I wonder how they are gonna do this, I’m hoping steamOS doesn’t end up like Android where there are a million skins and updates take forever. I know Linux s Is universally compatible with most x86 hardware so in theory it should plug in play as long as they use an amd gpu.
The steam deck really can’t do 1080p, depends on what games of course but at 720 is where it functions best
Thoose selfies are highly subjective, like the way I point my camera, I wouldn’t post something I couldn’t bare to look at, I just hate looking at myself
I’ve recently been working more with the public and the way I’m treated says otherwise, I’m treated horribly. People look at me like they did back in school and treat me the same, even this queer couple made a face at me when I was grabbing something for them. People think I’m gross and disgusting.
The article doesn’t mention which cars unfortunately
I’m just waiting for a single player game to this, I feel like disabling Linux support is the new hot trend making triple AAA games. Like I already know black ops 6 disabled Linux support or will without even googling it
It’s all fun and games until Google moves unknown sources to the developer tab
I was almost worried steam allowed devs to opt out of steam play, that would be horrible and 90% of devs would opt out
Did consumers actually reject touch screens in cars? Like android auto and Apple CarPlay are pretty popular in the US
They need to do this on iOS Fr Fr
Imagine it gets fixed but only in Google Autofill and not Android auto fill
I really hope to see more queer centric content, and less hate generally.
I mean like they are seeing nintendos “side” in this
Tons of boot kickers in the comments here
Yeah, this isn’t stolen and I’m pretty sure it was paid off, my mom bought it at a phone shop a couple of years ago and than gave it to me when she bought another phone. It just so happened to still be locked to Xfinity, and she had Xfinity so she didn’t notice
Ugh, my issue is AI is a pandas box, we already opened it. Now it’s an argument of regulate technology and banning people from doing certain things on their own devices like running foss LLMs, like if we do that we can also allow bans of end to end encryption
I was on pills but kinda had even more varied results, also I’m not very about taking pills daily. I always use clean needles/syinges
I mean like valve provides some sort of hardware based attestion so gta v can verify its running on a steam deck.
Watch it support the Steam Deck and only the steam deck with no other Linux supported
well Facebook still owns them and will own them when they all switch to instagram reels like America wants them to do