• ProtonEvoker@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    A libertarian is just a conservative that likes weed. You can ask their girlfriends after they pick them up from middle school.

    • random
      2 months ago

      I wouldn’t say that actual libertarians are conservatives (I know some in europe), but a lot of conservatives in the us larp as libertarians because that was the original vision of the us freedom fighters and they also on some level think they are libertarians because they think libertarians are smart (because the avrg libertarian is way smarter than the avrg conservative) but your joke still works because conservatives and libertarians are both pedos

      • ProtonEvoker@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Bro, the moment that “abolishing the age of consent” is brought up, you need to know that they aren’t acting in good faith. Every argument they bring forth should be tainted by that shit!

        • random
          2 months ago

          yeah, but I know some libertarians and the reason most of them don’t like the age of consent is, that a child is basically the parents property in our current system, and I (especially with trans rights in mind) can see their point, parents shouldn’t be able to ruin a child’s life just because they fucked without condom

          that being said a lot of libertarians are pedos

          • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            parents shouldn’t be able to ruin a child’s life just because they fucked without condom

            You have a greater community of people who (theoretically) look out for one another beyond strict family association.

            In my experience, the kids who successfully come out and find their way into the broader LGBTQ community are the ones who have family or friends in that community to guide them.

            But in practice, your parents make a lot of decisions because you lack the information, the resources, or the social contentions to do them on your own.

            Fucking without a condom isn’t what gives parents dominion over their kids.

  • bbpolterGAYst (she/her)
    2 months ago

    i met plenty of people who’d like to fuck clowns and a total of zero who want to fuck libertarians. Clowns 1, Libertarians 0

  • AtariDump@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief.

    “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.”

    “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?”

    “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.”

    The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?”

    “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.”

    “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.”

    He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.”

    “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.”

    I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside.

    “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t.

    “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up.

    “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?”

    It didn’t seem like they did.

    “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.”

    Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing.

    I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it.

    “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled.

    Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him.

    “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen.

    I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!”

    He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.

    “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.”

    “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy.

    “Because I was afraid.”


    “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.”

    I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head.

    “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.”

    He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.

  • rational_lib@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Actual argument I had recently with a “libertarian” family member:
    Libertarian: “Rent control shouldn’t exist! It’s wrong for big government to tell property owners and renters what kind of agreements they can enter!”
    Me: “What are your thoughts on single family zoning that bans missing-middle housing throughout most of the US?”
    Libertarian: “Well that’s different! People choosing what kind of rules should apply to where they live is the epitome of freedom!”
    Me: “Couldn’t that same argument apply to rent control?”
    Libertarian: “Wha…you have clearly been brainwashed by the woke mind virus! So sad!”

    • lemmyseikai@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Clearly they are not a libertarian.

      The correct reaponse is “The government would need to demonstrate a beyond reasonable need for that ban. Preventing industrial chemical plants from being built near housing, sure, types of housing, get out.”

  • AeonFelis@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Libertarian ideology is logically solid, but it has two minor problems:

    1. It heavily depends on assumptions that never hold in real life.
    2. Any other ideology, when confronted with bad outcome predictions of their models, will try to explain why their way actually prevents these bad outcomes. Libertarianism… prefers to explain why these outcomes are actually a good thing.
    • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Except it isn’t logically solid, because the premise is that Governing bodies cannot be expected to provide for the general welfare because humans are naturally greedy and selfish, and the solution is that we abolish all social safety nets and instead rely on voluntary charity to solve the problem of poverty…

      But what voluntary charity exists if by Libertarian’s own logic: Humans are too greedy and selfish to give to the poor even when they’re literally mandated to do so?

      • chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Milton Friedman, my favourite libertarian, advocated for a negative income tax as the best form of social safety net. It means that the minimum amount of money any person gets is not zero!

        He also liked to point out that a lot of other government programs were in fact regressive: paid for in taxes by working class people and providing the benefit to middle class and up. A classic example of that is funding for higher education. It’s pretty darn regressive to pay for higher education with taxes collected from working class people whose children don’t even attend higher education!

        He has a lot of other arguments that make a ton of sense. He is against any and all forms of subsidies for large businesses and he is against laws which create and protect monopolies and oligopolies.

        The one thing I’m not clear on is how to organize society to protect against future government interference and especially corruption by special interests.

        • Narauko@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          You need solid anticorruption laws the same way you need solid antitrust laws and they need to be liberally enforced. The problem is that neither have been since the 70’s. Regulatory capture by big business is a massive problem, and I am not sure if it is possible to 100% defend against.

