.

        Most Sports stadiums have them.

        I do not think it is wrong to be cautious, or at least have some pieces on the table in case something breaks out.

        Which I am sorry to say, could very well happen.

        1:5 Americans believe that an act of force is justified. RIght wing or left wing, that could be a terrifying concept if someone motivated by zealous anger to attack a protest they don’t fully understand.

      • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
        11 months ago

        I think there might’ve been a miscommunication - I was referring to the threat being suicide bombers and dirty bombs. How do you stop someone from walking into a crowd, pushing a button, and hurting many innocent people trying to peacefully protest?

        • ivanafterall@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          The cops are literally the ones walking into the crowds hurting the protestors. So you get rid of the cops.

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            I already asked this but I’m gonna repeat it here for clarity, are cops the only people hurting innocent people at protests?

            Charlottesville, Virginia (2017): White supremacist drives car into counter protestors

            Minneapolis, Minnesota (2020): Tanker truck drives through a crowd of George Floyd protestors.

            Seattle, Washington (2020): Police brutality protest, driver drives through a crowd yet again.

            New York City, New York (2017): IED sucide bomber inspired by ISIS in the subway.

            Portland, Oregon (2020): Several incidents regarding vehicle usage and other violence against George Floyd protestors

            Seems not. People are violent and there are threats to peaceful protesters. I am not saying that police snipers are the solution to this threat, and I am not saying cops are innocent, but to try and pretend that the *only *problem is cops, is disingenuous to the innocent people who have died due to hateful people and I’m not going to let you pretend otherwise, knowingly or otherwise.

            Say their names.

            Heather Heyer

            David McAtee

            Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr

            Summer Taylor

            Secoriea Turner (8 fucking years old.)

            Garrett Foster

            Anthony Huber

            Joseph Rosenbaum

            • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
              11 months ago

              What a cute list, here is one for the police during only a 6 month period over one large event to show the stark difference between the dangers of strangers and the dangers of police at protests (who I might add where present at all your examples, so what was the point?)

              (in case you want to double check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police_violence_incidents_during_George_Floyd_protests) Sorry this might take a bit:

