No freedom of religion without freedom FROM religion.
Resist a theocratic state.
“The First Amendment clearly says “Congress shall make no law” and this is an executive order. Seems constitutional to us”
Supreme Court (probably)
Jesus fuck I hate how plausible this is.
Same. I’ve got a real bad feeling about this.
“I mean, there is no mention of the character of Jesus or their precious favorite book in the Constitution, and it’s only the very First Amendment and all…and founders like Jefferson were QUITE CLEAR about their skepticism of xtianity’s claims, but if you are True Originalists like we are, you’d understand how this is supposed to be a xtian nation!”
You can order metal statues of Baphomet on Etsy. Mine helps me feel a little better when I read shitty stuff like this. He watches over me from the top of my bookshelf.
No person ought, or of right can be compelled, to attend any religious worship, or erect, or support any place of worship, or maintain any minister, contrary to the dictates of his conscience.
–Vermont Constitution, Article 3
Wish we could have got that one in the national Constitution.
DEI but just for Christians
be explicit: white Christians
There’s a group of people that go around in white sheets with pointy hats and they burn crosses, often on other peoples property. That seems pretty anti-christian to me and should be the first to be investigated.
Everything about the GOP as very anti-christian. Jesus was a bleeding heart socialist by today’s standards. I’m not sure what books these fools have been reading that says otherwise.
they don’t read. their megachurch pastors tell them what the bible says about who to hate. they draw all their rhetoric from Leviticus and Numbers to justify their gross misinterpretation of Revelations. they ignore the gospels entirely. here are the things you need to know when dealing with christofascist propaganda
- the old testament comes from the living documents of the jewish faith maintaining the history of their ancestors and people. the jewish faith is largely an ongoing conversation about what it means to inherit this story and how to resist oppression by enacting boycotts, strikes, and maintaining the cultural heritage of foods. no one thinks everything in it is right and good except for some folks who worship orthodox hegemony beyond all else
- the teachings of jesus are primarily about how orthodox hegemony is bad and that the true value of ethics and morality is to help others and strengthen communities where you are
- the book of revelations is early christians’ attempt to document the events of a genocide enacted by an authoritarian who co-opted the trappings of religion. it’s a warning against the types of coagulation of power being enacted by donald trump literally right now. they are the followers of the antichrist they accuse woke folk of being. woke folk are who get raptured into the eternal song of historical memory by remaining true to the teachings that kindness and grace is more important than orthodoxy. the book is all florid and weird because the roman censors didn’t recognize it for what it was, so it was able to survive.
To be fair, there is a lot of really bad, problematic shit (much of it political in nature) in the Old Testament…
Which is what I’m getting at that only the weirdest dorks really practice everything in there. In the new testament Jesus even says that in following his teachings you make a new covenant with god that dissolves the old covenant established in the old testament. Any christian drawing anything in their actions from the old testament that aren’t based around kindness and caring towards others is a complete jackass who doesn’t even know what Jesus taught.
The “new covenant” shit is just copium. Jesus also said that:
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matthew 5:17-18
Seems pretty clear to me.
Let’s remember that the Old Testament not only condones slavery, it lays out the “correct” way to beat the shit out of the people you own as property.
Also, no shellfish, no clothing with more than one fabric, can’t cut the hair on your temples… I seem to recall there being some strange rules about it being your duty to fuck your brother’s wife if your brother dies? That’s an interesting one.
Jesus explicitly said that these laws will never change.
Jesus explicitly said that these laws will never change.
Well put. The other thing that’s very weird is how the xtians will say that Jesus both gave them a “new covenant”, and therefore things like dietary laws don’t apply to them. So they can eat shrimp, but No Homo, because of what the OT says.
It seems highly selective, does it not? They’ll claim the OT is what gives the character of Jesus his legitimacy because of prophecy being fulfilled or somesuch, and therefore the OT is the word of god. The character of Jesus says the “not one jot or tittle” stuff, and yet, the xtians will declare “new covenant” and nope out on things that seem awfully convenient like eating shrimp, keeping the (actual) Sabbath, and circumcision.
Even weirder - the way they enshrine things from Paul - a guy who never even met the character of Jesus, and that’s according to their own fanfic! People that consider what Paul says of any import should be in a religion called Paulianity, yes?
None of the new testament writers ever met Jesus.
I am entirely serious when I say this:
The latest meme/talking point working its way through all the newer, e-celeb type american christian pastors, the ones that are extreme but not quite as bonkers as the qanon, I-am-a-prophet types…
The latest sermon topic is ‘the sin of empathy’.
“The cult of empathy.” jfc…
We are all the way through the looking glass now.
the task force will work to fully prosecute anti-Christian violence and vandalism in our society
Yeah, Democrats did this already. They’re called Hate Crimes and it’s the law. Not a measley little EO.