          I self identify libertarian but lean left. I’d argue that while things like funding higher education may currently be regressive, if free education extended from the current cap of 12th grade to encompass at least an associates level degree you would have a lot more lower and working class taking advantage of it and making it less regressive. With the country having jettisoned it’s manufacturing and blue collar industry, I would further argue this is necessary for the country to compete on the international stage.

          • chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Germany has government funded education throughout. It’s still regressive! They stream people into either working class tracks (hauptschule and realschule) or academic (gymnasium). In effect, this means working class students have far less opportunity to go to university in Germany than they do in the US, despite the latter’s problems with affordability.

            Friedman would go 100% the other way and abolish public schools entirely, along with abolishing the minimum wage, subsidies for universities, subsidies for business, and tariffs. His argument is that the minimum wage puts a floor on the productivity of a worker which means many people who could be hired at a lower wage and be trained on the job instead do not get hired at all and have to pay for their own training through school (either directly with tuition or indirectly through taxes).

            The current system ends up creating large classes of people who get an education in subject matter that’s totally irrelevant to their career (like someone studying sociology in order to work in HR). Why should we, as taxpayers, be paying for this? Employers should be paying to train their own workers on the job!

            • Narauko@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              There is some merit to that, and free education has the same issues in other countries besides Germany. My planning process was to treat the 2 year associates degree like we do with high school, no performance testing or path tracking. Everyone is entitled to a high school diploma of they want one, and with an associates degree being the new high school diploma it makes sense to include it.

              It is what we as a society have determined makes the bare minimum education standard for then learning the rest on the job. The employment sector has moved this bar from high school graduate to associates degree, and the education system should reflect that.

              The complete abolishment of public everything and allowing the market to dictate and provide is great in theory, but the same was Marxist communism is. There are always those that will break the system for personal gain.

              There are also efficiencies of scale that business in a healthy, non mono/duopolostic environment can’t take advantage of that the government can. This is why I put education and healthcare under the “provide for the common defense and well-being of the people” that it exists for. This is why we the taxpayers should be paying for education in what may be or appear totally irrelevant: it results in a net gain as far as expenditure across the country as a whole and makes companies better able to train workers on the job. It also allows easier job transitions allowing more economic mobility, and also helps maintains balance of power between the worker and the employer.

              In a libertarian ideal the worker is not trapped working the job or for the specific employer because that is the only job they are trained for and where their healthcare comes from. It is a contract of mutual gain. It is unreasonable for a worker to start over from scratch to change jobs if an employer is not maintaining market wages. It also allows a worker to more easily become an entrepreneur and open his own company, as this requires a broader education basis to succeed at than the job he does for another.

              Strong but limited regulation is need to keep markets free. Regulations preventing pollution of the environment as a common resource, truth in representation of goods and services, prevention of anticompetitive actions and regulatory capture., etc. Without this markets inevitably fall to monopoly and the system switches from mutualism to parasitism.

              There is a careful balance to maintain and government overreach is just as easy in the other direction. This is true is any economic and sociological system though. Perfectly free laze fair markets do not exist the same way perfectly egalitarian communism doesn’t exist above the small commune level and for the same reasons. Or perfect democracy where everything is voted on by everyone and everyone is making fully informed and educated decisions. If none of these are possible in the real world, all we can do is take the best parts and attempt to create the best possible real world results.

              • chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Friedman actually has replies to many of the issues you’ve raised. He is not convinced that government can do anything efficiently and his argument rests on Darwinian principles: government employees are insulated from the consequences of their failed policies in a particular way that biases them towards towards inaction, inefficiency, and even waste.

                For example, he talks about the bias of the FDA towards rejecting new drugs over approving them. If the FDA approves a new drug and it kills a handful of people it makes the front page of every newspaper in the country and becomes a huge scandal that costs the FDA heads their jobs. However, if the FDA rejects a drug that could have saved a million lives over several decades then nobody even knows about it!

                So the FDA is extremely biased towards rejecting anything and everything that comes their way. But since companies can sue the FDA if they don’t exactly follow the law when rejecting drugs, the FDA has developed extremely long and detailed and cumbersome documentation processes. The forms and the trials are so extensive and cumbersome they take years and billions of dollars to complete. And the end result is that many drugs never even start the process because the companies have no guarantee of being able to recover their investment!

