• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Mozilla doesn’t have a VPN. It’s literally Mullvad servers, with Mozilla’s branding on top. Mozilla doesn’t deal with any of the actual server stuff; It’s all handled by Mullvad.

    FWIW, it’s a nice little drop shipping side hustle for Mozilla. They get to skim off the top of every Mozilla VPN sale, while doing none of the actual server maintenance and having no ongoing costs (hosting, electricity, etc) related to the VPN servers. But to be clear, you can get the exact same service (for a little cheaper because Mozilla isn’t skimming off the top) directly from Mullvad.

    Paying for a VPN through Mozilla is like paying for a Spotify subscription through Apple’s App Store; You get the exact same service as if you had gone straight to Spotify’s site, but with an added convenience fee tacked on by Apple.

  • Sure, but it’s worth asking why the management is so poor. Many people have theorized that it’s because Google is pulling the strings; It would be in Google’s best interest to keep Firefox around on life support, because it helps them avoid antitrust lawsuits if they can point to Firefox and go “nope not every browser is Chromium based!” But it’s also in Google’s best interest to whittle Firefox’s usage down to near zero, which is what every single recent Mozilla decision has been aiming to do.

    Mozilla was getting paid a lot of money by Google before Google got their hand slapped in an antitrust lawsuit. Many people have theorized that since that lawsuit, Google has pivoted to making deals directly with Mozilla’s management instead.

  • That’s more on the OS than the text protocol. The protocol doesn’t just hold a text in the ether until it’s time for delivery. A scheduled text is you telling the phone “hey, wait to send this message until it’s time.” Then your phone sends it at the proper time.

    iOS still doesn’t have built in text scheduling. There are workarounds, (like using the Shortcuts app to build a “send this text” automation that runs at a specific time), but that’s not the same thing as native support.

  • It’s more about the lack of iMessage features. Things like editing, unsend, text effects, etc are absent in regular texts. If everyone is on iMessage, everyone can use those enhanced features. They’re apparently pretty popular in group chats, but even a single android user will drag the entire conversation into regular text messages instead. So lots of iPhone users (especially the younger gen Z and alpha) started complaining whenever someone had an android, or even outright bullying them for it.

    And for android users, texting with an iPhone user is a horrible experience; Images are horribly compressed, videos are severely limited in file size and compressed, group texts need to be opened as an attachment to be read, etc… All because iOS refused to use the more modern RCS texting protocols.

  • I’d argue that this is also the job of language and history teachers. “How to do research and vet your sources” could be an entire class on its own. Reading comprehension is in the toilet, largely because people have lost the ability to infer a piece of media’s intended audience. That’s a major component of reading literacy; Being able to read a news article, see an insta reel, see a meme, read a comment, etc and infer who it is aimed at. You should be able to see a news article aimed at conservatives, and recognize that it has a conservative bias and is aimed at conservatives. You should be able to notice the different ways they will phrase the same events, to add a particular spin on them.

    People have become accustomed to having everything spoon-fed by an algorithm that is tailored specifically to their interests and worldviews. When someone sees something that doesn’t perfectly conform to their interests or worldviews, they used to go “oh this isn’t aimed at me” and they would quickly move on. But now they have a tendency to attack the creator for failing to aim it specifically at them.

    You see a comment talking about the proper way to do something physical, then there is an entire swath of “but what about the people who can’t do that physical thing due to illness/disability/inexperience/etc” responses. Because those responders have failed to infer the intended audience. If you’re disabled and can’t do something physical, you’re obviously not the intended audience. But people have forgotten how to recognize that, because they have gotten so used to having everything on their For You page be specifically chosen for them.

  • MGSV got much better once I figured out how CQC and holdups worked. CQC lets you drop someone without using ammo. You can move them while they’re unconscious, and then wake them up with a kick. Once they’re awake, you can hold them up while they’re on the ground. If they’re held up, they’ll stay on the ground permanently (unless another guard finds them and gets them up). So you can capture an entire base without using ammo, simply by finding a quiet corner to stash your guards in; You don’t need to worry about them waking up from a knockout, cuz the holdup keeps them down.

  • This is actually backwards. Texas Instruments made so many bomb chips that they ended up with a surplus. This allowed them to throw those chips into calculators and edge out any competition with lower prices (because they already made the chips, so they weren’t paying for them.) Then once they had run off all the competition, they jacked their prices up.

    And that, kids, is why the TI-84 costs $100. It’s tech that costs all of $10 to make and program.