No no but hate crimes are DEI bad word and also only happen to brown people, who deserve it!!!1!1!
You don’t understand yet. The words are a cover for their real intentions which are to go after the enemies of Christianity under the guise of investigating hate crimes.
Yes, nothing they say is what they really mean. Welcome to the last 40 or so years.
“moRE Of tHe SAmE” parrots the fool as the country falls.
I have a family member who told me last year that they believe Christians are the most persecuted group in the USA, even more so than gay people.
In truth it was very challenging to stay calm in the face of someone saying something so blatantly biased and false. Packaged as an opinion, of course, but presented as the truth.
I asked questions and challenged some of the statements being made, but I know for a fact that the only thing I accomplished is that she’s unlikely to make that particular statement in front of me again. No minds were changed that day. It’s just sad.
As someone who actually IS persecuted in this country for things I cannot change about myself, I really don’t get why someone would want to live under the delusion that they are being persecuted when they otherwise aren’t. It’s not fun and there’s no benefit to being persecuted.
And by that, they mean something like this? Xtians get all kinds of privileges and everyone else has to convert or be a second class citizen?
They want to be David vs Goliath. Being the ones persecuted means that they can go on the offensive without feeling bad about it. It means whatever they do is justified as being a means of survival. It gives them an excuse.
Exactly, the Bible is written for the underdog. Constantly referencing persecution for the faith, which is non-existent in the USA, so they try to redefine what they see as micro aggressions as full on persecution. They simply want to be angry, righteous anger for Christ.
They view their Belief System (BS) being put on the same plane as other mythologies, new or ancient, as somehow being “persecuted”, since they are so used to having unwarranted privileges.
They’ve seen that unwarranted privilege being chipped away, ever so slowly, as xtianity dies off in number of adherents in the United States (dwindling down to 60-some percent, now) - trending toward what more normal advanced countries of the West are like, and they fucking hate it. They want everyone and every part of the culture to have them up on a pedestal again, even if it means violence, and a lot of it, because “Jesus”.
Well at least with the old testament they kinda were the underdogs, the ancient Hebrews kept getting invaded and occupied. Going back to when they were still just another breed of Canaanite during the bronze age all the way to the fucking Romans, hell given the context that many Palestinians are in fact the Hebrews who never left its still going on.
Yeah kinda, most of that stuff is fictional though.
The specifics are but there is more than enough evidence to say the lowland Hebrews kept getting invaded and occupied. Though the ones in the highlands had a better time, mostly cause invading highlands is annoying at best a fucking nightmare at worst.
I have a family member who told me last year that they believe Christians are the most persecuted group in the USA, even more so than gay people.
I asked questions and challenged some of the statements being made
I imagine some of those questions included:
- How many christians in the USA were killed in the last 20 years only because they were christian?
- When was the last time a gathering of christians in a public library doing things unrelated to being christian forced to cease and desist?
- Is it common in society for a young adult living with parents to profess their love for christ and be thrown out of their homes and essentially abandoned by the family?
- Is there a history in this country to regularly arrest and prosecute christians for gathering or holding ceremonies like communion?
edit: A couple more additions.
Has marriage between two christians been illegal for nearly the entirety of the existence of the USA?
Are there camps that some misguided parents send their children to to be “deprogrammed” from being christian?
My very christian mom used to always tell me that I’m gay and athiest because it’s popular, but that she believed I’m actually a closeted christian. In her opinion, I chose the way I am because christians are so persecuted in the US… Nevermind that I’m autistic, highly introverted, and have never cared about popularity or pop culture in general. I’ve been out to my parents for over a decade and she’s only recently started to come around on it because I have a fiance now, and she sees how happy he makes me. :)
Christians are fucking wild with the BS they’re willing to believe, so long as their pastor can make them chuckle and tear up a little bit inside of a 40 min speech.
No minds were changed that day. It’s just sad.
No one’s mentioning this, and it is important: you have to remember that these are challenges you make in public.
If she refrains from making statements in front of you, and you are in front of children, you’ve just spared them some of her bullshit. You might have taught them a bit about resisting claims like hers on their own, too.
Winning people over directly is great, but it’s really hard to do, especially with today’s conservative.
In truth it was very challenging to stay calm in the face of someone saying something so blatantly biased and false.
Collectively, we really need to quit doing that. Failing to call out hateful bullshit because of some weird adherence to ‘civility’ is part of what got us to this point in the first place.
It’s because their religion claims that whoever has the worst life on Earth will have the best life in Heaven, so they’re constantly seeking out ways to reaffirm that they have it “so hard”.
They associate the negativity of others towards them with godliness.