              • May 27, 2020 Memphis, Tennessee An officer was filmed using his police shield to shove a girl.[9]
              • May 27, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police fired projectiles at protesters, damaging a woman’s eye.[10]
              • May 28, 2020 Albuquerque, New Mexico Police fired tear gas at protesters who followed officers as they made arrests.[11]
              • May 28, 2020 Denver, Colorado Peaceful protesters were gassed by police. Elisabeth Epps, a member of the Denver Police use-of-force committee, resigned her post after she was shot by police projectiles.[12]
              • May 28, 2020 Houston, Texas A Houston Police Department officer riding a horse was filmed trampling a woman. Mayor Sylvester Turner apologized for the incident.[13][14] The woman later filed a lawsuit against the Houston Police Department and the city of Houston.[15]
              • May 28, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota An officer in the tail car of a caravan of squad cars was filmed indiscriminately spraying a chemical agent out the window onto bicyclists and people in a crosswalk.[16]
              • May 28, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota A reporter from the Des Moines Register was pepper sprayed by police.[17]
              • May 29, 2020 Atlanta, Georgia An officer was filmed using his bicycle to shove a black woman who was protesting.[18]
              • May 29, 2020 Atlanta, Georgia An officer was filmed body-slamming a woman near Lenox Square Mall. The woman later sued the city of Atlanta.[19]
              • May 29, 2020 Columbus, Ohio Police fired a non-lethal projectile at a man, striking and shattering his knee.[20]
              • May 29, 2020 Columbus, Ohio A woman was hit by a police horse. The city of Columbus later agreed to pay $5.75 million to injured protesters.[21]
              • May 29, 2020 Columbus, Ohio Police pepper-sprayed and shoved a reverend.[21]
              • May 29, 2020 Columbus, Ohio Police fired a wooden bullet at a woman near a protest, striking her in the chin.[21]
              • May 29, 2020 Dallas, Texas A CBS news crew was caught in tear gas.[22]
              • May 29, 2020 Denver, Colorado KMGH-TV news crew reported police targeting them with paintballs and tear gas. Their photographer was shot four times and their camera was destroyed.[23]
              • May 29, 2020 Denver, Colorado Police fired a sponge-tipped projectile at a protester, hitting her eye.[24]
              • May 29, 2020 Denver, Colorado Police shot tear gas at a couple in a vehicle waiting at a traffic stop in Denver. When the man came out of the vehicle to confront the officers because his pregnant wife was in the vehicle, the officers ordered him to move along. He refused and the officers opened fire on him and the vehicle with pepper balls.[25]
              • May 29, 2020 Las Vegas, Nevada 80 people were arrested as police clashed with protesters on the Vegas strip, including two journalists. Charges against the two journalists were later dropped.[26][27]
              • May 29, 2020 Las Vegas, Nevada Officers were filmed rushing and tackling a protester. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said the man was an agitator.[28]
              • May 29, 2020 Louisville, Kentucky A Louisville Metro Police Department officer was filmed firing pepper balls directly at a WAVE 3 News crew, hitting correspondent Kaitlin Rust and photojournalist James Dobson.[29][23]
              • May 29, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota CNN journalist Omar Jimenez and his three-person news crew were arrested by a group of Minnesota state police officers while reporting live on protests in response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[30] According to Jimenez, he was arrested for failing to move back from the position where they were reporting after being ordered to, despite their media credentials being visible and valid, and their agreeing to move where directed.[31][32]
              • May 29, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Swedish Expressen correspondent Nina Svanberg was shot with a rubber bullet and VG photojournalist Thomas Nilsson had a red laser sight trained on him.[33][34]
              • May 29, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Journalist and author Linda Tirado was permanently blinded in one eye after police shot her with a non-lethal projectile.[35]
              • May 29, 2020 New York City, New York New York City Police Department officer Vincent D’Andraia shoved a woman, Dounya Zayer, to the ground at a protest in Brooklyn.[36] The officer was recorded throwing down the protester with both hands while allegedly calling her a “stupid fucking bitch”; the protester was hospitalized after the assault and said she suffered a seizure.[37] On June 9, the officer was charged with assault, criminal mischief, harassment and menacing.[38]
              • May 29, 2020 New York City, New York As police cars drove past protesters, an officer opened his passenger door, causing it to hit a protester. The suspected perpetrator received modified duty.[39]
              • May 29, 2020 New York City, New York Outside Barclays Center, police were filmed repeatedly striking protesters with clubs after they had fallen on the concrete.[40]
              • May 29, 2020 Omaha, Nebraska A man was shot in the eye with a pepper ball. A different person was shot by pepper balls in the groin, although it is not known exactly what date this occurred.[41][42]
              • May 29, 2020 Omaha, Nebraska Police fired tear gas at a line of protesters sitting in the street.[43]
              • May 29, 2020 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania An officer threw a pepper spray container at a man.[44]