                His alternative to all this is simple: tort law. A robust tort law allows people to sue drug companies for selling harmful drugs. This is actually how things worked before the FDA existed and it led to drugs such as Aspirin that might never have existed in today’s regime!

                Anyway, the hardest thing about trying to evaluate Friedman’s arguments is that each one is pretty compelling in isolation but the sum total of all the changes is such a radical departure from what we have now that it’s hard to fathom.

                I think I’m coming around to it though. One thing that’s indisputable is that our current governments have totally betrayed us and left everyone polarized, isolated, angry, and utterly lacking trust in societal institutions.

                • Narauko@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me, I am finding this very enjoyable and educational.

                  I agree with Friedman in principle, but then I look at Ford and the other car companies with the Pinto and Takara airbags, etc. The cost of paying lawsuits gets factored in and until the cost point breaks over the deaths and injuries are just a cost of doing business. With regulation that actually has teeth and enforcement, just doing the bodies-to-profits calculations becomes an untenable solution and the recalls happen even if they aren’t profitable. I don’t think a private tort system is capable of having the teeth to achieve this in the real world. It is why Libertarianism still has a central government. It will have its inefficiencies, but it’s a right tool for the right job kind of thing.

                  Same with asbestos, lead, fillers in food, etc. The damages from them are so divorced from the product that many may not know who or what caused it. Lawsuits have a hard time with those kinds of things even if you know exactly which business is the cause. Look at tobacco and leaded gasoline and myriad others where lawsuits failed initially because damage was difficult to prove before the government stepped in. If fossil fuel companies can pay for the science that muddies the water on climate change, what chance does John Doe have doing enough through a lawsuit to stop DuPont from flooding the planet with forever chemicals?

                  I like where Friedman is coming from, but I hold him at the same level as Marx or any other economic theorist: assuming a spherical cow, at a specific temperature, without friction, and without wind resistance. I like Henry George the same way. That’s why I still claim to be a libertarian (just a left leaning centrist one), because I think Friedman and George are actually the better end result and closer to a workable solution than Marx. Marx was onto something though, and shouldn’t be dismissed outright. I do think we have stuff to learn from all branches of economic theory, and subscribe to a “the truth will be somewhere in the middle” philosophy.

          • chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            He’s one of the most famous economists of the 20th century. There’s a ton of YouTube videos of him debating all kinds of people and giving lectures on many different topics from his perspective.

      • jessca@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        It also seems to assume perfect knowledge and that all harms can be compensated for.

        • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          The lives Brian Thompson measured in dollars were priceless to the families they said goodbye to.

          Luigi, number one!

        • AeonFelis@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Hence my first “minor problem”. There are more such assumptions though - e.g. the assumption that you can star/stop/switch t a business/career with zero cost.

  • Plastic_Ramses@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    In my heart, i am a libertarian.

    In my brain, im not stupid enough to believe that the general public is smart enough to make it work.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The eternal problem of “the general public” is that they’re a product of their material conditions. They don’t emerge from the soil and engage with the world on first principles.

      When you grow up in a community that has been heavily privatized and financialized, socially owned and operated community functions have to be developed from the ground up rather than inherited. Any kind of proposed social change will grow out of the body of the system that came before.

      Libertarians grow up in countries where it is easier to believe in the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

      • Forester@pawb.social
        2 months ago

        I’m not him, but technically anybody who isn’t an authoritarian is a libertarian. Economic theory is Left Right. Freedom is up down. It’s a spectrum.

        Though apparently I’m one of the minority libertarians as I believe in egotistical altruism. Caring about the planet etc.

          • Forester@pawb.social
            2 months ago

            Oh I’m fully aware. I’m not a socialist though. I still think capitalism is the best model for innovation it’s just the current system is geared to fuck the small mom and pop and only benefit massive conglomerations. If I was hypothetically in charge I would fully cut corporate welfare and redirect all of that directly to proper funding of essential services and safety nets and infrastructure. If your company requires government handout money to run, it should go under. That’s the capitalism I want to see.

            • lugal@sopuli.xyz
              2 months ago

              I still think capitalism is the best model for innovation

              I disagree. Ever heard a Youtuber saying “I can take the risk of doing something outside my usual videos because of my Patreons” or “my really experimental stuff is on nebualar”? Many scientific innovations stem from state funded projects like the internet or RNA vaccines. The market actually hems innovations because the best way to know that something works is that it worked before. Mark Fisher gets that very well in “Capitalist Realism”.

