Whats the point of writing prn, f@ck, sht or anything like that instead of the actual words? You can still read them, its not like they are gone if you replace a letter or two.

      • @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
        357 months ago

        Because swearing is a natural part of the human experience and most level headed people don’t feel the need to suppress human expression.

        Swearing serves an important biological need to express emotion and communicate. Psychologically, we swear to express strong emotions and when people swear, they are inherently viewed as more trustworthy or honest. Swearing helps people bond.

      • @Susaga@ttrpg.network
        217 months ago

        “Bitch” is not a slur. It is a swear. Swears are fine, slurs are not. They are not equivelant, and shouldn’t be treated as such.

        • @hungryphrog
          87 months ago

          I hate ml mods as much as the next guy, but also I would consider “bitch” to be kinda misogynistic in certain context.

          • @Susaga@ttrpg.network
            7 months ago

            The same can be said of any gendered term. That’s honestly a comment on the context more than the word.

            If you say the word bitch is as offensive as the f slur, t slur or n word, then you’re saying those slurs are as harmless as the word bitch. If you believe that, I am offended by you. Do not put them in the same group.