No I’m not catastrophising.

The world is slowly lurching towards a fully fascist led America, India, Hungary, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Argentina.

Instead people are either ignorant or blaming “wokeism”* for their problems.

I have no clue what to do and this is literally a car crash in slow motion.

I’m despondent because I’m going to be crushed under the boot when the time comes and my morals get in the way of my survival instinct.

Humans are repeating the mistakes of the past. It’s just so anxiety inducing.

*Woke is a useless term promulgated by fascists to dog whistle the things they really want to hate - feminism, socialism, LGBTQIA+, immigration, brown/black people, equality and diversity.

    1155 months ago

    I hate to say this but I’ve honestly just gotten used to the idea at this point. I’ve been watching the people around me howling in support of fascism since about 2015 now and the more egregious these politicians crimes become the louder these idiots seem to howl for them. It’s been going so long that it’s just part of the background noise of day to day life now, and I’m tired of caring anymore. It’s fucking depressing.

    875 months ago

    I understand how you might feel this way. But a key difference to the early 1930s is that there are many large-scale protests against far right extremism in Germany. The elections in the Netherlands did produce a right wing tendency, but there is no government as of yet and the PVV is still pretty far away from fascism. The other three large winners of the election are not even that right wing. At least no more than the party that ruled for the last 15 years.

    That said, I do kinda hope that this phase passes quickly and that people will start to finally get along and care about our fellow humans. Even though we never have.

      625 months ago

      The protests in germany give me hope that the german public finally resists against fascism instead of just letting it happen and then saying “there’s nothing that could have been done” afterwards

    735 months ago

    Well, at least that will take your mind off global warming. Which is good since we have already hit 1.5°C of warming.

    705 months ago

    I’m only 18 and I’m already so fucking tired of existing in this world, seems like everything is going downhill and I’m just gonna be forced to live in an authoritarian dictatorship world where all the air is full of toxins and the water is full of plastic

      5 months ago

      I hate thinking so negatively about the future but the more the world seems to crumble around me the more I feel like we might be one of the last generations of humans that got to experience civilisation for a long time.

      The planet is dying, fascism is spreading, the tensions are rising, and everyone has nukes! woo! future!

      195 months ago

      Look on the bright side: it’s not as if this will continue forever. If our infrastructure is failing as deeply as it seems, society will reach a breaking point. The real question is where that point is and making sure you reach it. If it truly gets bad enough we’ll see the return of the guillotine, maybe even literally if we’re feeling spicy

        • Kühe sind toll
          55 months ago

          I don’t think that’s what he meant. As far as I understood his comment he meant using the guillotine in the French way.

          However you’re right. It will get very bad before it gets good again.

        25 months ago

        If our infrastructure is failing as deeply as it seems, society will reach a breaking point.

        My sector. It is worse than you think and I am scared of quitting.

        15 months ago

        The French Revolution wasn’t what pop-history suggests. It was a genocidal civil war that killed far more commoners than nobles. There was a point where they were killing so many people, the only way they could keep up was to drown them en masse by chaining them to a barge and sinking it.

      35 months ago

      Just do what you can. Don’t join the army and minimize your contribution to fascist government. Put your efforts locally where you can :)

    585 months ago

    Woke is a hijacked term by the facists it literally means to be socially aware of the problems faced by different people in a society

    • EinatYahav
      55 months ago

      No you see, they’re discovering that the world is fucked up. As opposed to us who have always known it’s fucked up, that’s how we get to enjoy our lives 😀

      WTF uncle

  • kingthrillgore
    535 months ago

    It worries me too and I’ve been thinking a lot about margaritas, I’ve been sober for four years so its troubling thoughts of alcohol are creeping back in. I don’t know what else to say. Need a hug?

      • kingthrillgore
        145 months ago

        What fucking meetings? For my alcoholism or for my depression about the future?

        …If there’s any for the latter can I get a hookup?

              45 months ago

              I’m in NA meetings on discord. There’s also a big God involved but just try to look besides that. They’re open ans very welcome to anyone that wants to stop

              75 months ago

              If you look at the site I provided, you’ll see that they have plenty of atheist/agnostic meetings [labelled ‘secular.’]

