Don’t tell the fascists that the bathrooms in their homes are unisex.
Jesus only used unisex bathrooms.
They quite literally probably have gendered bathrooms in their homes, the way there are “MAN CAVES”.
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it’s also a ‘single stall’
You’re almost there.
Stop splitting kids by genitals too. No need to divide people early, it just creates…this.
Republicans are obsessed with genitals. It’s very creepy…
patriarchy enforces itself on boys starting as early as when they’re five (that’s when i was first told boys and girls can’t be friends). the patriarchy supports the types of people who are consistently republican. republicans consistently step in to defend and enforce patriarchy. if you’re familiar with the shit Akademiks got caught doing recently, that’s… that’s how patriarchy enforces itself on boys when they’re 13-16. it’s republicans doing the grooming, and republicans accusing us of grooming. and so we are clear, i am not letting the democrats off the hook here. their tolerance of intolerant philosophies is actively harmful to our survival effectively they groom us to be groomed for our patriarchal roles
My fifth grader is going to go through his “human growth and development” series this spring in school, and they’ve stopped separating them by gender and everyone is all in the same classroom. Very different than when I did it in the mid-90s. It’s especially good because there’s kid at school who is nonbinary and I know of at least one other who is questioning.
I’ve heard the argument that as soon as there is one common bathroom, women will get stalked and raped in there….
Sorry to burst your bubble but if someone wanted to attack you, it’s not a triangle dress on a sign that would have stopped them.
“You’re right! And that’s why we are also outlawing so-called ‘trans women’ from entering them!”
I think we should normalize audio recordings in bathroom I mean it’s a little weird but I don’t really care if someone hears me piss
I’m just imagining the help wanted ad for the security guy that has to listen to farts all day.
They’ll come out of that job with a whole taxonomy for farts and grunts.
If you wanted to record restrooms, you could just set the camera eye level at the sinks. Something that physically can’t see into closed stalls(and make the stall wall/doors go from floor to ceiling).
I don’t think either are going to deter assault.
Proper self contained cubicles, then you can just record everything outside of it and you would see anyone going in. The lock should help too.
They could put little TVs in each stall so that you can see what’s happening in the other stalls, to be sure nobody is coming after you.
Try this one European secret, also no more gaps around the stall doors please.
American stall doors are a crime.
American stalls are a crime
American are a crime
Crimes are a stall
Some people are citing safety concerns at bars, but the whole architecture of public restrooms could be engineered for bar safety. Real doors on stalls and glass doors or walls between the general area and sinks.
There’s a restaurant near me that doesn’t want to do unisex bathrooms because politics. Even though they’re single occupancy.
But if someone is waiting for the gender-specific bathroom, they’ll regularly tell them they can just use the other one.
Oh you see that at bars all the time. Utterly stupid.
When I was at university in the late 2000s they did that with the university toilets, there was just a row of them off a corridor, all self-contained with a sink in everything, half of them were male and half of them were female, but there was literally no difference. No one ever paid any attention to the signs on the doors. No one ever cared back then.
I went to an Alamo Drafthouse once with an interesting bathroom set up.
When you walk up to the restroom, there’s a large bay of sinks. To the left is a door that leads to a room of urinals and to the right is a hallway of stalls. Everyone just goes where they need to and since the sinks are out in the open where everyone sees and passes by, there’s more social pressure to wash your hands.
The best, bar none, engendered public restroom I’ve ever seen was less of a restroom and more of an area. It was basically just a hallway coming from a main area in the establishment. The hallway was lined with doors. Each was a “stall” that was just a closet with a toilet. Full hight doors for privacy. At the far end of the hall was a line of sinks to wash your hands afterwards.
Now, do I think this is perfect and cannot be improved? Hell no. It’s pretty flawed, but I’ll tell you that it’s less flawed than what most buildings that are open to the public have… Far less flawed. Gendered bathrooms are weird. IDK why people are so adamant about keeping them. I mean, I don’t have a men’s room and a ladies room at my house, do you?
I’ve never understood the privacy argument. There’s a door for a reason so no one can see anyone in there anyway. Do women not want men watching them wash their hands? I don’t get it.
I get it if they’re your typical stall doors, those things are not great for privacy, but anything more robust than that, I would agree with you.
The only other qualm I can see would be resolved by ensuring that every stall has a garbage can.
Put a proper door on the stalls like they do in Europe. Seriously just make it a small room and yeah have a flip top bin or something in there.
Basically just Google European unisex bathroom and then do that.
Well yeah, but that was addressed in the comment I responded to :)
Yeah, they’re great, I hadn’t seen or heard about those before going to that Alamo. A hallway of stalls is a better phrase for describing it than I used. I did like that the alamo drafthouse had a room for urinals, so you don’t end up with pee all over every street from missed aiming.
They could add a little dispenser of cleaner to the stalls, like they have at bucees. It’s like a soap dispenser at the sink. You squirt it on some toilet paper and can use it to make sure the seat is clean before you sit down.
That dispenser idea is gold.
That should absolutely be a thing.
Bonus tip: If there’s no witnesses around, you can put an official-looking unisex bathroom sign on any stray bathroom. Most people aren’t gonna question it.
That’s great. Unisex bathroom guerilla tactics.
