Trump in 2016:
She shouldn’t be allowed to run.
If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis.
In that situation we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.
It would grind the government to a halt.
Trump criticizes Trump yet again.
Republicans always criticize themselves heavily. Just don’t do anything about it though.
Republicans mostly do the criticizing through projection.
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Part of being a republican is being a hypocrite.
That brings back memories! Looks like that sub shut down in Nov. 2022.
Guess the novelty kinda wore off after the hundred-millionth time.
This won’t do anything. His base doesn’t care. They treat this like a sports team. He’s still “their” guy. The Cleveland Browns have a rapist as their quarterback. Despite everyone in Cleveland not being a fan of his extraciricular activities, I have seen no boycotts. I’ve seen no reduction in Browns gear here in Cleveland. I’ve seen no reason to believe that we’ve shown our front office that we won’t stand for a rapist on the team.
It’s the same with trump/republicans. They’ve had several, countless even, oppertunities to exit the highway down the road that is trump. The fact that he emerged in 2016 as the republican nominee at all still feels like it was decided by a round of plinko.
They should have looked at him from before 2016 and said no. They could have exited anytime between 2017-2021. They could have exited over J6. They could have exited in the aftermath of J6.
They stayed on the highway that whole time. They aren’t getting off. They’re going to ride that highway until they drive off a cliff at the end.
And in that sense, this article/post/video is nothing but a feel good moment for everyone else that ultimately doesn’t do, or change ANYTHING. Remember, he JUST claimed he never said “lock her up”. His base is unphased.
I have no credibility or relevant qualifications. I’m just some random moron on the internet, but here’s my opinion:
His base has been manipulated. They have a sunken cost. Each time something new and horrible comes out about Donald Trump, they have to either be OK with it or come to terms with the idea that they may have been wrong about him this whole time. They’ll react emotionally to this dilemma as if being wrong in this case would constitute a personal attack on their character.
With every new lie he tells or every new horrible thing he does, his supporters are forced to embrace it. And it just compounds. If they question him now, that would mean they’d have to question the hundreds of other things about him they’ve accepted.
So if he says “the sky is green” then they have to accept it as fact. Because if they question it, then they have to question if he told the truth about getting a fair trial, and then they have to question if he actually tried to cover up sleeping with a porn star, then they have to question if he slept with a porn star, etc etc all the way back for at least a decade. It’s much easier just to accept the latest small lie than question everything you’ve believed for so long.
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I think that might be true for a portion of his supporters, but there are definitely a religious group of them that take his word 100%.
There are mean trolls who want to win the libs for sure, but there are also some really stupid motherfuckers out there.
God damn. I HOPE you’re wrong. As that would imply that roughly 48% of america is voting because of this refusal to admit to themselves that they were wrong.
Hell, I KNOW I’m wrong a lot. There’s no reason to say “oh, maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” And then fix your mistakes. There’s even times I’m right 100% through an event, and then contexts change, and you have to admit the way you did it was actually wrong for reasons that hadn’t happened yet in that moment.
We used to LOVE trump in 2004. Long before he was a politician. We loved him because he was easy to laugh at, and immitate in a mocking manner. But, now I know that watching clips of him on tv, only gave him ratings, kept him with a weekly paycheck for doing nothing. I now know if he went bankrupt in the 2000s, he wouldn’t have had the standing or money to run a campaign in 2016.
So, oops. I was wrong for that. Difference is, we loved him like a clown. These people today love him like a savior. Which I do not understand.
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You’ve all lost any ability to argue and defend your positions, relying on cheap tactics like name-calling to mock, deride and dismiss the right without actually defending your increasingly insane positions.
I honestly can’t tell if you’re trolling, or just really fucking oblivious.
And which policies might those be? The policies that stop ICE from seperating families at the border? Trying to end the acts of throwing them in large metal boxes with no water, some dying, in 110 degree heat?
Or are you thinking of other policies?