              They also have a lot of LGBTQ+ meetings, as well as men only and women only options.

              AA suggests people try to find a Higher Power of their own understanding.

                55 months ago

                These are religious meetings for addicts and alcoholics. The atheist and agnostic meetings are well-meaning but they talk about gods even more than at the non-secular meetings.

                I am however delighted it works for you.

              • Fish [Indiana]
                5 months ago

                Yes it literally is. Or at the very least you have to “submit yourself to a higher power”

                  25 months ago

                  That’s one of the steps yeah. And it’s recommended to follow all steps but nobody is forcing you. You can just go as you want and try to follow the other ones as much as possible. Also a higher power could mean different things if you’re creative enough.

    525 months ago

    Anything I have learned from history classes is that this cycle of fascism/dictatorship and democracy has always been going on, people are dumb -> they choose fascists -> fascist gonna fasc -> ppl get fed up -> uprising/protests -> government overthrown after tons of bloodshed -> some sort of constitutional bind on rulers/elections -> some peace -> dumb ppl forget everything and chose fascists again -> repeat

      345 months ago

      I think you forgot the part where capitalism makes peoples life worse and worse, while at the same time conservative media blames the left for it, even if they are the cause.

      Because in the End people dont vote for fascists because its funny, but because they believe they can get them out of a shitty situation (Fascism doesnt do that obviously, but people get blinded by propaganda).

      We wouldnt have this issue today if politicians werent all neoliberal and actually cared about poor people.

        65 months ago

        Well I only studied the history part which was mandatory in my school, so it was naturally not very in-depth or far back, only standard topics like the World wars, french and russian revolutions etc

  • Kühe sind toll
    525 months ago

    I have hope for Germany. The past few weeks we had enormous protests(over 3m people protested in total) and multiple petitions against fascists and the AfD(the party that literally want to deportate everyone who isn’t “German”(this means even if you have a German passport, but came from another country youre going to get deportated)) had blown up. Their youth organisation is now officially a right wing extremists organisation. I still have hope, that we may save our country before it’s to late.

      35 months ago

      I don’t have hope for a Germany that vocally supports a fascist, genocidal regime (hint: it rhymes with Smisreal).

  • JoMama
    505 months ago

    I suggest target practice, that way you won’t get crushed by boots…and you can resist any fascist in your area, and encourage others in your immediate area to do the same.

    Start a club, and then you can hold parties, where you show each other new knowledge, and help others to protect themselves…and fight against all the fascist hordes!

        75 months ago

        But odds are it won’t be the military. At least, not at first. It will most likely start with all those right-wing punisher-worshipping nutters who want an excuse to shoot ‘the liburlz’, with local cops either helping out or staying out of the way, and the government conveniently ignoring everything. Or at least, that’s how it’s tended to go in the past.

        (See kristallnacht, Tulsa race massacre, Wilmington massacre, Rosewood massacre, Ocoee massacre…)

        And those local assholes can be repelled with guns.

      5 months ago

      John Brown gun club or Socialist Rifle Association are out there… also there are plenty of paramilitary and social fascist groups to protect yourself against. Proud boys, border nutjobs, don’t listen to naysayers about learning to defend yourself. It’s not just military with tanks and planes. It’s your back the blue neighbor you have to worry about…

      75 months ago

      alright now im really confused. how does the world devolving into fascism bring complete anarchy? aren’t those completely different things?

    415 months ago

    We’ll see how it shakes out this year, but here are some positive thoughts…

    2017 was the high watermark for facism’s popularity in the US. They couldn’t help themselves and went masks off in Charlottesville, and their movement has never recovered.

    Facism’s rise is always reactionary to rising socialism. If the rural petite bougausie and the New York Times are pushing for facism then that’s because they are worried workers are gaining power and will come to take what they have. They’re worried we are getting organized and winning victories.

    Conservatives are currently extremely demoralized. Go check out their boards and discords. I’ve never seen them this universally depressed. Then don’t think they can win and they aren’t excited at the prospect of trying only to fail.

