Defines “ages”. Blue leds came out of Japan somewhat recently and that’s pretty huge
Veritasium has an awesome video about the Japanese scientist that discovered blue LEDs, guy basically did it single handedly despite pushback from his boss. Absolutely insane scientific achievement
Ground breaking AI🤡
I don’t exactly keep up with the technological innovations of every country, but I get the feeling it isn’t so much that Japan hasn’t innovated in decades, so much as they haven’t done anything he (it’s 4chan, let’s be frank, it’s a he) personally finds interesting or that is publicized in the medium he gets his news from.
Their AI needs longer to develop cause it has to be folded a million times.
They have impure silicon there so their software dev practices had to become way more advanced to compensate
Found the Japanese sword enthusiast.
dude had already swallowed the tech bs, thinks ai is the furthest advancement of technology when it can’t compete with ancient tech. literally can’t do what a calculator can do reliably. or a timer. or a calendar.
Please let’s try to keep generative AI from claiming the entire word “AI”.
Current generative AI is good at and built for mimicking patterns with boundary conditions.
This means it does a decent job of imitating authoritative knowledge, but it’s just mimicking it.
People are hyped for it because it looks knowledgeable, it’s relatively simple to make, and a lot of what we do is text based so it’s easy to apply.There are a lot of other types of AI, the majority even, that work significantly better, take a small fraction of the computing power and provide helpful and meaningful results. They just don’t look like anything other than complex math, which is all any of them are in the end.
A calculator, timer or calendar can’t help me write an essay. You are comparing tools meant for different tasks. At least build your argumentets on something reasonable.
Take an English class you illiterate gremlin.
Resource intense auto correct that does not understand the information it’s stringing together should not be used to write anything academically or professionally.
Why argue with someone who isn’t intelligent enough to write their essays without mechanical assistance?
I wonder why anyone would want an “AI girlfriend” or whatever ridiculous thing tech bros are trying to shoehorn monetization into to capitalize on the pervasive disconnect in society today.
And then, when I read a post like yours, referring to someone like that, it all suddenly makes sense. Given the choice, I’d also rather spend time with unthinking silicon than an asshole who talks to people like you do.
funny how it’s not “intelligent” enough to say “hey I don’t really do math” and instead feeds me bullshit that I have to correct and then it’ll say “oh yeah totally right sorry here’s the actual answer that I wouldn’t have given if you hadn’t corrected me as the one who asked the question”
also your essay fucking sucks. learn to put together a coherent thought instead of relying on a glorified autocorrect that doesn’t have them at all to do it for you.
I genuinely think using generative AIs to do your job for you should be grounds for immediate termination under just cause.
Machines have no agency and can never be held responsible for anything, thus should never be put under professional responsibility.
I can’t wait for these models to colapse onto themselves.
The Plaza Accord happened. Japan was also demonized in media and politics like China is now.
Japan still generally places more emphasis on quality over shitting out shiny new, overpriced garbage as fast as possible
japan and germans selling goods to america with no tax etc, they had no serious miltary concerns, invesment, america protects them, there is a invest sell cycle to them so they can produce more tech and goods until 80s and 90s america stops buying because it hurts their economy and japan and german passed them now they both in crisis. no major market to sell no spare money to inovation no more protection.
Doc: “No wonder this circuit failed; it says ‘Made in Japan’.”
Marty: “What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.”Because AI software isn’t ground breaking and is actually useless
The idea that Japan was ever more technologically advanced than the US is a tough argument to make. Perhaps they had better consumer and transportation technologies, but the US led the world in nearly all other forms of technology (see silicon valley, NASA, US defense technology, etc). It’s cool the hate on the US but there’s a reason it was the world super power for decades. It’s too bad it’s turning into an anti-science christo-facist kelptocracy.
The tech for silicon valley comes from Asia. You literally couldn’t build a chip factory in the US right now, the know-how doesn’t exist there anymore.
So the US is leading the world in writing code and building long tubes spewing hot gas out of one be fair it’s always been a kleptocracy. literally founded on stolen land, with stolen labor. even after emancipation it kept the stolen labor tradition alive til now with increasing intensity.
honestly youd be pretty hard pressed to find a country now that wasnt previously stolen
Sure but the scale and recency of European colonialism certainly leaves a bad taste in many people’s mouths, even the descendants of colonists.
Many are also put off by European and its new world colony’s claims of moral supremacy over those victimized by colonization, especially as it was the birthplace of nazi-ism and countless genocides.
We can all agree thar humans have been nafarious for a long time. But, many see the legacy of European colonialism and the Trans Atlantic slave trade as an atrocity at a scale never before commited in human history.
different degrees, but yeah pretty much all land has been taken by force. still is. the difference is how though.
I think it’s mostly that they did way better than the US in terms of making many consumer technology products widely available at a higher quality and better cost than the US did. Like, Japanese brands were huge for televisions, audio equipment and similar goods. I can think of several that were the go to brands for TVs when I was growing up, but I can’t think of a single US-based manufacturer, even a crappy one.
They also did way better in terms of building out internet access and public transport than the US has done.
It might only be within a few limited sectors, but when those sectors account for the vast majority of peoples’ interactions with technology, it’s going to have a far greater impact on their perceptions of relative advancement.