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Do you care to elaborate on how Trump is revenge? I am honestly interested in your opinion.
I think these “self-righteous arrogant dick” people are a very small minority of Democrat voters, just as any unflattering stereotype of Republican voters is only an accurate representation of the most unpleasant members of that group.
I think part of the appeal of Donald Trump seems to have something to do with the fact that he is (or at least has been, or projects the appearance of being) rich and powerful, and then is just blatantly honest about the level of corruption and hypocrisy that the rich and powerful get away with. I think people like that honesty. Nobody wants to live in a rigged system.
However, (and I think this is the part where you’ll get frustrated with me) he seems to be highly and openly corrupt. I think he wants to make corruption and abuse of power seem normal so that when he does it, he can act like it isn’t a big deal.
It’s a big deal.
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Thank you for this great response. I’m genuinely interested in your perspective.
When you say that the right is losing the culture war, are you referring to things like the rights of women, minority groups, gay/whatever people, separation of church and state, and environmental protectionism, or am I misunderstanding?
Why does the right feel powerless and humiliated?
You can say what you want about Trump. But how dare you bring plinko into this.
You mean to tell me people with dog shit moral compasses and who are obsessed with regression/stale movement for all but the elite are hipocrits??
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We’ve always been at war with Eureast AsiaTrump never said that.“see she actually did it tho! Me I’m not actually guilty the jury was rigged against me!”
… Not sure that last part is a historical reference or specifically a Crusader Kings reference.
Or Labyrinth reference
It’s a Magic the Gathering reference, obviously. [[Oubliette]]
Card fetcher please?
Moon Landing Denier
In fairness to the Moon Landing Deniers, The Shinning is even more fun to watch when you’re convinced its a secret Stanley Kubrick confession.
“gotta write a bad ending… Bad ending hmmm. FROZE TO DEATH ok this is gold”
It’s iconic for a reason
I think notorious waffler Lindsey Graham has proved conclusively that showing them their own hypocrisy is absolutely and completely pointless. They don’t care. They want theirs in power and they don’t give a shit how they get them there or what they’ve done before they got there. That’s why they can scream about non-existent child molesters and pedophiles on the left while voting for right wingers who’ve been actually found to be such.
I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,’ and you could use my words against me and you’d be absolutely right.
-Lindsay “nothing I say matters” Graham
He just left off the end bit which is something like “but being right doesn’t matter to my constituents who just vote R and hope the 1950s come back”
My take-away, here, is that 8 years ago he could actually form a sentence.
YouTube popped up a suggestion for a video of Obama being asked about cynicism and my god… I forgot what it was like to have a president who actually had a grasp of the English language and enough functioning neurons to actually speak…
Now we have Donnie Depends and Onion on his belt Biden…
It would be nice if we could have a president that doesn’t have first hand memories of the war of 1812…
Here’s hoping he gets a sentence on 7/11.
On occasion
Omg who cares. He lies and says literally opposite things from previous things every single day. It makes no difference. He’s a shit human and no one is going to see this one example and think. “hmm maybe has had him pegged wrong…” just vote in nov please.
Nah, I’m voting next week to ensure the Dutch left keeps a voice in the EU parliament.
Jesus fuck, stop playing this “gotcha!” game. This is dumb. He doesn’t give a shit about consistency. He’ll straight up lie about something he said yesterday. Who are you convincing with this?
First of all, there are people who think it is funny, like me.
Additionally, sometimes people just aren’t aware of stuff and people draw different lines. Apparently trump support has decreased since the verdict of his 34 felonies. That wasn’t my line for sure; the racism and history of racism was; but apparently some people didn’t care about the racism, transphobia, sexism, the sexualizing of his daughter, the cheating on his wife, the lies, … But about the felonies. So instead of telling people to not speak out about it, don’t engage.