              • Forester@pawb.social
                2 months ago

                I’m not trying to be argumentative friend but historically capitalism has led to far more innovation than markets and policies led by State planned production of goods and services. Small independent thinkers and movers have always been able to shake things up far better than the large unwieldedly fist of the state. You are 100% correct though that the major failing factor of this system is convincing other people to fund your ideas. And more intrensically the lack of a safety net to allow creatives to flourish. But I will say if somebody’s life work is to produce media on a platform like YouTube and nobody finds their content moving enough to support it thats a them problem. But if they had the safety nets that I mentioned in my prior comments, then that wouldn’t really be an issue if they didn’t have to worry about starving and going homeless. They may not live very well or be able to fund their side projects very well, but I’d be totally happy with that system.

        • prole
          2 months ago

          You contradict yourself in the first paragraph.

          It is a spectrum, which is why “anybody who isn’t an authoritarian is a libertarian” is not true.

          • AlDente@sh.itjust.works
            2 months ago

            I don’t understand why you think that is a contradiction. You both agree there’s a spectrum between the two. Technically, if you’re not 100% authoritarian you have a greater-than-zero alignment with libertarianism.

            Now, if you’re trying to say landing somewhere in the middle of the spectrum means you’re neither, then I tend to agree with you (labels suck). However, I’d take it a step further and say that nobody is going to be the 100% perfect embodiment of either end of the spectrum, and therefore, no true authoritarian or libertarian exists. I think, to say either one of you is wrong is just arguing semantics.

            • silasmariner@programming.dev
              2 months ago

              Any assertion in chart form must be true!

              Edit: ok now that I’m getting downvotes I feel I need to explain: the conventional usage of the word libertarian is not commensurate with it covering such a wide range of the political spectrum. Usually we mean people who favour mildly anarchistic views (minimal governmental institutions, low taxation, low intervention). Representing that niche as half of the political spectrum is highly disingenuous

              • Forester@pawb.social
                2 months ago

                the word libertarian literally does mean what I’m telling you though . What your experiencing is that your personal definition is not matching up with everyone else’s reality. You’ve just been misinformed and have only been exposed to a subset of libertarian ideals . To put this in an analogy it’s like if I said truck and you assumed I was talking about a Ford F-350 when in fact I’m referring to all trucks. From tiny k trucks to 18 wheeler big rigs

                • silasmariner@programming.dev
                  2 months ago

                  No, what I’m experiencing is the conventional meaning of the term as used by people in normal language not matching up with a technical definition that you favour. It’s fine that you prefer to use the word that way, you just can’t expect everyone else to

            • prole
              2 months ago

              I’m aware of the chart. You are saying that only the two very extremes exist. That’s silly.

              • Forester@pawb.social
                2 months ago

                You either like authority or you don’t. That’s binary. How much you like or dislike it is the spectrum.

                • prole
                  2 months ago

                  Do you not understand what a spectrum is? It cannot be both binary AND a spectrum. Those two things are mutually exclusive. Bimodal perhaps (though I don’t think it is in this case), but not binary.

                • silasmariner@programming.dev
                  2 months ago

                  Or you appreciate authority in some matters, but reject it in others. That’s the point in the spectrum that rejects the simple binary.

                  Edit: just realised both my last posts were responding to you. I’m not stalking or weird shit I swear! It just happened I woke up with more opinions!

    • frostysauce@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I’m just not stupid enough to believe the general public gives anywhere near enough of a shit about anyone else than themselves to make it work.

      (Actually, I was stupid enough to believe that once. I went through a librarian phase in my 30s.)

    • Saint_La_Croix_Crosse@midwest.social
      2 months ago

      sounds like you are stupid enough.

      An accurate rejoinder would be “In my brain, I am not stupid enough to believe that the market is an omniscient omnipotent God that makes everything perfect in all places and all times, in the absence of public input. I am not stupid enough to think that individuals and corporations are perfect benevolent actors that can do no wrong, because doing wrong always means making less profits and doing good always means more profits” FTFY

    • random
      2 months ago

      the word libertarian comes from anarchists (eg. libertarian socialists) however right wing anarchists (anarcho capitalists) have claimed the term, so now a libertarian is a right wing anarchist

      • Famko@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I still don’t believe that anarcho-capitalists exist. The ideology just loops back into fascism most of the time.

      • flying_sheep@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Capitalist anarchism doesn’t exist. Capitalism is a form of unjust hierarchy (or if you want to stick to the literal meaning of “anarchism”: capitalism is a way to create rulers)

        There are capitalist anti-statists, bit being against states isn’t sufficient to make you an anarchist for above reasons.