              • May 29, 2020 San Jose, California San Jose Police Department officer Jared Yuen drew national attention on social media due to videos of his behaviour. Yuen was videoed holding a projectile launcher, telling a protester “Shut up, bitch”, then within seconds he leaned around another officer to fire a projectile at close range, which caused a fight. In other videos, Yuen is filmed saying: “Let’s get this motherfucker”, or seen “smirking, licking his lips and rocking back and forth, looking a little too excited to be facing off with protesters”, reported San Jose Inside. The videos were viewed over 10 million times, and thousands called for Yuen’s firing. SJPD chief Eddie Garcia reacted that Yuen “let his emotions get the best of him, and it’s not right”, but he also called Yuen a “kid” and “good cop”, “who has put his life on the line for the city multiple times.” As a result, Yuen was removed from protest duties.[45][46][47]
              • May 29, 2020 San Jose, California A bias trainer was shot in the groin by riot guns.[48]
              • May 29, 2020 San Jose, California A former San Jose Planning Commissioner was pushed to the ground and repeatedly shot with impact munitions by police.[49]
              • May 30, 2020 Albany, New York Police used tear gas after a protest turned violent. Tear gas spread into a nearby home, causing a resident who inhaled some of it to suffer lingering health effects.[50]
              • May 30, 2020 Atlanta, Georgia Officers from the Atlanta Police Department pulled two black students from their car, broke a car window, and used tasers to shock them. This came after officers arrested a classmate of theirs whom they wanted to pick up; an officer ordered the students to continue driving, which they complied with. One officer claimed that one of the students possessed a gun, but no gun was found. One of the students stated that he was punched over 10 times in the back after being arrested. Within days, six officers were charged as a result of the incident; two were fired and four were put on administrative leave. The Fulton County District Attorney, Paul Howard, stated that the two college students were “innocent almost to the point of being naive”.[51][52][53]
              • May 30, 2020 Austin, Texas 16-year-old Levi Ayala suffered brain damage after being shot in the head with a less-lethal round by Austin police officer Nicholas Gebhart.[54][55][56] Gebhart and several other officers were later indicted for shooting protesters with non-lethal projectiles.[57]
              • May 30, 2020 Austin, Texas A deaf man was hit by less-lethal projectiles in the ear and crotch.[58]
              • May 30, 2020 Chicago, Illinois Journalist Jonathan Ballew was broadcasting the protest when he was allegedly assaulted with a chemical agent.[59]
              • May 30, 2020 Chicago, Illinois Police attacked actor John Cusack, who was filming the protest.[60]
              • May 30, 2020 Chicago, Illinois An officer beat a woman in her vehicle and wrongfully arrested her. In 2022 the officer faced dismissal for the incident.[61]
              • May 30, 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio An officer shoved a man from behind with a shield.[62]
              • May 30, 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio A singular protester standing with his hands raised was tear gassed.[62]
              • May 30, 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio Police fired pepper balls at a group of 20 people without warning.[62]
              • May 30, 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio Police shot a man taking photos in the eye with a marking round, causing the man to suffer vision problems. The man filed an excessive force complained but it was ruled not sustained, as the Citizen Complaint Authority was not able to determine which officer fired the round.[63]
              • May 30, 2020 Cleveland, Ohio A man lost sight in one eye after being hit with a beanbag round.[64]
              • May 30, 2020 Cleveland, Ohio A sheriff’s deputy fired beanbag round at a man passing out water, hitting him in the back of the head. The same deputy fired a beanbag that blinded a different man on the same date. The man hit with the beanbag round later filed a lawsuit.[65]
              • May 30, 2020 Columbus, Ohio Columbus Police were filmed pepper spraying Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Commissioner Kevin Boyce, and Council President Shannon Hardin during a demonstration near the Ohio Statehouse.[66][67]
              • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
                11 months ago
                • May 30, 2020 Columbus, Ohio 22-year-old Sarah Grossman was pepper-sprayed at a demonstration and later died in the hospital from what was determined to be natural causes.[68] An autopsy determined that Sarah Grossman died of coronary artery dissection due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.[69]
                • May 30, 2020 Dallas, Texas Journalist Kevin Krause photographed a woman who said she had been walking home with groceries when she was struck in the forehead by a police projectile.[70]
                • May 30, 2020 Dallas, Texas Brandon Saenz, a 26-year-old black man, was at a protest outside City Hall when he was shot in the face with a non-lethal projectile by police. The projectile shattered the victim’s left eye.[71] In 2022 two of the officers who fired projectiles were indicted on multiple counts.[72]
                • May 30, 2020 Dayton, Ohio Police fired tear gas and beanbags at protesters. Protesters stated police fired at them without warning, while Dayton’s police chief said projectiles were fired in response to water bottles and rocks being thrown.[73]
                • May 30, 2020 Denver, Colorado Police shot a protester with a pepperball round, allegedly without provocation, as he filmed them.[74]
                • May 30, 2020 Denver, Colorado A non-protester was blinded in one eye after being struck by a police projectile. The victim was walking to his car when he was reportedly shot in the eye, drive-by style, by police.[75]
