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play-now-my-lord posts:
PREHISTORIC PROTO-MONKEY: I don’t need ascorbic acid. From my cells. I eat fruit all the time dude. I’m better than that
OTHER PREHISTORIC PROTO-MONKEY: I agree with your lifestyle and will fuck you raw to prove it
GUY LOOKING FOR THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE 36,530,125 YEARS LATER: ow oof my shitty british teeth

  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)OP
    1 day ago

    it’s not a particularly deep joke, at some point in the past our ancient ancestors stopped producing vitamin c by themselves so now we get scurvy if we don’t eat fruit sometimes.
    also British teeth stereotypically suck

    those are the only two things you need to understand the joke

    oh and to “fuck [someone] raw” just means to have unprotected sex