Just a lil’ FYI: you can use a marker/pen to draw on slices of cheese before you need to toss them “somewhere” and start another piece.
I mean…ok.
that means we can storm the capital and it’s ok, right?
Oh noo, it caused mass terror throughout the country … when people saw mildly vandalised pre-shitty cars, PTSD for life.
The only moral
abortiondomestic terrorism is myabortiondomestic terrorism.“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
So what you’re saying is: the only wqy to not be a terrorist is to threaten elected officials until I get my way?
I’m off to be an upstanding citizen.
Can’t be any elected official, the waiver only applies toward a specific group.
And you have to belong to a specific group.
Pantone of racism
Fun fact: a replacement windshield for a tesla is on average 1,200 - 2,000 dollars because of their dumb as fuck design
Cyberwindshield: $1200
Cyberwindshield wiper: 3 months backorder
Making a Nazi supporter cry: priceless
I heard the horse cock of a windshield wiper is almost irreplaceable because it’s 4 feet long and in limited supply.
It’s also made significantly more expensive by the fact that it IS an actual cock from a horse.
Purebred only, on Musk’s insistence.
Hand picked by the man himself I hear
Inspired by the Bible.
You’re not technically wrong since they were just early to the party with driver assistance & Lane departure warning/avoidance systems, but since the USA made those types of systems mandatory for all cars in 2023, most vehicles 2023+ will now have a similar cost.
I don’t get it, what does that have to do with the windshield design?
The cameras that track the lines on the road and other cars are mounted to the windshield. these windshields are more expensive because the camera brackets have to be precisely aligned and the glass (in that area) must be completely free of optical distortions. Both of those things raise the price of the windshield, and increase design complexity
To mount the cameras on the windshield is a design decision, though
Yes, a design decision initiated by Tesla and a trend the entire industry followed outside of a few autonomous taxis that have the lidar units on the roof.
However, the alternative requires a separate lens cleaning system as the former just reuses the windshield wiper. So it does reduce the complexity somewhat.
Or maybe I’m missing your point entirely?
Would a small wiper to handle the lens cleaning not be more cost effective than increasing the complexity of the windshield to the point of significant cost increase?
I’m not on the production/manufacturing side so I could only speculate on the costs. The entire industry’s use of the windshield mounted cameras would suggest the costs are lower. Even at the ultra high end like Bently, where there’s plenty of profit margin to experiment with, they’re still using the windshield mounted cameras.
The other factor to consider would be that the driver can very easily know when the windshield wipers aren’t working (an therefore ignore or deactivate suggested lane departure corrections), but a tiny wiper mounted above the roof would be impossible to see while driving.
for context the windshield of a big ass semi truck costs between $65-225 or just 18% at worst or 3% at best
and they’re pretty large tooFor the cybertruck? The design of the others are mostly reasonable, I would assume every replacement part for the cybertruck is much more expensive since it’s so fucking ridiculous. I’ve never had to replace a windshield fortunately so I don’t know how much they normally cost.
‘mostly reasonable’ they integrate into the roof glass and their shape makes them 10x the price of a new windshield
I can get a replacement for a 2010 Ford for about 200$
You might have misread, nothing about the cybertruck is reasonable, the other models are mostly reasonable. $200? Good to know.
This isn’t even vandalism. Zero windshields were harmed by the paint.
great title
ohh I see it now…
Gotta be one of the biggest/fastest drops in a company’s stock value since Cutthroat Island opened in theaters.
Which is really upsetting, because that was a good movie and the SNES game was great.
Movie was fun, it just didn’t do well as far as sales go and it was expensive - so it’s considered a “box office bomb”.
SNESDrunk has entered the chat
I was recently reminded of it because of the vid, but the game always was, and is, fun.
Plutocracy: Destroy Capitol? Ok. Destroy Capital? Not on my watch!
Remember, Trump doesn’t say things that are true - or even things he thinks are true - he only says things that he thinks will benefit him to say. So yes, it benefits him to say Jan 6 wasn’t domestic terrorism, and that vandalism of his boss’ cars is domestic terrorism.
It’s always the opposite with these weirdos.
They’re clearly destabilizing the countries integrity by checks notes vandalizing cars! Property damage is obviously much worse than actual violence, so long as the property is expensive enough. /s
deleted by creator
Why did you vote him in office?
About ⅓ of eligible voters voted for someone else.
About ⅓ of eligible voters voted for him.
About ⅓ of eligible voters didn’t vote at all- either because they didn’t want to, or were unable to.
He won by the slimmest margin in decades.
So WE didn’t vote him in. A majority of voters did (by the slimmest of margins). But a lot of that can be attributed to misinformation, foreign (Russian) influence, oligarchs playing the system, and so on. There was a massive influx of campaign cash for him in specific states (from people like Musk).
Of the ⅓ who voted for someone else, the majority of them voted for Harris, and are absolutely miserable with the outcome. The bulk of the eligible American voters you meet on Lemmy probably fall into that category. When you come to them and say “why did you vote him in office?” You’re not asking the right people.
I truly believe the reason is because even amongst democrats there are still a large group of people who are racists and/or sexists.
Democracy needs to be taken seriously ffs. To bad a lot of people take it all for granted.
That is very true, unfortunately
Many of us didn’t. In fact, many people didn’t vote for anybody, and that was a major part of the problem. These people, usually single issue voters, thought they had the moral high ground by not voting between bad and worst.
Trump received the same number of votes as last election, but Harris received significantly less than Biden did last election. Harris wasn’t good enough for a lot of Democrats, and they thought not voting and letting Trump win was better than tossing their morals aside on a single issue.
That’s a shame really. Well I hope he won’t do too much damage, before he’s removed from office.