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Capitalism is a form of unjust hierarchy

          It’s a form of hierarchy through economic accumulation. The problem of justice is in the privative accumulation. When we start the game playing from a stacked deck, only a handful of people ever have an opportunity to accumulate new capital, while the rest of us are bound to serve through debt.

          Leveling the playing field allows people to accumulate within their lifetimes, and incentivizes capital development broadly, without allowing intergenerational accumulation to stagnant the system.

          But wealth redistribution is incredibly unpopular among the people with the most political capital, necessitating some kind of social or economic revolution to achieve change.

          • flying_sheep@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            Yeah. Wealth generates wealth. Wealth is power. You got born into a world owned mostly by the super rich, and therefore don’t have equal opportunities.

            No amount of redistribution will prevent this state from re-emerging until wealth accumulation is made impossible.

            It’s pure luck: even if the playing field gets completely leveled once, without systemic changed some people will luck out, get wealthy again, buy newspapers and apartment complexes and therefore monopolizes public expression of opinion and profit from living space.

      • dreadbeef@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        2 months ago

        I say co-opt it back to its original leftist roots. I don’t mind calling myself a libertarian instead if I’m talking to a right winger who’s scared of anarchists and then just say “the socialist kind”. It’s a conversation starter to introducing a right winger to how one can believe a market free from capitalists (the best kind of free market) is actually not the worst idea ever

      • Forester@pawb.social
        2 months ago

        there are also people like me who are in the middle and think both the left and right have valid economic points and arguments but that authoritarian rule is gross.
        Libertarianism is a spectrum just like authoritarianism.

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          both the left and right have valid economic points and arguments but that authoritarian rule is gross.

          I’m not clear how you have privatization without authoritarianism. Property claims without enforcement aren’t worth much.

          • Forester@pawb.social
            2 months ago

            And this is why I am a minarchist ultimately, we know that there must be a monopoly on violence, preferably that would be held by a state of elected peers that can be impeached for transgressions against the public trust. I am 100% personally for protections and social safety nets, a strong system to protect and enrich the lives of citizens so that they can be productive and have better outputs in the long run benefits all of us. And it turns out it’s generally cheaper to fix problems then let them fester and rot.

            Personally, I would love modern societies bring back banishment as a punishment for being a corrupt official. Imagine if election day lets you vote somebody out of the country for being a huge dick head and a detriment to your life and rights.

            • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              we know that there must be a monopoly on violence

              We know what the alternative looks like. pops open a stack of history books on various civil wars

              I am 100% personally for protections and social safety nets, a strong system to protect and enrich the lives of citizens so that they can be productive and have better outputs in the long run benefits all of us.

              I think that’s an easy idea to sell at the top line. But as soon as you get into the messy details, you’re going to run into disputes between rival ideologues. And when tensions flare, resources run short, and people panic, those disputes can turn violent… resulting in civil war.

              I would argue that the number one job of a state government is to avoid civil war. When you go back to the Spanish Civil War (every ideology nerd’s favorite bone to pick) and you talk about the various sides, their ideologues, and their relative successes, what you are ultimately asking is which faction was most successful in ending the war and reestablishing a peaceful order.

              Anarchists and Communists love to bicker over who screwed over whom. But the dirty bottom line of it all is that Franco’s highly authoritarian bloody-handed military, backed by a host of private profit-motivated interests, brought an end to the chronically unstable Republican Era.

              it’s generally cheaper to fix problems then let them fester and rot.

              When you’re working with limited resources and you have a variety of stakeholders at play, which problems get fixed and which are ignored can often come down to which stakeholders can form a lasting functional coalition.

              The problem with authoritarianism as a system of government is that it does a great job of placating a coalition of powerful patrons, stabilizing an erratic popular system through a campaign of military terror. You win the support of capital by making a region profitable. And then you’ve got a ahem “virtuous” self-reinforcing cycle of profits expanding the scale of resources afforded to the authoritarian state.

              Minarchy might be attractive ideologically. But if the system can’t stave of domestic conflicts by placating powerful opposed interests, it isn’t a system people can participate in safely or sustainably. Nobody wants the job of Minarchist Government Official if they’re just going to be the whipping boys for popular discontent.

              • Forester@pawb.social
                2 months ago

                I’m fully aware of the keys to power that you are referring to, and I agree the main struggle would be to get society as a whole to realize and remember that they hold power over those keys and that the keys have convinced the populous of the reverse

      • Marzanna@yiffit.net
        2 months ago

        But minarchists are also libertarians. Libertarian is quite wide term. It also may include left-libertarians (anarchists).

