Androcur 10mg (which contains cyproteronacetate) is being discontinued by Bayer because it isn’t economical for them to produce anymore. I hate it. It’s the anti androgen that’s pretty much the standard for feminizing hormone therapy here in Germany and I believe even in Europe.

Edit: here is the email in German that they sent me after I asked them through their contact form:

      • dandelion
        4 months ago

        Would bicalutamide be an option? It’s a very effective anti-androgen with minimal risk and potentially no side effects.

        (Unrelated, but bica ultimately didn’t work for me, I suspect because it didn’t act as much on the Central Nervous System, so my biochemical dysphoria wasn’t helped by it and that was the main reason I wanted an anti-androgen. I switched to monotherapy and that has been better.)