PSA: a large percentage of traditionally “gendered” clothing can ABSOLUTELY be pulled off by anyone. go to a thrift store and try on some clothes! if you feel good in it, you probably look good in it.
plus, just think for a second about the last time you saw someone making a bold fashion choice. regardless of how they looked, you KNOW you were at least a little jealous of their confidence.
if you wanna wear something, fucken just do it. anyone who gets all poopoo about it isn’t anyone you’d wanna be friends with anyway. live your bliss!
There is no femboy community but there is a femcel community, I think your post are well welcome here(especially if you are horny)🥰
Sure there is:
Femcel memes is good too though, they’re accepting of femboys there.
Oh! thx for the sauce !❤️ Yeah pretty sure femcel meme accept everyone if you are open-minded and horny
Rule 1: close yer mouth