just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • lololato196What is hope
    10 hours ago

    Inside of you are two wolves, Hope and Despair. If you feed one, it will grow and overtake the other.

    However, they both want treats outside of meal time. In this way, they are both delusional.

  • Perhaps a better question is why aren’t more people shunned. There are some good answers already, but I’ll throw in another reason that seems to come up sometimes.

    The US is highly polarized on a lot of issues. If one can frame their shunning as one of those wedge issues, they can probably get enough people to rally around them that they escape accountability.

    “I’m being deplatformed because of racism against white people!”

    “We have freedom of speech in this country, so if you take everything in the Constitution absolutely literally like I do, it’s obvious I should be able to spew whatever bullshit I want. You don’t hate the Constitution and the founding fathers, do you?”

  • lololato196Rule
    4 days ago

    I don’t know bout y’all but my rarest pepe was forged in the physical world with a pencil and a sheet of paper. It was so rare and powerful that I had to split it into 7 pieces and scatter them across the land.

    I’m not sure where the pieces are now exactly. Last I heard, there were two competing search teams hunting for them, one being a ragtag team of inexperienced heart-of-gold types and the other being some sort of evil empire.

    I figured it’d be best not to get involved.

  • lololato2meirl4meirl@lemmy.world2meirl4meirl
    6 days ago

    I’d also say that seeing someone you relate to (fictional or not) can give you some distance / objectivity to see the situation in a different way. Like, what’s the fanfic alternate universe where the character doesn’t kill themselves look like?