time for antposting 🐜
Edited the title to make the joke more clear
Call me worker the way I work this ass
Damn, even gender is class conflict 😔
always has been
Algae: Fuck it. I’m In.
lmao at “(n? or 2n?)”. Whoever made this was probably ripping their hair out wondering why nobody’s karyotyped these
this was designed to be hard to understand 😣
Republicans: Your gender better match your biological sex assigned at birth!
Pretty much anything other than animals (and even some animals) :
n seems to be the number of genetic contributors. They use a “n?” when it gets confusing to roll over to the next generation. Otherwise, it’d be 2^(number of generations). The whole thing is goofy
n identifies if the particular stage is haploid or diploid (has one or two copies of chromosomes).
Forgotten what n? signifies exactly, I want to say it’s a mixed stage? It’s been ages since I studied Marine Biology.
that makes more sense. I’m not a marine biologist, so I was just going off of my basic understanding. like I said, diagrams like these are often needlessly complicated to understand
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