                • May 30, 2020 Detroit, Michigan As a crowd walked away from police, one individual was assaulted by police, physically and verbally. The protester was tackled by a second officer and sprayed by a third.[76]
                • May 30, 2020 Detroit, Michigan Police pepper sprayed several reporters.[77]
                • May 30, 2020 Erie, Pennsylvania A seated 21-year old protester was filmed being kicked to the ground by an officer.[78]
                • May 30, 2020 Fort Wayne, Indiana A protester was shot in one eye and blinded by police.[79]
                • May 30, 2020 Fort Wayne, Indiana A three-year-old girl was reported to have been intentionally gassed by police. According to the mother, who was not a protester, the officer “dead-looked at my daughter and threw the canister in front of her and it exploded up into her face.”[80]
                • May 30, 2020 Grand Rapids, Michigan One officer pepper sprayed a protester and seconds later another fired a tear gas canister into his upper body, hitting him in the shoulder.[81][82][83]
                • May 30, 2020 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania As people tried to help a fallen protester, they were pepper-sprayed.[84]
                • May 30, 2020 Kansas City, Missouri Several officers pepper sprayed a man who was yelling at them from the side of the street. Kansas City Police Chief Rick Smith defended the actions.[85]
                • May 30, 2020 Kansas City, Missouri A man was blinded in one eye after being hit by a police projectile. He later sued the city of Kansas City.[86]
                • May 30, 2020 Kansas City, Missouri An officer was photographed pepper spraying a man holding a sign above his head.[87]
                • May 30, 2020 La Mesa, California A protestor was shot by police with a “less-lethal” bean bag round between her eyes.[88]
                • May 30, 2020 La Mesa, California A woman walking near a protest in front of La Mesa’s police station was shot in the face by a police projectile.[89]
                • May 30, 2020 La Mesa, California A teenager driving his car near the La Mesa Police station was shot in the head by non-lethal projectiles.[90]
                • May 30, 2020 Las Vegas, Nevada A videographer sued the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, alleging officers smacked his phone out of his hands and dragged him out of his car.[91]
                • May 30, 2020 Lawrenceville, Georgia A Gwinnett County Police officer punched a protester lying on the ground.[92]
                • May 30, 2020 Los Angeles, California Two protesters standing in a deserted street were shot by police rubber bullets.[93]
                • May 30, 2020 Los Angeles, California An officer shoved a reporter from behind, causing her to trip and hit her head on a fire hydrant.[94]
                • May 30, 2020 Los Angeles, California Police struck protesters with batons.[95]
                • May 30, 2020 Los Angeles, California A protester was struck in the face by a rubber bullet.[96]
                • May 30, 2020 Louisville, Kentucky A protester was shot in the back of the head by non-lethal projectiles. The man later filed a lawsuit against Louisville Police and State Police.[97]
                • May 30, 2020 Manassas, Virginia Virginia Delegate Lee Carter was hit by flash-bangs three times, twice while walking away.[98]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota A group of 20 Minneapolis police were filmed marching down a residential street, ordering people on their front porches to go inside. After a few demands, one of the officers shouted “light 'em up!” and marker rounds were shot at them.[99]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police forced a reporter to the ground and pepper-sprayed him.[100]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Veteran news photographer Tom Aviles was shot with a rubber-bullet and arrested.[101]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police targeted a CBS news crew and strike a member with non-lethal projectiles.[102]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota On May 30 and 31, Minnesota law enforcement slashed the tires of unoccupied vehicles parked near protests. Video of the incidents showed indiscriminate slashing of every vehicle in a Kmart parking lot. Several journalists were affected by the event. The Minnesota State Patrol and the Anoka County Sheriff’s Department admitted on June 8 to slashing tires. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety, which oversees the State Patrol stated that tires were slashed in “a few locations”, “in order to stop behaviors such as vehicles driving dangerously”. The Department further stated that some targeted vehicles contained potentially harmful items, to which Snopes commented that there appeared to be a logical “disconnect behind the idea of cutting tires when threatening objects were allegedly located inside” the vehicle.[103][104]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police fired rubber bullets at a Swiss team of reporters.[105]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police fired rubber bullets at a Reuters news crew.[106]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police hit a journalist in the shin with a rubber bullet.[100]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota An officer maced a photojournalist in the face.[107]
                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police in an unmarked vehicle encountered 27-year-old Jaleel Stallings and several others guarding a gas station from looting in defiance of the curfew warning. Police fired rubber bullets at the group without warning or announcing themselves as police. Stallings returned fire with actual bullets, but surrendered when police identified themselves. Police beat Stallings for roughly 30 seconds after he surrendered. Stallings was charged with multiple charges including attempted murder but was acquitted in July 2021.[108][109]

