Gen-X here. We used to be called “slackers” because the world we were raised to survive in had crumbled under Reagan and Bush and we saw no point in joining the clearly pointless rat race. So, through tech, we started a world wide paradigm shift. We made our own new industry and we thrived…for a while. Now Tech is as corrupt and pointless as the shit form the early nineties was.
The point is that the only way out of this hole is to burn the old ways down (again) and do something completely different (again).
PS: We’ll have to lose the billionaire class, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Unfortunately there’s also a legion of liberals that will sacrifice their lives for The Markets and defend their billionaire lords because “We need the church billionaires for society to function, what is society without God billionaires holding it together?”
Gen-X here. We used to be called “slackers” because the world we were raised to survive in had crumbled under Reagan and Bush and we saw no point in joining the clearly pointless rat race. So, through tech, we started a world wide paradigm shift. We made our own new industry and we thrived…for a while. Now Tech is as corrupt and pointless as the shit form the early nineties was.
The point is that the only way out of this hole is to burn the old ways down (again) and do something completely different (again).
PS: We’ll have to lose the billionaire class, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Maybe we could keep a couple billionaires, in jars.
Jars, eh?
Are we going to slowly, collectively, fill up those jars with semen, like a gooner with an anime figurine?
Billionaires should be made illegal and taxed out of existence. It’s our last best chance to avoid a very ugly economic collapse.
it was…
The revolution could be bloodless if the billionaires allow it.
Unfortunately there’s also a legion of liberals that will sacrifice their lives for The Markets and defend their billionaire lords because “We need the
churchbillionaires for society to function, what is society withoutGodbillionaires holding it together?”If billionaires voluntarily returned all their stolen power, there’d be no need to for violence ;3
Oh, so that’s why Strickland called McFly a slacker?
Mad thing is those days would be pure gravy now.
Maybe it’s the racing what makes people become rats
The paradigm of the market hasn’t been shifted away from, sadly