Wow, thanks! It was really fun to build
Wow, thanks! It was really fun to build
No, it’s a EFI app I developed in Rust that does a query over multicast UDP and uses the result to select which EFI app (Windows bootloaded (yeah I know…) Or systemd-boot to start Arch)
There’s nothing related to proxmox itself, it’s just there that I host my LXC with the service that responds to the quey.
I boot on a custom EFI app to control my dualboot (instead of systemd-boot or grub) that asks a service on my proxmox server which OS I’m supposed to boot.
Overkill, but it allows me to control my dual-boot without a keyboard in my computer (because it’s a Bluetooth keyboard so I can’t really use it in grub anyway)
Okay, but to be fair, metro 13 is not a good experience.
New gender neutral bathroom just dropped
Okay but this could be the lore for a Dark Souls NPC
Is it not normal? This describes me perfectly and I’m not even 30 yet. (Well in a few months I won’t be able to say that anymore, but still)
Same in France. Anyone can call themselves a “software engineer”. But the title of “engineer” (ingénieur) is specific for people who graduated from a school allowed to deliver engineering degrees.
Gollum at the end of Lord of the Rings. Apart from that I’m not sure
6 seasons and a movie though
No, there were two votes of no-confidence, one by the left and one by the far-right. The left refused to vote the mention deposed by the far-right, but the far-right did vote for the motion deposed by the left, which succeeded.
And the government was your typical neoliberal government that was just there to gut all benefits for the poor to give it to the rich, like what Macron has been doing for years, despite previous elections giving a (albeit small) majority to the left.
So yeah, not gonna lie, that government won’t be missed.
(Although I tend to agree with your last sentence, the current structure of the country basically gives a lot of power to the president)
It’s not like there’s always the choice. My previour car was red, and I wish I could have bought me current one in a bright color, like red or orange, but there was just black or grey, it’s so boring
Il y a des villes (Nancy) par exemple qui expérimentent le “oui pub”, pas sûre de si ça a beaucoup avancé
Oooooh, so ot was built-in! Yeah that’s the one I was thinking about, thanks
I don’t remember the one, but I used to have something that would insult me when I typed the wrong password when sudoing
Tbh it doesn’t really reduce the number of unsolicited spam calls that much. On the other hand there is a fixed list of prefixes that can be used for these type of calls that you can directly block:
In France it’s those prefixes “0162, 0163, 0270, 0271, 0377, 0378, 0424, 0425, 0568, 0569, 0948, 0949”
I mean, it’s possible to have around 1100 people in a B747, so yeah that checks out
Oh, so you want to get out of your country too?
You can do both. FreshRSS for example allows you to subscribe to it like you would subscribe to any RSS feed