The Right Wingers play “Gotcha!”, playing it right back does nothing.
me. i’m convinced. i was gonna vote for trump first, but this has persuaded me to vote for biden
Trump has the power of making people drop any form of morals or values, even after called out by his own words. True cult leader stuff.
If trump gets them to drop their morals, then they never really any in the first place.
There’s absolutely nothing he can say to convince MAGA fucks that he’s not leadership material.
They’re not interested in what kind of material he’s made of. He’s their team, and they’re his supporters. It’s what you get for turning your elections into a sports match.
You’re right, it’s my fault. 🙄
That’s the royal ‘you’ in action.
Now now. He said the felony indictment would create a constitutional crisis. The trial would grind government to a halt. His trial’s over, he’s already been convicted. Completely different situation.
Sarcasm aside, I don’t expect this to matter much. Pointing out the hypocrisy never seems to do anything. Maybe hopefully it’ll peel off some hesitant voters on the margins, but will it cause the party to change course in any substantial way? I doubt it.
What about the other 51 open indictments?
Exactly. I was going to reply to the original commenter saying, like, you know he’s still got 3 other trials actively in progress right? (Well, 1 of those is indefinitely halted, but still).
Ah crap, you’re right. I’ve been so focused on the one case that reached a conclusion that I tend to forget all the other cases still pending.
His good buddy, Viktor Orbán, said that “any prime minister, who makes the Euro go over HUF300 should resign” not only made the Euro go over 300 in the first few months, but nowadays we often hit the 400 mark, basically nullifying most of the wage increase we got, many of which was in the form of “presence bonuses”, meaning you get an extra paycheck if you don’t go to day offs unless the factory is shut down, and don’t use any sick leaves or go to the doctor - imagine what it did during the pandemic.
Add his opinion on media monopoly to the mix back when he was in opposition, sprinkle it with some claims of dancing to the Russians’ tune, and decorate it with a pinch of concerns about how a government increasing divide and tensions can only expect to be washed away by the same radicalised masses.
Suddenly the supporters become politically sensitive and open to nuances and grab every opportunity to highlight the difference in cultural and political context (of him back then and now). Bring up literally anything else and the only thing they can regurgitate is the exact words of their dumbed down propaganda.
Landscape video in a portrait video in a landscape video… I’m watching that on a portrait oriented screen. Am I the only one who finds that ridiculous?
Also this post should’ve just been a link to the video. I don’t know how some journalists are employed when they can barely write a paragraph that somehow manages to tell you less than the title.
Imagine thinking this is even an issue. Get help
Hopefully his clips saying this end up in some anti maga video ads.
jUsT dEePfAkEs
I think this a good sanity check for us all to remember the kind of person Trump is and what’s at stake. But we can’t stop with clever gotchas, we need to defeat the fascist ideas that the MAGA movement runs on. Trump will be gone one day, but fascist movements will persist until we defeat their ideas. Fascism is a self-destructive ideology that in the long term benefits no one. Everyone needs to know that.
I don’t disagree but the perceived strong man leader is one of the most important pillars of a fascist movement, who the followers love not for his position but mainly for his cunning ability to charm them. There’s no other person but Trump in sight who would take over his place in the movements’ hearts. Only Elon Musk maybe but he can’t be president. So getting at Trump is absolutely the priority, buying us time until Joe Rogan develops political ambitions.
While there is probably some benefit, that can be measured in votes, in going after Trump, it shouldn’t be the priority. The priority has to be showing people that society can be improved without needing to ostracize groups of people. People need to learn the flaws with fascism and neo-liberalism. But they also need to learn that systemic change and wealth redistribution are the answers to their political and economic problems. The fewer people who believe they can fix their problems by punishing minorities, the fewer people Trump and demagogues like him will be able to reach.
The problem with fashist self-destruction is that they usually take the country over and then with them on their way to destruction.
The US can learn from German history or find out themselves how a Nazi government turns out.
“Nononono, not like that” - republiKKKlowns