Whoever took this screenshot is the user with that Discord name
That looks like screenshot from any user to me. The highlighting is the same as me taking a screenshot of a comment where I @ someone else. It also looks the same when I see someone else’s comment @ someone else.
Edit: thank you all for down voting me for admitting that I didn’t notice the difference in the background and replied thinking they might be referring to the name highlighting. Clearly I must have been disagreeing with the comment I replied to and not just trying to learn something!
The message in the OP has a yellow tint to the background along with a yellow line on the left.
Thank you!
I believe the yellow background highlight is the difference
I upvoted, but don’t worry about karma on this site. It doesn’t mean anything here, most people & apps don’t care about some form of “total karma”.
All things considered it also didn’t mean anything on Reddit, but people get a bit egotistical on there.
I don’t worry about it, just bugs me when people get downvoted for being unaware of something and admitting to it. “Here’s why I don’t understand” tends to be inferred to mean disagreement.
dont worry about downvotes, everybody will at some point be downvoted, valid reason or not. I know it feels bad, but everyone makes mistakes and it’s totally normal to be wrong sometimes ❤️
Lemmy doesn’t have karma for a reason :)PS, it might be best etiquette to
strike out your text like thisso people understand that what you were saying was incorrect (2 of the ~ symbol on either side)No, I don’t think I will.
But that’s not what it looks like to you. It’s what you remembered it looking like. If it looked like that to you, you’d have a completely different experience of discord than anyone else. I didn’t downvote or anything, but you basically said “you’re wrong”, but they were correct.
Your comment could potentially have mislead others. People downvoted so it was less likely to be seen. When you noticed the downvotes, you acted like you were getting downvoted for admitting to an oversight. Even now you’re acting like you were just trying to “learn something” and pretending like you were never actually suggesting they were incorrect. It’s ok to just say you were mistaken. You weren’t downvoted for saying you were mistaken, you were downvoted for being wrong and potentially downvoted more for then complaining about downvotes.
But that’s not what it looks like to you. It’s what you remembered it looking like. If it looked like that to you, you’d have a completely different experience of discord than anyone else. I didn’t downvote or anything, but you basically said “you’re wrong”, but they were correct.
No, I did NOT say that nor did I imply that. It is also pretty fucking arrogant of you to asssume everyone notices and remembers everything. Fuck, I even posted screen shots to show I tried to check to see what I was missing!
So you just responded for fun? You thought they were 100% accurate and you posted screenshots just to agree with them?
I did not assume everyone notices or remembers everything and even if I did how would that even relate to arrogance? I said it’s ok to be mistaken. You seem to be unable to process that. Really, good luck, because it seems like you’re going to continue to have a rough go of it.
What do we call a Discord that allows nazis in it? A Nazi Discord.
Well, now that Discord is going public, we can probably just call it Discord.
Nnnooooo god is it really? I fucking despise discord but I have a couple dipshit friend groups that refuse to shift off the platform (hard to argue w/ Xbox integration)… Jfc if that shit goes public its downhill from an already downhill slope 😭 horrendous
Considering the avatar, there’s like a non-zero chance it’s one nazi telling another.
I do feel bad for people born in the year 1488 though, their usernames look really suspicious.
Yeah, I feel bad for the Jewish rabbi, Joseph ben Ephraim Karo
JosephKaro1488 was his gamertag
(He was actually born in 1488 lol)
Ma boi Yosef, I don’t see him play anymore
These people probably feel so ashamed they can’t even look at themselves in the mirror.
Gee, I wonder if Aryansoldier1488 knows if 1488 is a dog whistle for Nazis? I’d hate for Aryansoldier to get caught up in this. It was probably a random number.
Poor guy was probably just born on 1/4/1988 and his real name is just Ayra N Soldier. People these days just call everybody a Nazi smh /s
As a radical centrist, I must find any possible reason that someone would stick an obvious dogwhistle in their name besides being a Nazi. We can’t just go assuming the blatantly obvious.
His name is really just Ryan Adams Soldier
That’s a train whistle.
It has Aryan Soldier in the name and they are worried about 1488 lol, this is a good one.
Thank you for explaining the punch line
You must be fun at parties
They might be fun at parties, you don’t know them.
Matter of fact I am. Also, I don’t know him.
I heard they give out free handjobs so they’re very very popular at parties.
That happened only once.
Everyone loved it tho
The surprising thing is that they’re not fun at parties because they attempt an epic keg stand and you end up calling an ambulance and everyone goes home early
Who let’s an ambulance shut down a kegger?
Sounds like we’re drinking in their honour now lol
What’s the 14 supposed to mean in this context?
14 years old people find the number edgy and cool
Something about 14 words from one of Hitler’s speeches or books or something. I can’t be bothered to google it. And the 88 are supposed to represent “HH”. Sucks for me because I was born in 1988 so I used that number a lot before I learned about this.
It sucks way worse for all those people born in 1488.
Because they’re dead.
Idk sometimes i feel being dead might suck less
Hello fellow 88 baby. When I was a teenager a lot of bands had 88 in the name for that reason. It’s a cool number, I hate that the nazis coopted it. Fuck nazis.
“Just warning you that GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SERVER” ban
Maybe he could switch to ASoldierNamedRyan
Don’t give them ideas.
I loved that Tom Hanks movie!
Just the number? The Aryan Soldier part is fine? Dude there’s no redeeming part of that name. It translates as IamANaziIAmANazi.
You forgot one IamANazi. Sadly, I’ve seen worse names in PC gamimg lobies.
Seriously, I didn’t see the name until after I read the comments. I got totally tricked; good job!
How courteous
That’s good looking out.
I hope he gets messaged every hour about how his name might draw the wrong crowd.
Also that he needs to take pills for a bigger penis.
ETA: And that he might be able to profit from Nigerian princes needing some money laundered through the United States.
Also he should try EA’s FIFA offerings… okay, I’m getting carried away. No one deserves that.
Shoutout to DarkViperAU (formerly DarkViper88, because of birth year)