How to get out of an uncomfortable egg culture situation with this one simple trick.

Real talk: Calling people eggs is a violation of the egg prime directive, and is considered invalidating as you are trying to say that a person is not the gender they identify as, that their identity is invalid. Don’t call people eggs, like ever, it’s extremely uncool.

  • TotallynotJessicaM
    1 month ago

    It’s not always like that, but it sometimes does become that. It often is just trans or closeted people memeing on their own behavior with the understanding that those behaviors don’t make them trans. That said, it can be tricky to not overstep bounds or imply the wrong thing. I think it’s a force for good overall, but there are a few things to remember when observing it or participating in it.

    1. Do not call other people eggs. It is a term that can describe one’s own journey, but not one that can or should be applied to others. At most, sharing one’s own lived experience as an egg can help others reflect.
    2. Sharing the experience of an egg does not mean someone is trans. Cis people can experience these things without wanting to be another gender.