                In late 2022, Justin Stetson, one of the officers who beat Stallings was charged with third-degree assault.[110] On May 8, 2023, prosecutors offered Stetson a plea deal allowing him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and avoid jail time, which Stallings objected to.[111] Nonetheless, a judge accepted the plea agreement. Stenson pleaded guilty to third-degree assault and one count of misconduct as a public officer, with the condition he never work as a police officer in Minnesota again.[112] Stenson had already taken a disability retirement in August 2022 and the plea did not affect his state pension.[111]

                • May 30, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Officers from the Saint Paul Police Department used tear gas and less lethal projectiles to prevent a crowd of protesters from crossing the Lake Street-Marshall Bridge from Minneapolis to Saint Paul.[113]
                • May 30, 2020 New York City, New York Two NYPD vehicles were recorded ramming into protesters[114] In April 2022 an oversight agency recommended discipline be taken against the officers involved.[115]
                • May 30, 2020 New York City, New York An officer approached a protester, ripped off the protester’s mask, and pepper-sprayed the protester in the face.[36]
                • May 30, 2020 New York City, New York A medical worker at the Kings County Hospital Center left work and came across officers chasing an individual, and began to record the incident. Officers began to beat the worker for about 90 seconds, causing bruises and a head wound that required seven staples to close.[116]
                • May 30, 2020 New York City, New York An officer arrested and struck a Huffington Post reporter with a baton after the reporter insulted the officer.[94]
                • May 30, 2020 Oakland, California A reporter was hit in the thigh by a rubber bullet.[77]
                • May 30, 2020 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A police officer was filmed repeatedly striking a journalist with club.[117]
                • May 30, 2020 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A SEPTA Police officer struck two protesters with a baton. The officer was fired in July 2020 and indicted on assault charges in October of that year.[118]
                • May 30, 2020 Phoenix, Arizona A photographer was hit in the head and back by police projectiles.[119]
                • May 30, 2020 Raleigh, North Carolina Police fired gas and non-lethal projectiles at protesters.[120]
                • May 30, 2020 Reno, Nevada Police shot a legal observer from the American Civil Liberties Union with rubber bullets.[121]
                • May 30, 2020 Richmond, Virginia Police sprayed a man through the window of his home as he recorded them.[122]
                • May 30, 2020 Rochester, New York Police fired pepper balls and tear gas canisters at a group of people following the damaging of several police cars.[123]
                • May 30, 2020 Rockford, Illinois Police struck a protester with batons and threw him to the ground. The Rockford Police Department stated that a board of police officials determined all officers had acted appropriately.[124]
                • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
                  11 months ago
                  • May 30, 2020 Salem, Oregon Police used tear gas on protesters after curfew. Prior to the tear gas a police officer was filmed telling armed members of a right-wing group to leave the sidewalk and go inside so “it doesn’t look like we are playing favorites.”[125]
                  • May 30, 2020 Salt Lake City, Utah During a live news broadcast, police were filmed shoving an elderly man, causing him to fall to the pavement.[126] The District Attorney decided not to press charges against the officer, saying the man himself did not support criminal charges.[127]
                  • May 30, 2020 Salt Lake City, Utah An officer was filmed firing a beanbag gun at a man lying on the ground with his hands in the air. A spokesman for the Salt Lake City Police Department said the officer was not one of theirs.[128]
                  • May 30, 2020 San Antonio, Texas A protester filmed as police shot him twice with less-lethal projectiles without physical provocation.[129]
                  • May 30, 2020 Santa Monica, California A news crew was hit with tear gas.[77]
                  • May 30, 2020 Seattle, Washington A seven-year-old child was maced by police, with the aftermath documented by a viral video. Hours after the protest, Seattle police arrested the person who recorded the video.[130]
