• j4k3@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    As a wage slave peasant slated for homeless extermination in the USA, left behind due to physical disability caused at the hands of another–only worry about what you can change, greave your losses over time, and be very skeptical of anyone with a cure. If you search hard enough, you will always find someone willing to take money. I found one after 13 neurosurgeons.

    At least we can do the dystopia party together here. Hopefully some venture capital billionaire will come down with Long Covid, fund the research, and an extortion free cure will become publicly available.

    Unapologetically frame your narrative in the untethered emotional reality of your life experience. If nothing else, it is therapeutic to tell yourself on some level you can be heard. I’ve been in Covid-like isolation for nearly 11 years.