This is what is wrong with modern society. I take a train downtown and no inner city kid is worshiping the sun. Our leaders no longer cut out the hearts of their enemies as tribute.
A good solar flare/EMP or six ought to do it. Right back to the stone ages
If that helps curb the chance of nuclear apocalypse I’d take solar flare stone age apocalypse. Would still suck, but in a different way.
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I mean, don’t sell past sold
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Yeah it’s like, dude? The Sun is real.
We really could use a little George Carlin right about now… And Joe Pesci, just to be safe.
Damn dude, you made me think Joe Pesci was dead. Still kicking at 81 years of age.
Nah, just a living legend.
What do you mean? We’ve begun the greatest construction of sun obelisks in the history of humankind? There everywhere, people come knocking on your door wanting to mount them on your roof for free.
Even though it gives us cancer! ( The sun not the panels).
God’s existence: No physical proof
Sun’s existence: Just look up
this is why y’all should praise the sun
Instructions unclear, now blind because I didn’t have a “look away from sun” step to follow.
We never stopped.
Our leaders no longer cut out the hearts of their enemies as tribute.
Ok, on it!
praise the sun
If only I could be so grossly incandescent
Is it still the sun or merely a flaming ball of gas illuminating the world?
It’s not gas, you silly fuck, it’s a miasma of incandescent plasma 🎶.
I say it’s a miasma of incandescent plasma of peace, you chowderhead (ง’̀-'́)ง
It’s pronounced chowder!
Okay, you asked for it, Boggs ᕦ( ● 益 ● )ᕤ 💥
flaming ball of gas illuminating the world?
Back in my day we called the sun “the sun”. You ding dang 40 year old millennial kids and your darn pronouns!!!
What’s next, Pluto not being a planet?
It only stops being magical if you let cynicism win.
Because it would make sense and religion isn’t about that.
Shuddup Sun! The world does not revolve around you!
Because melanoma
If the sun accepted your prayer as worthy you would be spared.
Has the sun tried threatening potential converts?
Works gangbusters for for the most popular religions.
Hell, they usually steal the sun’s defining characteristic to threaten followers with: 🔥🔥🔥.
Love me some Sunshine!
Probably burning us all to death.