    • @Custoslibera@lemmy.worldOP
      205 months ago

      Hmmmm I also frequent white supremacist sympathising discord and my general take away is that they are more desperate and more willing to take violent action to align reality with their views.

      Of course this is only anecdotal so it’s kind of a moot point.

      I’d be more confident in your opinion if there wasn’t a prevailing view that America will reelect Trump.

      If trump isn’t elected it may not even stop fascism though.

      Hitler was jailed before he rose to power, trump could very easily do the same. If I’m going to be optimistic about anything it’s the fact that Trump is very old and may not survive prison or the presidency for an extended period.

        105 months ago

        We’ll see. I’m not sure I fully believe all the polling. Trump has a real shot at winning but I’d give the advantage to Biden by a large margin.

        5 months ago

        I live in a red state. The neighbors are practicing more with their rifles. But this state used to be blue and has always been 2nd amendment centered (but not always gun worship, just everyone had them for hunting or home defense), so should be interesting if someone actually commits. Jan 6 kind of tipped their hand on how much of a clusterfuck that would be.

        Also, read about the “trial” of Hitler. The judge was sympathetic as hell. So far our judges tell Trump to stfu.

          • R0cket_M00se
            25 months ago

            True but they were back before the election and those same conservatives he appointed told him to cram his election fraud narrative.

            Plus it’s just in favor of conservatives, not stacked completely.

    385 months ago

    No I’m not catastrophising.

    2024 is going to be the beginning of the end of us all

    Yeah, I don’t know about that.

      105 months ago

      Yeah, he’s completely fucking wrong.

      1. The beginning is decades ago.

      2. We’re so close to the end it’s not a catastrophic enough a description to be close to real.

      He’s also wrong about survival instinct. There is stupidity which will go insane soon but anyone who fucking gets it knows there is nothing but a true end to all life on this planet. I call 2030. Not that you’ll be here to say otherwise. If you are you won’t because we’ll be that gorramn close and you’ll be stupid and go insane or just enjoy your last few minutes because you won’t get much more of those.

      If it ain’t the baked planet, it’ll be a virus bio-/tech- whatever but they won’t make it past the shortly thereafter former, or closed source AI $ add repeat of the last, or…well…yeah…theres a dozen others bidding on annihilation and no one to counter a thing. They’ll all suck the dollar worship and go to work in a guzzling baker machine (automobile in case you’re stupid and don’t just get it).

          45 months ago

          Gorram right. Got all the comics, books (bar the most recent which I intend to acquire soon), and board/card games bar i think one of the dice but not Shiny Dice, I got that too.

    • @Custoslibera@lemmy.worldOP
      255 months ago

      Thanks for this, reading now.

      I’ve also been busy reading the history of the rise of the Nazi party particularly the SA.

      It’s scary (scary is not a strong enough word for the combined emotions of frustration, anger, fear, anxiety) how close current USA events are replicating the original rise of Nazi Germany.

        5 months ago

        Even current German events are replicating the rise of Nazi Germany. But many people are too blind to see…

          85 months ago

          Yeah, it’s so sad. Before inflation and all the other shit, nobody cared about fascist, but now they’re like

          “Oh hey, that are so easy solutions to my severe Problems, I don’t care if they discriminate a minority or a group of people. Let’s vote them!”

          Just to realize that they would change nothing - they will make it worser - and install slowly but surely their fucking pervert dictatorship.

            55 months ago

            to my severe problems

            You mean the problems the fascist just made up and actually aren’t a really problem

        45 months ago

        It’s happening in France too. Are the fascists roaming the streets to beat leftists and Arabs in your country too?

    355 months ago

    Organize. The old world is dying, the new world is yet to be born. We are standing at a tipping point not only regarding climate change, but also regarding the future of humanity. It is up to us, how we act and how the new world will look like.

    And even if we loose: Its harder to deport and/or kill you, if a bunch of other people got your back.

    295 months ago

    I think it sucks when you are forced to save the environment but the rich don’t have to change their lifestyle at all. They should be the first to have to change since they affect the environment a lot more.