Knows how to delegate and track progress with context not just some KPI that looks good.
Lol I had already joined.
German seems very common without trying to look. I wouldn’t mind some Spanish communities tho.
My previous was 2015 Harley Davidson XG 750. It just had a dip stick like you would on a car.
We deem this acceptable. Be welcome!
It is very happy to sing and rev
Y’all know you can just buy the glue from the factory. Smarter move than pretending to be smart by going to the book store /s
You could do the formality just in case it doesn’t. I suppose you could skip paying anything you owe if they do end up collapsing.
Thank you fellow Lemm.
Just did a check and yeah there is a glass, thanks for reminding me of the manual lol
Off topic, but I pointing this out reminded me of visiting some ancap circles to see the crazy stuff they discuss. At one point there was a question about how externalities would be handled in their system of private courts and such. When ever I do read some terms and conditions there is almost always something in regard to arbitration. Predictably they were not happy about someone pointing that out and explaining that it is for the benefit of corporations not the customers.
I could for it a bit as a teen boi.
This is actually kind of funny. Like it has a good level of irony. I reminds me of a greentext I read a while back about annon feeling like a degenerate for liking vore, so they go to church and then find out what communion is about.
^to be clear it is still tragic^
I’m just imagining the help wanted ad for the security guy that has to listen to farts all day.
And my most unanswered prayer
This would be a quality post on r/ancap101 if I was not banned.
They had a very successful donations drive a while back. They might still be good.