Androcur 10mg (which contains cyproteronacetate) is being discontinued by Bayer because it isn’t economical for them to produce anymore. I hate it. It’s the anti androgen that’s pretty much the standard for feminizing hormone therapy here in Germany and I believe even in Europe.
Edit: here is the email in German that they sent me after I asked them through their contact form:
Do you have a source for that? Because that would really be quite bad…
I added a screenshot of their email. It is in German though
I asked through their contact form.
Thanks for the clarification, though this is indeed quite bad news :/
10mg were unfortunatly never avaiable in Austria - shame that now production ends Germany as well.
We have 50mg tablets, which isn’t a dose recommended for transfemmes so every 4 doses you have to split them one of them using a tablet slicer. It’s tedious, but it works.
Isn’t it not really advised because of side effects?
In France for example it’s really not standard at all, and decapeptyl or bica are used more often.
Nah all my friends r on androcur and it seems to be good
it can cause brain tumors and has some other issues too. others are preferable
diy injections or bica, or cypro 50mg divided into 4 taken daily or every other day.
I’m not doing DIY and I have to get my prescription from my endo. She suggested to switch to spiro. I suggested to her to prescribe 50 mg to quarter them but I don’t have an answer yet.
I personally really don’t like Spiro due to its side effects and lack of good T blocking
Yes that’s why I really want to stay on cypro
Would bicalutamide be an option? It’s a very effective anti-androgen with minimal risk and potentially no side effects.
(Unrelated, but bica ultimately didn’t work for me, I suspect because it didn’t act as much on the Central Nervous System, so my biochemical dysphoria wasn’t helped by it and that was the main reason I wanted an anti-androgen. I switched to monotherapy and that has been better.)
I appreciate the help but that was 3 months ago and it’s already resolved 😅 (I can stay on cypro)
That’s great news!
Oh that explains why I hate to cut a pill into 4 that only has one breaking line