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viciar posts:
still thinking about when i saw a girl on here with ~3 partners and one of them was a lesbian with a “MEN DNI” banner and one of them was a tboy with a “MEN DNI’ DNI” banner
raptorofwar replies:
[screenshot of tumblr tags]
#wolf goat and cabbage polycule
Men DNI DNI, is that a double negative?
No. Double negative rules apply to modifying a negative, but in this context the first DNI should not be considered a negative but a noun in its own right.
First DNI: Men, do not interact with me.
Second DNI: Do not interact with me, misandrists.
The second is not literally the same thing as “men, interact with me” but it can be assumed to mean “I don’t have a problem with men interacting with me.” It is still is not a request for the interaction itself which is what double negative rules would imply.
Tl;Dr double negative rules in English simply aren’t the same as they are in Latin which is why it’s a fake rule, even beyond the usage for emphasis in casual speech.
What does DNI stand for?
Do Not Insert?
“Do not interact”, like “please don’t comment or like my posts if you’re a man”.
Do Not Interact
I only know it as Do Not Inventory
I wonder if they knew or if they remained polyclueless
most stable polycule
They just need some one to provide light energy for the cabbage and they’ll be set for multiple millennia.