show transcript

mysharona1987 posts:
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@iamthedunce tweets:
Vampires don’t live in castles, Count Dracula lived in a castle because he was a count, not because he was a vampire.

iamnmbr3 replies:
this feels like a sensitivity training for how to not commit micro aggressions against vampires in your workplace

    5 days ago

    Also, many vampires are pretty low on pecking order when it comes to powers.

    The newly-minted millennial vamps are barely stronger than your average gym goer, due to how little blood they actually get. A count? Sure, he has henchmen to bring him gallons of the pure stuff per day, and his powers diminish greatly if he doesn’t maintain that flow.

    We’ve got this one guy on our night shift. Good guy, works in the back stacking shelves, but he can barely levitate half a meter and can carry as many boxes as I can.

    I asked him once, why can’t you fly around and turn into a bat and stuff?

    He looked at me like I’d just slapped him, but he carefully explained to me that the blood of virgins isn’t exactly lying around, and any attempt to procure it himself would just land him in jail like anybody else. Apparently a lot of new vamps just go to the butcher shop to get pig blood, and it’s usually enough to get by, but it’s becoming harder and harder to find a supplier as veganism is becoming quite popular where he lives as his area is gentrifying.

    Honestly, the number of people who never consider the socio-economic problems of vampires is frankly quite sickening.