If you are a victim, then you can be righteously indignant and angry about it. They like the anger.
The benefit is playing the victim and making up reasons to fight back against “the oppressors”. It’s a lot easier to say you will get rid of anti Christian stuff than saying you will go against every non Christians.
Good thing I’m not biased against Christians specifically. Fuck all religions equally - fair and balanced.
Can we get a law in place that says if you have to sue the government to stop some obvious bullshit, that you recover your legal fees?
Laws only matter if the government wants them to matter.
Sovereign Immunity is a fucker of a concept.
Honstely you should recover 2x your legal fee’s. That way you pay your lawyers, get something for yourself, and its extra punishment to the people getting sued for their bullshit.
And not from the government, but instead from the dipshit who decided to enact the policy
Unless you’re targeted, you won’t have standing to sue 🙃
Some places have anti-slapp lawsuits but only places with strong consumer protection.
Every time I read something he said it hurts my brain. Everything about his speech patterns is so fucking stupid.
I mean he can sign it, it’s going literally nowhere. But if this ain’t proof that there’s a genuine desire to install a theocracy in the US, then I don’t know what will convince anyone.
The fact that a President even suggests this is a clear tell that some want the US being Iran but with Jesus.
I mean he can sign it, it’s going literally nowhere.
This is incorrect. He can sign it, and Bondi will start bringing these cases to court. One would think that it would immediately stop there as the first judge she argues in front of dismisses the case for being blatantly unconstitutional and having her brought up on sanctions for multiple blatant violations of the defendant’s constitutional rights.
But in this court system? I wouldn’t be so sure. At the very least, I expect at least some people to get caught up in this dragnet and have their lives upended for years until the Supreme Court finally stops dragging their feet. But given this administration, this Supreme Court, and the number of MAGA judges that Trump can forum shop through, there is a non-zero chance this actually succeeds.
It wouldn’t be the first time this administration and SCOTUS hand-waves away constitutional protections.
Keep in mind that they also broke into the Treasury system and own the paychecks of every federal employee. If that’s not leverage, I don’t know what is
Yeah, a depressing amount of Americans believe this country was founded as a xtian one. 60%
Six in 10 U.S. adults said the founders intended America to be a Christian nation, according to a 2022 Pew Research Center survey. About 45% said the U.S. should be a Christian nation. Four in five white evangelical Protestants agreed with each assertion.
Which is just flat wrong, of course, and doesn’t really need any debate: it just was not founded as a xtian nation, and that was quite intentional. But that’s the level of stupidity we are dealing with.
And something like 45% of the country WANT this country to be a xtian nation, which is also depressing.
Half the founding fathers were closet atheists using ‘Deism’ as a fig leaf.
Jesus is pretty cool. You show me a christian who follows jesus’ teachings, and I’ll have mad respect. You give me some dipshit doing the most anti-christlike shit imaginable, but with crosses all around, and I’ll make fun of him forever. Just a way of un-tarnishing the brand.
I’m down for whipping church sanctioned conmen and maybe even cursing some figs.
The Satanic Temple is going to be very busy. Maybe I should make a donation.
Please do. Lol
Jesus pretty much was a socialist so where does that leave us?
He wasn’t promoting statism.
I mean, there’s zero evidence that he was even real.
I’m saying if you read the Bible, Jesus’s teachings align with socialism.
The consensus of scholars that focus on academic history of that time agree that it is extremely likely that some guy named Yeshua lived around that time and place and tried to reform Judaism as others were doing at the time (the Pharisees were the reformers that ended up being successful).
There’s a whole FAQ about this on reddit’s askhistorians that goes into detail but essentially if you argue Yeshua of Galilee never existed you cannot then accept that most historical figures were real as we have similar evidence for the existence of many people.
And Im saying they might be more anarchistic beliefs than socialist beliefs as the NT isn’t pushing a pro-governance view.
Every source of evidence I have heard of concerning Jesus having actually existed is either from the Bible or from religious relics like the shroud of Turin, that also aren’t even real.
So you look at biased non-academic resources and then conclude that the belief is not academic? Do you not get the problem is the resources you are using?
I mentioned a very specific source to start with which is Reddit’s askhistorians FAQ. Try looking at that because it is entirely constructed off of academic history.
You can choose to believe whatever you want but the consensus of historians focused on this is that he had to exist in some fashion albeit not as a messiah.
You got a specific link for this source of info? Because I’m looking at their FAQ right now and the only thing even mentioning Jesus is specifically about what Askhistorians users think of Reza Asland and his work.
This is the answer in the FAQ which links to another as well.
there’s zero evidence that he was even real.
There is abundant testimonial of his existence, enormous bodies of archeological evidence dating the nascent Christian church to the period immediately following his life, and plenty of contemporary evidence describing the more prominent figures central to the gospels and the various letters that follow.