Also, in the pre-internet days, it probably helped that non-Japanese people largely didn’t see all the ways that Japan can be an extremely conservative country, like their reliance on fax machines long after pretty much every other country with the means to do so had almost entirely left them behind as obsolete.
RCA, Westinghouse, and Zenith used to be big American TV manufacturers. Westinghouse and zenith were the cheaper brands, but RCA used to make some high end models.
I mean, I know there had to have been some, but 2/3 of those are out of business and weren’t competitive with their Japanese rivals, while Zenith’s most recent “notable product” on Wikipedia dates from the 1970s and has been a subsidiary of a Korean company for nearly 30 years.
yahoo, billion dollar missiles!
You go back far enough and you’ll find every country did horrible things or stolelands or killed half their citizens etc.
Yes we are good at those, also, in addition to most other tech.
Eh, they seemed to have better access to new tech like phones, though most of that seems to have shifted to Korea these days.
Japan has been living in the year 2000 since 1980.
The last good year. Truly they are the most intellectually advanced society.
Except no one can get laid apparently
According to my research all of their genitals are pixelated. What did they expect?
So it’s exactly like my year 2000, too!
They have 2d waifus, who needs women?
Oh you can if you have money, just head to Soapland in Tokyo.
intellectually advanced society.
How do you even measure that?
Same thing that happens everywhere. Low cost innovation gets expensive as companies grow and salaries rise, profit seekers move to exploit cheaper labor elsewhere.
That still hasn’t happened in the US though. Hardware is produced overseas but a huge chunk of the most used software in the world is produced in the US. The chips are designed in the US, some produced here but most overseas. Does that only apply to manufacturing?
Still hasn’t happened in the US? You choose a single industry as an indicator to base a claim on the state of US industry vs vast manufacturing losses the US has faced over the last 50 years?
Whatever. If it’s Linux, Democrat, anti establishment, and anti US then it’s popular on Lemmy, got it. Lemmy feels more and more like it’s just a big group of edgy teenagers.
Economics Explained has an interesting video on the topic. After WWII, Japan became the first country in Asia to undergo an industrial revolution and soon became the second largest economy after the US and was by many accounts set to match or even overtake the US. They then suffered an economic collapse due to unchecked growth and speculative markets and decided to never again speculate on the future and just stick to tried and true methods.
Since the 1990s, Japan’s economy has barely changed while other nations have seen huge growth. You’d assume that would mean Japan is now far behind, but they aren’t. They seem to have mastered keeping everything the same for decades without the normal decline that comes with it.
I spend at least a month in Japan every year and the tech there is great for the most part. All of the critical parts infrastructure tech is brilliant and incredibly stable.
The lack of risk taking is very noticeable though especially when it comes to contemporary software and UX. There just so much broken tech because everything moves so slowly - for example to pick up a reserved train tickets you need to bring the same physical card you made you payment with and thats the only way. So if you used a virtual card or forgot your card at home you’re screwed.
After WWII, Japan became the first country in Asia to undergo an industrial revolution
After WW2? Industrialization during the 20s/30s was the whole reason they attempted to conqueror the Oceanic island states and the Chinese/Korean/Indochinese mainland.
They then suffered an economic collapse due to unchecked growth and speculative markets and decided to never again speculate on the future and just stick to tried and true methods.
The Japanese Economy was undone by The Plaza Accord and The Louvre Accord, which western nations used to devalue their currency and undermine Japanese export prices. The downturn, followed by a financialized corporate consolidation and expropriation of revenues through foreign investment, permanently crippled the Japanese economy in the aftermath of the 90s Asian recession.
What sets countries like Japan, Korea, and the Philippines apart from China is the domestic control of their industries. Their markets are dominated by private equity and fixated on steady profit margins rather than long term public investments. Consequently, the capital cities are flooded with cash and industrial development while the rural areas are devoid of commerce. There’s no shortage of speculation, but its rooted in the private equity markets and focused largely on fictitious capital - debt instruments and their derivatives - rather than real capital or technology.
Chinese investment in the periphery and its rising tide of middle class wage earners is what propels them into the 21st century. They’re the ones building out new transit lines, new public housing projects, new universities, and blue sky research. The Xi Government is openly hostile to speculative investment, doesn’t bother to bail out failing financial institutions, and focuses primarily on expansion of utilities, trade corridors, and mixed us developments.
Japan is on the verge if major economic collapse if they do not increase the population
They’ll survive it, their markets and investments aren’t overvalued like ours are. They’ll crash, re-evaluate their societal priorities, and start to build again
That’s an incredibly optimistic outlook.
hard to function with a negative outlook
I mean every society has to rebuild after a crash, I’m just optimistic that they’ll do it faster
You might want to look into the population studies on Japan. They are pretty bleak
Got a summary? I know the onus is on me, but I’m not likely to dig much further
Within 50 years the population will shrink to 70% of current levels with 40ish percent of the total population being elderly.
That’d require significant societal change to an environment where having children is actually manageable
Which is why this is a problem
Honestly, sounds great to me. I know they’ve had “issues” (is it really an issue for me if my money becomes more valuable?) with deflation, but I’d be OK with that if it meant no more speculation.
I hate inflation based economics. So ngl, japan seems really nice in that regard