                  • May 30, 2020 Seattle, Washington An officer placed his knee on the back of the neck of a suspect; after onlookers shouted for him to remove his knee from the man’s neck, his partner pulled it off.[131]
                  • May 30, 2020 Toledo, Ohio Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters.[132]
                  • May 31, 2020 Austin, Texas A pregnant woman was shot by police with projectile.[133]
                  • May 31, 2020 Austin, Texas 20-year-old African American Texas State University student Justin Howell was shot in the head with a less lethal bean bag round by an Austin Police Department officer while protesting outside the police headquarters in Austin, Texas. Fellow protesters were instructed by police to carry the injured Howell toward them for medical aid, however, those protesters were then also fired upon by police. Howell was left in critical condition, with a fractured skull and brain damage.[134][135] The officer who shot Howell was later indicted for the shooting.[136]
                  • May 31, 2020 Austin, Texas A woman was shot with lead pellets. Nine officers were later charged in connection with the incident.[58][136]
                  • May 31, 2020 Austin, Texas An officer shot a protester with a beanbag projectile as he walked away. The officer was later indicted for the shooting.[136]
                  • May 31, 2020 Boston, Massachusetts Boston Police were criticized for use of pepper spray during the protests. In one instance, a man with his hands up was pepper sprayed by several officers.[137]
                  • May 31, 2020 Boston, Massachusetts Multiple people claimed police struck them with batons despite having their hands raised. Four people filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of Boston and three Boston Police officers.[138]
                  • May 31, 2020 Charleston, South Carolina A kneeling protester was arrested after telling police “I love each and every one of you. I cry at night, because I feel your pain.”[139]
                  • May 31, 2020 Chattanooga, Tennessee Police threw two protesters to the ground and handcuffed them after they pulled on a banner.[140]
                  • May 31, 2020 Chattanooga, Tennessee Sheriff’s deputies threw tear gas from a courthouse balcony. According to Chattanooga Police, they had not been informed that the Sheriff’s Office would be using tear gas.[140]
                  • May 31, 2020 Chicago, Illinois Outside Brickyard Mall, police were filmed swarming a car, smashing its windows, and pulling an occupant to the ground. An investigation was opened.[141]
                  • May 31, 2020 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Police Board President Ghian Foreman claimed that officers struck him multiple times with batons.[142]
                  • May 31, 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio Police arrested a tattoo artist and pushed him against a window after curfew. The artist was painting a mural on a building with the owner’s permission and was otherwise uninvolved in the protests.[143]
                  • May 31, 2020 Columbia, South Carolina A protester filed a federal lawsuit after he was hit by tear gas and rubber bullets, the latter of which hit his back.[144]
                  • May 31, 2020 Compton, California A deputy held a man’s head down with a knee, while another repeatedly kicked him. Compton city officials called for the deputies involved to be dismissed.[145]
                  • May 31, 2020 Denver, Colorado When asked “what is going to happen at 8”, an officer replied “What’s gonna happen is we’re gonna start beating the fuck out of you.”[146]
                  • May 31, 2020 Des Moines, Iowa A reporter was shot in the thigh by a rubber bullet.[147]
                  • May 31, 2020 Detroit, Michigan An officer fired rubber pellets at a group of photojournalists leaving a protest. The officer was charged but charges were later dropped.[148]
                  • May 31, 2020 El Paso, Texas A woman was hit in the back of the leg by a beanbag round.[149]
                  • May 31, 2020 Eugene, Oregon A reporter from Eugene Weekly was hit with tear gas and pellets.[150]
                  • May 31, 2020 Eugene, Oregon Police fired pepper balls at a man near his home after curfew.[151]
                  • May 31, 2020 Fort Lauderdale, Florida A police officer shoved a woman as she knelt. Video shows one of the officer’s coworkers, a black woman, yelling at him after the incident. The officer who shoved the protester was identified and suspended pending investigation.[152] The officer was later charged with battery but was acquitted.[153]