We have at least as much evidence of Jesus as we do Socrates or Confucius or Boudica or Pakal the Elder.
I’m saying if you read the Bible, Jesus’s teachings align with socialism.
Not exactly. Socialists are not a Millenarian Cult eagerly awaiting the end of the world. The early disciples believed the apocalypse was nigh and material wealth would be of no consequence in the Next Life. Their socialist policies were heavily informed by their dogmatic belief in a Final Judgement coming within their lifetime.
Modern socialists don’t hold this view at all. On the contrary, they tend to be deeply concerned with the long term health and well-being of their communities, their economies, and the global ecology. One of the major distinctions between modern Friedmanian free market thinking and MLM economic central planning is the focus on fluctuations in market price relative to the long term socio-economic consequences of current economic policy.
If anything, it is the capitalists (particularly the more Millenarian-minded Protestant cults) who behave like there’s no tomorrow. The socialists are the ones talking about the next century of climate change and the next millennium of biodiversity / sustainability.
We don’t really have evidence of Jesus’ historicity. I mean absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence but, all in all, there’s pretty much zero direct evidence of his existence. Almost nothing that would point to historicity in the gospels is corroborated by archeology… like was Pilot a person who existed? Yes, very likely he was. Is there biographies of him? Yes, there are contemporaneous sources showing him to be real. Is there anything, outside of the gospels, recount him meeting Jesus in any capacity let alone a whole trial and execution? No, there’s nothing like that. The whole scenario of Jesus’ life as chronicled by the gospels doesn’t hold up to scrutiny… sure, some of the people and many of the places do exist, but just because New York exists it doesn’t mean Spiderman is real.
As for the early church, even Paul doesn’t claim to have known a historic Jesus but rather only recounts experiences of visions of Jesus and angels.
We don’t really have evidence of Jesus’ historicity.
We have multiple written testimonials, period artwork, and documentation of the resulting mass movement.
Almost nothing that would point to historicity in the gospels is corroborated by archeology… like was Pilot a person who existed? Yes, very likely he was. Is there biographies of him? Yes, there are contemporaneous sources showing him to be real. Is there anything, outside of the gospels, recount him meeting Jesus in any capacity let alone a whole trial and execution? No, there’s nothing like that.
You could play the same game with Socrates. Dismiss the fragmented reproductions of - periodically contradictory and occasionally fantastical - accounts of the pupils of his pupils and he doesn’t exist either. Indeed, there Socratic problem tackles the root challenge of reconstructing the veracity of a 2000 year old figure’s existence. To complicate things, some of the earliest writings on Socrates known to exist are Gnostic Gospels (which contains fragments of a transcribed copy of Plato’s Republic).
You disabuse yourself of historical Christian accounts at the peril of ignoring the accumulated history of the ancient world.
just because New York exists it doesn’t mean Spiderman is real.
We have real life video accounts of people in costumes identical to that of the cartoon character climbing buildings. What’s the line here? Are we saying nobody’s ever gained superpowers from a radioactive spider? Or that nobody’s ever dressed up in a costume like that to chase after petty criminals? Or that nobody’s ever climbed a building in that iconic outfit?
If, two-thousand years from now, we discovered a written account of one of these performers along with a handful of comic book fragments discovered in a book case buried in a cave in the deserted island of Manhattan… what kind of conversation would you have?
If we then somehow managed to resurrect a snippet of footage what would be concluding, then?
You can dispute Magical Jesus with the same cavalier attitude as Spiderman. But this is more akin to disputing the existence of Eliot Ness by pointing to a stack of Dick Tracey cartoons and saying “Unbelievable!”
He kinda was, if you look at the satanic principles and how Jesus treated people. And beat the conmen out of the church because he knew violence was needed sometimes.
How many EOs does this dickhead have now in these two weeks alone?
How many does a normal president have in a full four year term?
Anyone wanna get together, publicly, and burn a huge pile of Bibles?
Whoawhoawhoa…have I been going to the wrong Communist Socialist Democrat America Hater meetings? We’ve been burning babies, not bibles. Looks like we goofed.
As long as the babies have been baptized before they’re burned, Y’all Queda should be fine with it cuz you’re just express shipping them to heaven.
express shipping them to heaven.
Do we have a c/brandnewsentences yet?
Never have I felt the urge to do so, but yes.
Sure, as long as we don’t do crosses.
you should definitely make this a thing
They’re gearing up to roll out project 2025.
They’re not “gearing up;” it’s steamrolling us as we speak.
It ain’t gonna be bloodless
Nope. Not at all, not even a little.
Most of the shit they’ve been putting out is Project 2025…