        • random
          2 months ago

          I tried to simplify it, also I don’t think OP meant those other groups with the clown shoes

          • Forester@pawb.social
            2 months ago

            Probably they didn’t but it’s kind of like me saying all leftists are stupid when in fact I’m trying to criticize a specific group of left-leaning individuals who like large tracked vehicles

    • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      American Libertarianism is all about minimizing governmental oversight, regulation, and taxation. Basically people who already “got theirs” and want to pull the ladder up behind them so no one else can. Sovcits are like extremist libertarians.

      • prole
        2 months ago

        Some of them are so stupid that they never even “got theirs.” But they see people who look different than them getting things that they didn’t get, and they can’t abide that…

        • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          True, true. They did get all the benefits of public infrastructure though, they just don’t want to help pay to maintain it.

    • anton
      2 months ago

      Watch this short video and realize they are the better half: https://youtu.be/PcllE7fx8-I

      They are right wingers that want to be free of government meddling in the form of anti discrimination laws, taxes and drivers licenses. For some reason they also the consider age of consent to be a greater evil that the Pentagon.

      • Sturgist@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        They are right wingers that want to be free of government meddling in the form of anti discrimination laws, taxes and drivers licenses. For some reason they also the consider age of consent to be a greater evil that the Pentagon.

        Yeah, pedo-nazis.
        They want a white ethno state, where they can smoke meth and fuck kids. The whole “age of consent should be abolished to protect children who are essentially considered property of their parents until ages of majority because sometimes parents are really shitty to their kids” isn’t a solution to the stated problem. Proper funding, oversight and regulation of social programs such as child and family welfare/protection is significantly better than giving an easily manipulated child the right to consent. The only reason to make age of consent whenever a child can talk should be pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain.

        And guess what, if you abolished anti-discrmination laws, you’d end up with only WASPs allowed to vote, massively suppressed wages and limited if any social benefits for women or anyone not white.

      • prole
        2 months ago

        They claim the be for all of those things, but then they line up behind whatever fascist the Republican party puts in front of them, when push comes to shove.

        They’re full of shit.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Reminder: Ayn Rand died on public assistance.

    They’re only for freedom to gouge for water at the only source for a hundred miles when they believe they’ll be the ones holding the ladle.

  • random
    2 months ago

    I actually agree with libertarians more often than with communists, because being anti authoritarian is my most inportant value

    • Glasgow@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      The great revolution will come when humanity is ready to organize itself, not by force, but by the power of free association.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Libertarianism - The idea that a just society with fair rules is impossible because of the greed and selishness inherent in human nature. So by embracing this we can abolish all taxes and social safety nets, instead we would solve everyone’s problems through voluntary charity work, as after all humans are naturally giving and kind.

    Yeah, clown shoes seem appropriate. I can somewhat respect a philosophy that I disagree with by saying “Well, that’s certainly a take, can’t say I’m on board.”

    But I cannot if the problem isn’t that I disagree, it’s that it is self-refuting by its own logic.

    Kinda like how Sam Harris’ Free Will Denial nonsense is bullshit simply by my own ability to decide for myself that it’s bullshit.

  • Zink@programming.dev
    2 months ago

    I remember those innocent days when I considered myself a libertarian. If you aren’t part of a marginalized group, and you consider yourself smart and responsible, AND most importantly assume that other libertarians are arguing in good faith with good priorities, some of what they say can seem to make a lot of sense.

    But then when you look at the real-world motivations and results, they start to look like people who are down to to smoke weed while licking the same boot as a brown person.

    • Track_Shovel@slrpnk.netOP
      2 months ago

      You had me til brown person. Not quite sure what you mean, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that it wasn’t meant as bigotry.

      The whole libertarian movement smacks of the big brain thinking of entitled people in their 20s, and Joe Rogan’s fan club.

      It paints with the same broad strokes as communism and like it, fails to acknowledge the real world outcomes: only the ideology matters, and adherence to it. Ignore or prosecute those who don’t implement it as intended or under the guiding assumptions.

      • Zink@programming.dev
        2 months ago

        The brown person thing was me referring to them being “socially liberal,” so they would share the same water fountain – or boot – as somebody of another race.

        That quote refers to the “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” label that they like to use. Because part of the fun is saying that you love everybody and have no hate in your heart, but you definitely don’t want to spend any money or enforce any regulations to help people’s lives.