                  • May 31, 2020 Fort Lauderdale, Florida A woman was shot in the face with a rubber bullet. According to police the detective was aiming at a different person when the woman accidentally walked into the line of fire.[154]
                  • May 31, 2020 Fredericksburg, Virginia Police used tear gas about two minutes after an unlawful assembly was declared. An internal review concluded that police actions were justified, but a later independent review determined that police were too quick to deploy tear gas. A group of protesters filed a lawsuit against the city of Fredericksburg.[155]
                  • May 31, 2020 Hobart, Indiana During a protest near the Southlake Mall, police fired multiple pellets at a man walking to his car, before arresting and siccing a dog on him. Police also used tear gas on protesters.[156]
                  • May 31, 2020 Huntington Beach, California Police used pepper balls on protesters kneeling and lying on a street.[157]
                  • May 31, 2020 Indianapolis, Indiana The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department was filmed arresting two women, with a male officer holding one of them. The officer’s arm was positioned near her chest. She twisted free and took a few steps, officers fired pepper balls at her feet and struck her with batons. An officer then pressed her to the ground with his hand and a baton resting on her neck. When questioned by another woman, an officer shoved that woman back before she was subdued by police.[158]
                  • May 31, 2020 Indianapolis, Indiana Peaceful protesters, including a church group, were tear gassed after police attempted to arrest a man vandalizing a statue. Indianapolis’s police chief apologized to the group.[159]
                  • May 31, 2020 Jacksonville, Florida An officer was filmed punching a protester near a courthouse.[160]
                  • May 31, 2020 Lafayette, Indiana Police used tear gas on protesters outside the Tippecanoe County Courthouse. According to the Journal & Courier the use of tear gas came without warning, although the sheriff said he gave the order after an explosive was set off near the courthouse.[161]
                  • May 31, 2020 Lakeland, Florida Police used tear gas and pepper spray on protesters. One man was pepper sprayed seconds after he finished a live interview with a local news station.[162]
                  • May 31, 2020 Lansing, Michigan Police threw tear gas canisters at a crowd of protesters, including City Councilman Brandon Betz.[163]
                  • May 31, 2020 Lincoln, Nebraska Multiple people were stuck by non-lethal projectiles. Three people who were hit by projectiles filed lawsuits against the city of Lincoln.[164]
                  • May 31, 2020 Long Beach, California A journalist was shot in the throat by a police rubber bullet.[165]
                  • May 31, 2020 Long Beach, California Police fired a projectile at a woman filming, causing her to lose part of her finger. She later filed a lawsuit against the Long Beach Police Department.[166]
                  • May 31, 2020 Los Angeles, California A US Marine Corp veteran was seriously injured after being shot in head by police with a rubber bullet.[167]
                  • May 31, 2020 Los Angeles, California A police vehicle struck a protester after a crowd surrounded it.[168]
                  • May 31, 2020 Louisville, Kentucky An arrested protester claims police pulled him from a vehicle and hit him with batons.[169]
                  • May 31, 2020 Madison, Wisconsin Police tear gassed and pepper sprayed two reporters from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.[170]
                  • May 31, 2020 Miami, Florida Police grabbed a protester and shoved him to the ground before one put the protester in a chokehold. A report of the incident claims that no force was used.[171]
                  • May 31, 2020 Miami, Florida Police threw a social media producer for WSVN against a truck and arrested him. Charges against the producer were later dropped.[172]
                  • May 31, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Police cruisers were filmed spraying a chemical on crowds of protesters as they drove by.[173]
                  • May 31, 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota Poice fired a projectile at a man near a highway on-ramp, striking him and causing him to lose vision in one eye. The man later received a $2.4 million settlement.[174]
                  • May 31, 2020 Montreal, Canada Police used tear gas on protesters. According to CTV News Montreal is the only major Canadian city to have deployed tear gas on demonstrators.[175]
              • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
                11 months ago

