I get your joke, but I’m going another way
Yeah, ok. Was wondering if it was a move, or the literal interpretation
Is that before or after the queef In a box?
I deal with tailings dikes at work - this was a cool read
I could peel the flesh off a freshly killed gazelle: much like a lion
I don’t know, but I hear that if he ever gets out of here he’s going to Katmandu
Yeah, but gravy is mid at best. Cheese curd is also just meh.
Fries are meant to be crispy. Fuckin fight me, you snot eating fry slurper
Edit: Ah, I see this comment has attracted the attention of the FLQ
An over done cheap steak with HP is good - not celebration well done, but over cooked. Steak night in an oilfield camp style steak
What’s ax handling? Captain Kirk double hand chop?
Whatever you do, don’t google male chicks. God the food industry is awful
Where I am from, ordering a medium gets you a sideways glance, and anything above that gets you bodily tossed out of any self-respecting household or establishment.
This is EXACTLY what I hear.
If you need me I’ll be over in the corner stroking my lobes
Y’know, believe it or not, I get asked that a lot