Where would one find these official looking signs? Asking for a friend.
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Sometimes they’re in the handicap stall.
The (admittedly half dead) mall near us has a “family restroom” for people with little kids that has one big room with sinks and changing areas and a separate adjoining small room with one regular toilet and one toddler size toilet. The big room even has a couple curtained off little alcoves with nice armchairs for breastfeeding moms if they want some privacy. It is SUPER convenient with a toddler and I wish they were more common.
I agree but if it makes it awkward for you, then you can also make it awkward for everyone. There’s tons of “mobile” diaper changing equipment available, we had one which you just unfold, had a cover to lie on that was possible to take off separately if something happened.
Then you just find a table anywhere and if anyone complains you can point out the lack of changing tables in men’s toilets.
Having been a dad of small children in the US, changing tables are very common in men’s rooms. If you aren’t a dad who needs one, they may be invisible to you. Once I started looking, I found them in almost all the places where women’s room also had them.
We have 1 unisex bathroom (literally 1 toilet) on the entire campus here, tucked away in a corner. I only ended up finding it by accident in my 3rd year. I personally would be in favor of removing the distinction everywhere, but I doubt that’s going to happen. There was some strange blowback from some people who didn’t like the change. On one hand, it felt pretty weird considering 99% of students didn’t even know of the existence of said toilet before, but it became clearer to me after seeing how it was communicated.
I went to a theatre a few months ago that had the bathroom setup with several stalls that had full floor to ceiling walls and doors and an open sink area. There was a wall blocking the view of the main entrance to the building, but it was open enough that, at least to me and granted I am a CIS white male, it seemed like a solid setup that didn’t feel so isolating that were something to happen in there, someone would pretty quickly know.
I thought that style of setup should be the norm, honestly I think it’s the weird stalls that don’t actually block anything and have locks that 80% of the time are misaligned and broken that prevent us from having decent unisex bathrooms. Also, we don’t need urinals they don’t really save any room or anything.
The only other change I’d make with this setup is I’d probably have a separate room for baby changing stations just because the one example I had was small enough that if you had that in there, it would just be in the way of people trying to get in and out.
No one cares which port-a-potty you use (as long as it is unoccupied)
And you leave it clean when you’re finished.
Too many guys start pissing as soon as they get it out and spray everywhere. FFS I’m positive you aren’t animals like this at home.
As long as there are urinals. No urinals then I’ll piss on the wall.
Do you have a urinal at your home, or do you piss on the wall?
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Weird. You’re not gonna get an STD.
Not sure how that’s relevant when I’m responding to a comment about urinals. People with penises/tools to pee standing up can also stand up at toilets. People without those options also won’t find a usage for a urinal and sitting on a toilet is the only option without doing some form of toilet gymnastics.
Generally the only physical difference between gendered public toilets and unisex is the availability of urinals.
Personally if the toilet is visually clean I’m happy to sit down, if your expectations are higher than that unisex or gendered is irrelevant. I’d carry around something small to clean public toilets quickly before use if that bothered me and I was likely to need to sit down on one.
All for it though it’s best done when renovations are possible. Was at a place where they did it with multistall bathrooms and you had to guess which one had urinals.
Edit: of course could also just add a sign saying urinals here.
There should be two restrooms. One with only stalls, one with only urinals. That way we get the efficiency gains of urinals (very important at football stadiums), and nobody has to see a dick if they don’t want to.
I mean, I don’t know who goes to public bathrooms to see dick. I don’t even want to be in there in the first place. Seeing someone else’s bits is pretty low on the list of things I want to see in there, right above shit smeared walls.
At over 50 years old, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another man’s dick in a bathroom.
I’ve seen more dicks in the streets than at urinals.
I’ve been to a handful of old athletic buildings that had trough urinal setups that made having peripheral vision basically a guarantee that you’ll catch a glimpse. A couple others that were circular but I wasn’t sure it wasn’t a sink so I left it alone.
Also improperly supervised kids who are almost tall enough for the urinal and entirely trop trow.Seeing random disinterested anatomy in passing doesn’t hurt anyone, so I don’t get why people get so worked up over it.
Seeing a penis is harmless. Being shown a penis is what can be messed up.In my experience the most common sighting of the men’s dicks in the bathroom is when some 60 year old is wandering around stark naked in the gym changing rooms. I think it’s a requirement past a certain age that you do that.
There should be two restrooms. One with only stalls, one with only urinals. That way we get the efficiency gains of urinals (very important at football stadiums), and nobody has to see a dick if they don’t want to.
I dislike urinals.
They’re super good for efficiency though; water, time, and space efficiency. Particularly the modern ones that basically have a one-way fluid valve so they don’t require flushing. It’s unfortunate that not everyone can use them.
Animal shithouses
Ohio deliberately structured their law to prevent this…
Except old dudes just use those bathrooms to take dumps all day so it always stinks in there.
Them: Using a toilet for an intended purpose
You: How very dare you 😱
Lol, I really don’t care. I’m a cis gendered dude and I’m completely comfortable using the men’s bathroom. It just defeats the stated purpose to have a 3rd bathroom for people who feel uncomfortable in the other 2.
Side note: for the love of god if you shit at work clean up after yourself. Bring baby wipes if you have to.