                Alright, well, I’m gonna ignore the passive aggression, mostly because it doesn’t contribute to the conversation and is only damaging to an attempt at civility.

                My point, was that police aren’t the only danger, and that plenty of others KILL innocent protestors. I didn’t even include harming other protestors. Like I said in my other comments to you and to others, but you’ve clearly misunderstood that point based on the other comments you’ve made to me, so I’ll reiterate here.

                Super clearly:

                “Police are undoubetdly part of, if not the majority of the problem. However, we face plenty of other threats from domestic and foreign terrorists in the state. I acknowledge that terrorism in the US has often been used as a scape goat (namely to invade the wrong fucking country - Afghanistan). However, I am identifying the issue of: How do we prevent these attacks and respond w/o the need for police. Which IS NOT implying that I think the police are the answer, but a call to constructive action to solve the problem w/o the need to OVER rely on the police as some kind of protector force. Which we BOTH agree, they are not.”

                Get it?

                I don’t know how many more times I can say that I believe the ACAB movement before it finally sets in for you. The police are not the only fucking problem we face. And to say otherwise is dangerous and misleading.

                • M0oP0o@mander.xyzOP
                  11 months ago

                  The point is the risk of heavy police presence at a protest is not worth the “protection” they do or don’t offer.

                  Ban protests if you really want to as a nation but stop this “you totally can protest, it is your right! Oh watch out for the tear gas” crap.

                  I don’t know how many more times I can say that I believe the ACAB movement before it finally sets in for you. The police are not the only fucking problem we face. And to say otherwise is dangerous and misleading.

                  OK, I will spell it out.


                  And if you just read the next several walls of text you can see that it is not even close.

        • Xaphanos@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Folks are being deliberately dense and not answering your question. I replied above, but I’ll add that Sam Harris does tend to address this at length.

          • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
            11 months ago

            I can’t say I’m a fan unfortunately. I didn’t like the majority of his discourse on racial profiling, his fascination with Islam (despite more abrahamic religions being pretty violent and hateful, even if they try to correct w/ new testaments), and especially on his discourse regarding race and intelligence which is pretty classic nazi/skin head shit tbh

      • Garbanzo@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        They made an earnest effort to get rid of guns in Northern Ireland. How’d that go down?

    • Frodis_Caper@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      A couple of thoughts.

      Yes, these are the same people you see at football games (although they usually are better hidden).

      1. It is a bad PR move and looks bad for the university - ESPECIALLY a university in Ohio. They should also be more discreet and maybe realize that it looks like a damn gun instead of a scope.
      2. That being said, there may be a protocol that when x number of people are gathered in an area, they have to deploy these people.
      3. I just read that some of them WERE armed. https://www.thelantern.com/2024/04/university-says-officers-had-readied-firearms-directed-toward-protesters-from-ohio-unions-roof-once-arrests-began/